
Regardless of whether you have money or not, try not to put these 4 types of items next to the TV. Unfortunately, many families don't take it seriously.


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Try not to put these 4 items next to the TV, otherwise it will be too late to regret!

Many people put various decorations and ornaments next to the TV for decoration, but no matter how you put them, try not to put these things! I'm not trying to scare you, it's the experience summed up by the older generation!

1. Magnetic objects

Many people do not pay attention and place magnetic objects next to the TV, such as magnets, speakers, and magnetic stickers, etc. These will only interfere with the TV.

If the magnetism is too strong, it may even cause ripples on the TV, which is very bad for the TV. It is recommended to place it in another place.

2. Fish Tank

Fish tanks are also a decoration that many people like to put in their living rooms. The free little fish can make us feel a little relaxed when we are physically and mentally exhausted, but the location of the fish tank is a problem. Some people may think that their home is small, so they did not choose a large fish tank, but bought a small fish tank and placed it in a certain location, most of the time it is placed next to the TV.

But what I want to say is that it is best not to put a fish tank next to the TV, because there is a lot of water in the fish tank, and if the water is accidentally splashed onto the TV, it can easily cause damage to it. At the same time, the area around the fish tank is relatively humid, which is not good for the TV.

It is easy for the components in the TV to get damp, causing malfunctions or something, so it is not recommended to place the bathtub next to the TV.

3. Electric Kettle

There are basically a lot of wires and socket strips around the TV. After all, routers, optical modems, etc. all need electricity, but one socket in the wall is not enough, so the existence of a socket strip is very necessary!

At the same time, there are people who want to save trouble and place the kettle next to the TV. After all, there is a socket strip and it is close to the coffee table, which makes it convenient to drink water. But this undoubtedly causes us some trouble!

When the kettle is heated, it will boil and some water will splash out. If it falls onto the socket strip, it will cause a short circuit or something, and a fire will be even more dangerous!

4. Potted plants

Televisions are notorious for emitting radiation, so some people put some green plants next to the TV in the hope of reducing the emission of radiation. Although this idea is good, one thing to note is that not all green plants are suitable for being placed next to the TV, such as cacti, azaleas, etc.

After all, they have thorns. In the eyes of the older generation, it is unlucky to put such plants in the living room, and it may also cause harm to family members. Therefore, try not to put them in the living room, let alone next to the TV.

In general, the above items are indeed not suitable to be placed next to the TV. Check if there are any such items placed in your home. If so, change them.