
Musk angrily criticized California Governor for announcing that SpaceX headquarters would move


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Cailianshe News, July 17 (Editor: Shi Zhengcheng)On Tuesday local time, the world's richest man Musk lost his temper again on his own social media.

Tesla's CEO angrily blasted California Governor Gavin Newsom, calling the bill he signed this week "the last straw that broke the camel's back," adding that, together with previous legislation,He decided to move the headquarters of SpaceX from Hawthorne, California, to SpaceX Starbase in the same time,Social media company X will also move its headquarters to Austin, Texas

Musk announced that SpaceX and X headquarters will all move away Source: X

If Musk moved Tesla's legal registration from Delaware to Texas this year, it was related to the Delaware court's previous ruling that his "sky-high salary package" was invalid. Musk had already moved Tesla's corporate headquarters from California to Texas in 2021, and the core reason was that Texas has no personal income tax. This time, the relocation of SpaceX and X headquarters was entirely his protest against Newsom.

What has Musk so angry is a very American problem.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed state-level legislation this week.Prohibits the state’s school districts from establishing rules requiring staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to a parent without the student’s consentAlthough this issue is very unfamiliar to China's "melon-eating masses", it is indeed a hotly debated topic in American society.

For example, legislatures in many states are promoting policies such as "prohibiting medical institutions from providing hormone-changing medical treatments or sex reassignment surgeries to children," "prohibiting transgender athletes from participating in women's competitions," and requiring schools to disclose to parents that their children's "gender identity has changed." It is not difficult to find that those who promote these policies are Republicans, while those who oppose these policies are Democrats, such as Newsom.

Musk also revealed on social media:He told Newsom last year that this type of law would force families and businesses to move out of California just to protect their children.

He also complained about Company X's headquarters in San Francisco, sayingTired of “having to dodge violent drug addict gangs just to get in and out of the building.”

Musk's family story

Musk's sensitivity to California's transgender law is somewhat related to his own story.

According to past reports from local media in the United States, in 2022, Xavier Alexander Musk, the son of Musk and his first wife Jenna, submitted an application to the court, announcing that he would change his gender to female, and changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson, emphasizing that he "does not want to have any contact with his biological father in any way."

According to Musk's biography, Musk did not have much objection or dissatisfaction with the fact that his son became a daughter, but he felt very painful about the values ​​expressed by Xavier/Vivian, and said that the elite school had "brainwashed" his children.

Further reading

Musk was accused of taking drugs with the ex-wife of Google founder and the two were suspected of having had a relationship

The world's richest man and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has never been short of scandals.

In 2022, it was reported that Musk interfered in the marriage of his friend and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, leading to Brin's divorce from his wife Nicole Shanahan. Recently, the New York Times released more explosive information, reporting more details about the relationship between Musk and Shanahan.

Pictured: Nicole Shanahan and Musk

According to the New York Times, in the fall of 2021, Shanahan hosted a birthday party at a club in New York, where Musk attended as a guest of honor. A few months later, Shanahan met the tech tycoon at a private party in Miami hosted by Musk's brother.

At the lavish party related to the Basel Art Fair, the two were seen interacting intimately and may have even taken party drugs such as ketamine together.

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, ketamine is a "dissociative anesthetic" that can produce some hallucinogenic effects.Ketamine can be legally prescribed under federal law, and recent studies have shown it can be used to treat depression, but it is also a popular party drug.

Musk recently defended his recreational drug use as Tesla and SpaceX executives grew concerned about his use of recreational drugs., who said he regularly takes ketamine to treat physiological lows that cause depression-like symptoms, said he has never failed a drug test. He said: "Wall Street is most concerned about execution, the company's performance and operating conditions. The ketamine I take can relieve emotional lows, which helps maintain my work efficiency and execution. Therefore, from an investor's perspective, I should continue to use this drug."

Back to the point, shortly after Musk and Shanahan had close interactions, Google co-founder Brin separated from his wife and filed for divorce the following year, citing "irreconcilable differences." The timing is hard not to give rise to speculation.In addition, according to sources, Shanahan later told her then-husband Brin that she had had sex with Musk.

