
20 very creative visual art works


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Helga Stentzel

Helga Stanzel

Russian Artists

— ArtYouhua—

Helga StanzelHelga Stentzel is a talented Russian visual artist currently based in London. She is known for her unique artistic style and creativity, transforming everyday objects and food into works of art full of fun and humor.

Stentzel's work has been dubbed "Household Surrealism," and she creates her work with a sense of individuality by posing objects in specific shapes and poses, then photographing them, sometimes adding hand-drawn illustrations or pairing them with other objects.

Her works are not limited to food, but also include clothes, kitchen utensils, books, etc. She is able to turn these everyday objects into spoof scenes and show their hidden personalities. For example, she once made a puppy with a head of lettuce and a cow with clothes and clotheslines. These works are full of creativity and imagination.

Stentzel’s inspiration comes from everyday life and her long-term observation. She likes to observe an object for a long time and carries a notebook with her to record her thoughts. Her artistic philosophy is to "find magic in the ordinary and see beauty in imperfections", and she hopes that through her art, she can help people connect with their inner child and rediscover the joy of small visuals in life.

Her artworks have also received great attention and love on social media. For example, the "vegetable dog" she made with lettuce has received tens of thousands of likes on Instagram. In addition, she has created many DIY works based on food, such as anthropomorphizing pecans, bell peppers, apples and other ingredients to create a series of cute and adorable images. These works not only show her creativity, but also bring people a relaxed and happy psychological feeling.

Helga Stentzel's artwork reflects her deep insight into everyday life and her boundless imagination. Her works encourage people to observe and experience life with a creative eye, to discover and create beauty.

source:Oil Painting World (ID: ArtYouhua), please indicate the source when reprinting.

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