
The Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Group of the China Securities Regulatory Commission has spoken!


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Source: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory Commission website

Deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the party’s self-revolution丨Faithfully perform the duties and missions of dispatched supervision   

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection profoundly summarized the rich practical experience and important theoretical achievements of comprehensive and strict party governance in the new era, systematically expounded the important ideas of the party's self-revolution, and provided a fundamental guideline for doing a good job in discipline inspection and supervision. Among the "nine with" practice requirements emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping, "upholding the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee as the fundamental guarantee" is listed as the first, which is the highest political principle and fundamental political direction. As a dispatched agency of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, it is necessary to consciously implement this requirement in all aspects of the dispatched supervision process, perform duties and responsibilities in accelerating the construction of a financial power and taking the road of financial development with Chinese characteristics, and firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" with practical actions.

We will continue to strengthen political supervision by closely focusing on the Party Central Committee's goal of building a financial power. Political supervision is an important guarantee for realizing the Party's political line and a powerful measure to urge the whole Party to adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. We must work hard to make political supervision more specific, precise, and normalized, and make the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches, instructions, and instructions the top priority of political supervision. We must insist on following up on supervision wherever the Party Central Committee makes decisions and deployments. Through the "one matter, one special team, one month, one theme" supervision mechanism, we will keep a close eye on power and responsibility, and promptly follow up on the implementation of the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, and urge the CSRC system to effectively perform its duties of strengthening supervision, preventing risks, and promoting high-quality development.

We should closely follow the Party Central Committee's major judgment on the overall situation and tasks of the fight against corruption, and focus on eradicating the soil and conditions that breed corruption to deepen the fight against corruption. Opposing corruption is a clear political position that our Party has always adhered to, and it is a major political task that must be carried out well for a long time. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that we must never turn back, relax, or be merciful in the fight against corruption, and we must always sound the charge. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the China Securities Regulatory Commission continues to deepen the special governance of corruption in the field of securities issuance and review, and concentrates on investigating and handling a number of typical corruption cases. We must continue to maintain a high-pressure situation in case investigation and handling, continue to focus on issues such as abandoning regulatory responsibilities, endangering the advancement of major reforms, the connection between power and capital, and the interweaving of risks and corruption, and severely investigate and handle cases of violations of discipline and law by "top leaders" and members of the leadership team. We should promote reform and governance through cases in a targeted manner, urge in-depth exploration of deep-seated problems in the performance of regulatory duties, industry ecology, and institutional mechanisms, and continue to improve the strict supervision and management system and mechanism. We will promote greater comprehensive punishment for bribery in the capital market, give full play to the role of regulatory and disciplinary mechanisms, truly make bribers pay the price they deserve, and strive to purify the political and market ecology.

We will closely follow the important deployment of the Party Central Committee on deepening the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, focus on the new characteristics and new trends of the "four styles" in the CSRC system, and crack down on them. The formulation and implementation of the eight central regulations is a move by our party to establish credibility in the new era. Since the introduction of the eight central regulations, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made special arrangements at all plenary sessions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the requirements put forward have become increasingly clear and strict, which is the focus of political supervision and rectification of work style and discipline. We must deeply understand the determination and perseverance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee to grasp the work style construction to the end, and firmly adhere to the iron rules and hard bars. We must prevent the rebound and invisible mutation of hedonism and extravagance, increase the intensity of crackdowns on the integration of style and corruption, and promptly investigate and report violations and improper interactions with regulatory subjects. We must urge the strict implementation of the requirements of "living a tight life", strictly control unnecessary expenses and waste, start with the construction of work style, and send a strong signal of strictness to the end. We must resolutely correct formalism and bureaucracy, keep a close eye on the unhealthy trends and corruption problems around the masses, strengthen the construction of execution, serve the real economy well, and enhance the sense of gain of the majority of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors, in solving their demands and difficulties.

We should closely focus on the Party Central Committee's ardent expectations and clear requirements for the discipline inspection and supervision cadres, and focus on being a model of self-revolution and a benchmark for compliance with rules and disciplines to deepen our own construction. Discipline inspection and supervision organs are born because of the Party and fight for the Party. They bear the special mission and major responsibility of "two safeguards" and are an important force for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the requirements of absolute loyalty, absolute reliability, and absolute purity for discipline inspection and supervision organs at the third plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. We must deeply understand the responsibilities and positioning of discipline inspection and supervision organs in the self-revolution of the Party, further improve our understanding, improve our work style, enhance our capabilities, and use power honestly. We must earnestly study and understand the series of important instructions and instructions put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of the discipline inspection and supervision cadres, deepen the working mechanisms of integration, joint study and co-construction, and continue to promote ledger-style rectification. We must always bear in mind that struggle is the duty and confidence of performing our duties, take the lead in carrying out party discipline learning and education, and do what we ask others to do first, and strive to forge an iron army that is loyal, clean, responsible, and dares to struggle.

(Fan Dazhi, head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group at the China Securities Regulatory Commission)