In fact, Musk, who has nine children, two ex-wives and many girlfriends, has always been known for his romantic private life, but this scandal still shocked the public because Musk and Sergey Brin have been friends for many years.

Musk and Sergey Brin have been friends for many years

During the 2008 financial crisis, Brin generously invested $500,000 in Musk's Tesla to help it overcome the difficulties; in 2015, Musk gave Brin one of Tesla's first all-electric SUVs as a testimony of friendship.

Other people familiar with the matter said that Musk once knelt down on one knee to ask for forgiveness from Brin, and Brin accepted his apology but was still unwilling to repair his relationship with Musk. Later, Brin gradually sold out the stocks of Musk's industries that he held.

In 2022,The Wall Street Journal first published the report, which said Musk and Shanahan had an affair that led to the Brins' divorce. Both parties have denied the allegations.At the time, Musk sent out several tweets saying "this is complete bullshit". He also said that "I have only met Nicole twice in three years, and both times there were many people around. Not romantic at all". He even went so far as to reveal that he "hasn't had sex for a long time (sigh)"......

The picture shows Musk's tweet

However, considering that a former SpaceX flight attendant had previously accused Musk of sexually harassing her and exposing his private parts to her, Musk immediately denied it, but later SpaceX paid the flight attendant $250,000 to keep her quiet. Whether the two had a romance seems to be a mystery.

The Wall Street Journal declined to reveal the identity of the anonymous source, but said, "We are very confident in the reliability of this source and we will not correct this report."

It is worth mentioning that Nicole Shanahan is currently the vice presidential running mate of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the US presidential election, it is generally believed that she brought vitality and considerable funds to Robert Kennedy Jr.'s campaign, which had little chance of winning. And in May 2023, Shanahan has started his third marriage.

Shanahan is running for independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. as his vice presidential running mate

On March 26, Robert Kennedy Jr. announced Shanahan as his vice presidential pick, and the two embraced on stage.

Shanahan's childhood was not rich. Her mother is a Chinese immigrant and her father is an American of Irish and German descent. She grew up in poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area and lived on food stamps. When she was 9 years old, her father was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia, so her "parents did not work for most of her childhood" and "the house was full of chaos and fear."

Shanahan at age 12

Shanahan's hardworking character has helped her reach new heights in life. After passing the bar exam, she opened a very successful law firm in California, focusing on criminal and marriage law. After her career was successful, she was successfully selected for the CodeX program at Stanford Law School, where she first met Brin.

In 2015, Shanahan and Brin fell in love at first sight at a yoga class on the Stanford University campus. In 2018, the two got married in a low-key manner. In order to have the "fruit of love", the two tried more than 30 in vitro fertilizations before they finally conceived a daughter. However, according to Shanahan, his daughter has a tendency to autism.In order to cure her daughter, she devoted a lot of time to research on autism and also invested a lot of money to support related research projects in universities.

Shanahan vacations in Hawaii with Brin, Echo and Brin's other children in April 2021

Shanahan has also long donated to Democratic candidates, including giving the maximum amount allowed by law to Robert Kennedy Jr. when he was still seeking the Democratic nomination.This year, she donated $4 million to Kennedy's campaign committee for a 30-second Super Bowl ad.

Kennedy said that his priority in finding a vice presidential candidate was "someone who can represent young people," and Shanahan shared his concerns about government overreach and his distrust of the ability of major political parties to make lasting changes. He said Shanahan, like him, "had left the Democratic Party." In addition, Shanahan's ancestry also played a role in his choice of her.

Shanahan once said in an interview that he would devote his life's work to social justice, climate solutions and a thoughtful and loving democracy.

Shanahan waves to supporters at a campaign event

Some scholars believe that this will be a good political investment for the young Shanahan. "He will be the running mate of a third-party candidate when he first enters politics, and with the famous name of 'Kennedy', it will be a good start for Shanahan to participate in politics in the future, regardless of success or failure."