
Vivien Leigh in "Gone with the Wind": Love and madness, colorful private emotions!


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Possessing a beautiful face,

The most stunning actress,

But his life was full of ups and downs and his love life was heartbreaking!

The Scarlett who will never leave, the eternal Vivien Leigh.

Her beauty astonished the world.

Let the Oscar judges

When she was awarded the award, she exclaimed:

She has such beauty,

It is not necessary to have such acting skills;

She has such acting skills.

It is not necessary to have such beauty.

She has an unparalleled beautiful face, a round and handsome jaw, clear and elegant lip lines, and especially her emerald eyes, which flash with fascinating intelligence.

She has a natural noble temperament, with a hint of sadness in her nobility.

She has a natural beauty of quietness, so quiet that it makes people love her.

She has extraordinary acting skills, like a charming cat, full of charm and grace, and can interpret every role to perfection.

I still remember Scarlett's cunning eyes in Gone with the Wind, the swan's final song in Waterloo Bridge, the lightness of singing and dancing in St. Martin's Lane, the righteous love in Mrs. Hamilton, the miserable soul of the old beauty in a Streetcar Named Desire, and the loneliness and desolation after the prosperity in Ship of Fools...

Her every smile is full of soul.....

Vivien Leigh, who was called "God's masterpiece"The woman,Her life exists for movies, and her soul rises and falls for love.

Vivien Leigh at different ages

Life exists for movies

She was born on November 5, 1913 in Darjeeling, British India.

Her mother would gaze at the Himalayas for 15 minutes every day, and she was convinced that the beauty of the mountains would be passed on to her daughter.

On the night of her birth, the light of British rockets illuminated the Indian sky, and Hartley gave birth to a daughter, Vivien Mary Hartley.

27 years later, the little girl won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Gone with the Wind", one of the greatest films of the 20th century.

Vivien Leigh in 1918

Vivien Leigh lived in India after she was born and was sent back to England when she was 6 years old.

At the age of 14, her father took her on a four-year educational journey across Europe, which was a unique form of education for children of British aristocrats.

Vivien Leigh was only 19 when she first married, to lawyer Leigh Holman, who was 13 years older than her.

After marriage, she gave up studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art to focus on her family and gave birth to her daughter Susanna 10 months later.

In 1932, 19-year-old Vivien Leigh married Leigh Holman

In 1935, Vivien Leigh played a minor role in the movie "Up and Coming" and had only one line.

Between 1937 and 1938, she appeared in several films including Dark Journey.

Still from Dark Journey (1937)

However, she remained unknown until 1939, when Vivien Leigh became fascinated by the novel "Gone with the Wind" and made up her mind to play the role of Scarlett.

At that time, popular actresses such as Paulette Goddard and Bette Davis were popular candidates, and Vivien Leigh's husband Lawrence was the favorite for the male lead.

And she insisted in an interview: "Lawrence won't play the role, but I will play Scarlett."

In order to concentrate on starring in "Gone with the Wind", Vivien Leigh turned down all other film offers.

Lawrence said that in order to play Scarlett O'Hara“She was totally obsessed.”

At the age of 26, she finally starred in "Gone with the Wind", and her beauty began to be discovered by the world. The close-ups in the movie announced that God had brought another angel to the world.

Those soul-stirringly beautiful eyes are filled with sweetness, and there is a hint of panic and defensive neurosis in their willfulness.

She vividly portrayed Scarlett O'Hara, a selfish, cold, aloof, dignified, gentle, and charming manor girl.

That never-give-up, slightly upturned mouth with a hint of smile, cunning eyes, a pair of green eyes like a Siamese cat...

How many people did she make remember that strong"tomorrow is a new day!"

She won the Academy Award for Best Actress for this film "Gone with the Wind".She is also the first British actress to receive this honor.

The judges' appraisal at the time was:"Why would you need such acting skills when you have such beauty? Why would you need such beauty when you have such acting skills?"

In 1940, she starred in "Waterloo Bridge", and her role as Mara showed a completely different personality:

A tragic woman whose innocence has been destroyed by fate and her own character, making her unable to face herself.

Vivien Leigh perfectly portrayed Marat's pre-war innocence

The fragility and haggardness after becoming a prostitute

This transformation once again perfectly demonstrated her incredible acting skills.

This woman, who combines talent and beauty throughout her life, has integrated her breathtaking acting skills into her passionate soul.

In the 1947 film "Anna Karenina", Vivien Leigh entered Anna's moral and spiritual world. Anna's final emotional breakdown made Vivien Leigh feel depressed.

Still from Anna Karenina (1948)

"A Streetcar Named Desire" in 1951 is another masterpiece of Vivien Leigh. Blanche, a crazy woman whose youth and beauty have faded, is known as the most complex character on the screen.

