
Looking for ESG companions, "36 Carbon Roundtable" recruits guests and professional audiences


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Text | 36 Carbon Editorial Department

In 2024,ESG has gradually evolved from an "optional question" to a "must-answer question".

On May 1, the sustainable development reporting guidelines issued by the three major stock exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing were officially implemented. Listed companies are required to disclose ESG reports in accordance with the regulations, marking the entry of ESG into the era of mandatory disclosure.

Since the United Nations Environment Programme proposed the concept in 2004, the ESG concept has gone through 20 years, from being a "burden and cost" to gradually becoming a factor affecting corporate growth. As we wrote in our in-depth article "The era of frowning and scolding ESG as a money-loser is over" in April this year:The ESG issue facing the industry is no longer a question of doing or not doing, but how to do it well.

How can we do it well? 36Carbon communicates with a large number of ESG industry professionals every week. We find that the information asymmetry in the ESG field is horribly serious: the advanced ones have been able to reshape the business model with the idea of ​​ESG; while beginners may even ask, "What is ESG?"

Not to mention, the discussion of many important issues has just begun. For example, how to extend the localization of ESG? For example, how to integrate ESG into business? For example, what is the most suitable organizational form for ESG implementation?

There are so many problems that need more people to solve them together.

In this context, we want to launch the "36 Carbon Roundtable" series of salons. As one of the earliest vertical media focusing on ESG in China,We are well aware that only those who are truly taking action can tell the most authentic, vivid and profound ESG stories.The "36 Carbon Roundtable" hopes to gather these "top students" and allow more ESG peers to find people to solve problems together through the most simple offline sharing, communication, and community activities.

If you are a business leader, entrepreneur, government or industry expert in the field of dual carbon and ESG, we sincerely invite you to participate in our "36 Carbon Roundtable" series of events as a guest and make your voice heard;

If you are a front-line practitioner, beginner, or spectator who is concerned about the dual carbon and ESG fields, we also welcome you to participate in the "36 Carbon Roundtable" as a professional audience to exchange views and share ideas with everyone.

Looking forward to meeting you at the "36 Carbon Round Table".

36Carbon Assistant WeChat

To ensure that you can successfully participate in the "36 Carbon Round Table" series of activities, please follow the steps below:

  • Scan the QR code above to add the assistant WeChat, note:36 Carbon Roundtable guest registration/audience registration.
  • Send private message to assistant: company + position + name.
  • We will review your information and invite you to join the "36 Carbon Round Table" exclusive community.
  • Event information, discussion topics and participation guidelines will be released regularly within the community to ensure you don't miss any exciting content.

Readers who have added the assistant on WeChat can send a private message to the assistant to express your wish to join the "36 Carbon Round Table" community. We look forward to your joining!

Event Details:

The "36 Carbon Round Table" series of salons is committed to providing a professional and efficient communication platform. The activities will include but are not limited to the following forms:

  • Keynote Speech: We will invite ESG business leaders of listed companies, outstanding supply chain representatives, investors, government and industry experts, etc. to share the real details they have touched in ESG practice.
  • Roundtable discussion: We will focus on the latest trends and hottest topics in the ESG field. Discussions will include key topics such as ESG information disclosure, the rise of new consumption concepts, sustainable development strategies for the entire industry chain, and the localization of ESG capital.
  • Interactive Q&A: We also set up interactive sessions for participants to provide ample time to ensure communication and questions.

All activities are free to participate, but in order to ensure the quality and depth of communication,We will strictly limit the number of participants and conduct identity verification.

Upcoming Events:

In the first issue, we will invite ESG business managers from leading consumer companies such as SHEIN and Budweiser.

With the theme of "From source to shelf: How to build a sustainable ecosystem?", let's talk about how consumer brands can enhance their own competitiveness while driving the sustainable development of the entire industry chain.