
After paying the deposit, the BMW i3 of 170,000 yuan was not sold. The owner asked the 4S store to double the deposit.


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According to Fast Technology on July 17, recently, "BMWThe topic of "Automobiles withdrawing from China's price war" has attracted the attention and heated discussion of netizens.

It is reported that BMW 4S stores in many parts of China have begun to adjust prices.A BMW sales representative also said that all previous quotations were invalid and prices would increase gradually this week.

Some netizens broke the news that she placed an order for a BMW on the 18th of last month.BMW i3model, but the BMW 4S store now refuses to sell it to him.

The details of the complaint submitted by netizens to the local market supervision and administration bureau show that:She signed a vehicle sales contract with the 4S store on June 15, purchasing a BMW i3 35L model with a bare car price of 175,500 yuan, and paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

But in July, the 4S store clearly stated that it could not deliver the vehicle due to the price adjustment, which the car owner could not accept.

The car owner believes that the 4S store's behavior has seriously violated her legal rights and interests. According to relevant legal provisions, the 4S store involved failed to fulfill its contractual obligations.She demanded that the 4S shop pay double the deposit for unilateral breach of contract.

In fact, the experience of this car owner is not an isolated case. A blogger revealed that after BMW increased its prices this week, many car owners have taken action online to defend their rights. Their orders were placed before BMW announced the price increase, but now they cannot pick up their cars at all.

Many customers are ready to file complaints with 12315, and if the problem cannot be resolved, they will continue to sue the 4S stores.