She blends in perfectly with the character of Blanche in the film, creating another memorable character after Scarlett.

"A Streetcar Named Desire" is a classic in American film history, and it made her win the Oscar for Best Actress again.

She achieved unprecedented success in art, but it also came at a high price. She went too deep into the role in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and eventually suffered from schizophrenia.

It is said that after the filming of the movie was completed, he was sent directly to a mental hospital for treatment.

Vivien Leigh herself said: "Playing this role drives me crazy."

Her physical condition did not improve much, but she never stopped filming.

In 1965, at the age of 51, she was still acting, playing the leading role in the movie "Ship of Fools".

In the film, she plays a fading beauty from the American South.

At that time, due to Vivien Leigh's unstable physical and mental state, she had many requests.

Director Stanley Kramer originally wanted to refuse, but when he learned the details of Vivien Leigh's problems, his respect for her deepened.

Upon its release, the film was a box office success and received excellent reviews.

Stills from Ship of Fools, 1965

She once said:I’m not a movie star; I’m an actor.

Being a movie star, just a movie star, what a fake life it is, lived for fake values ​​and publicity.

An actor's life can last a long time and he or she can always play incredible roles.

Beautiful women rarely become great actors because they don't have to.

Vivien Leigh was different. She was ambitious and determined. She was even willing to sacrifice her health for acting. God gave her stunning beauty, but she insisted on becoming a great actress.

The soul rises and falls in love

In 1937, Vivien Leigh first met Laurence Olivier. At that time, Laurence was already a young, handsome and talented star, and a hero in Vivien Leigh's heart.

Vivien Leigh was also a little famous, and Lawrence had a good impression of her.

The film "The English Gone Wild" started filming, and Vivien Leigh was invited to play one of the important roles.

This was not her favorite movie, but when she heard that the male lead was Lawrence, she agreed to play the role immediately.

Vivien Leigh was very happy to meet Lawrence.

The two developed feelings for each other during the filming process.

As they each have their own families, they are forced to choose to be patient, but they still miss each other madly.

A performance of Hamlet brought them together again.

On stage, Hamlet spoke softly to Ophelia:

You can doubt that the stars in the sky are no longer shining, you can doubt that the sun no longer moves, you can doubt that the truth is a lie, but please, never doubt my love for you.

After starring in "Gone with the Wind" and winning the Oscar for Best Actress, the two ended their marriages and finally got together.

After marriage, Vivien Leigh suffered from schizophrenia due to work, and Lawrence could not bear her unconscious harm to him, so he abandoned her and divorced her.

Afterwards, an actor named Jack came into Vivien Leigh's life, stayed with her and took good care of her. Even so, Vivien Leigh was always thinking about her ex-husband and could not forget him.

For Vivien Leigh, her love for Lawrence was as strong as wine, and as deeply addictive as poppy, snatching away the laughter and tears of her life, and blooming with painful poetry.

The original novel of "Gone with the Wind", "Gone with the Wind", describes Scarlett's appearance just like Vivien Leigh.

Her light green eyes were so pure without a trace of brown, and paired with black eyelashes and upturned eye corners, they looked very charming.

Above her were two thick, jet-black eyebrows that slanted diagonally, drawing a very clear diagonal line on her magnolia-like white skin. Such fair skin was extremely precious for southern women.

In her face were two features, one delicate, her mother's, a Coast aristocrat of French descent;

One was her father's rough, tawdry Irishness.

But Vivien Leigh's character lacks Scarlett O'Hara's toughness and arrogance.

She suffered from tuberculosis, suffered several miscarriages that brought her to the brink of collapse, and her mental illness made her different from ordinary people. Her love with Oliver was not blessed by everyone, and she only lived to be 54 years old.

On July 8, 1967, the legendary beauty Vivien Leigh passed away alone in her apartment.

On the evening of the 8th, all theaters in London turned off their stage footlights for one minute, and actors and audiences observed a moment of silence for the death of this movie star.

In 1999, she was selected by the American Film Institute as the 16th greatest actress of the century.

Although her beauty has faded, her fame and beauty are as dazzling as the Himalayas, just as her mother expected, shining across the globe and continuing to this day.

Vivien Leigh said that if there is an afterlife, she will still do only two things:One was "Become an Actor" and the other was "Marry Oliver."

This passionate and beautiful girl has been pursuing art and true love throughout her life.

Born for drama and crazy about drama, Vivien Leigh burned her short but brilliant life for art and love like a moth to a flame.

【International Art Panorama】

Vivien Leigh in "Gone with the Wind": Love and madness, colorful private emotions!

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