
Yu Chengdong talks about selling brands: Real estate developers mess around and we suffer


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Chedongxi (Official Account: chedongxi)
Author: Er Yan R
Editor: Zhihao

Why sell the Wenjie trademark? How is the cooperation project with JAC going? Yu Chengdong responded to everything in Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room.

According to a report from Autothings on July 15, just now, Yu Chengdong, Huawei's executive director, chairman of the Terminal BG, and chairman of the Intelligent Automotive Solutions BU, responded to the real information of the fourth world of Hongmeng Zhixing, the reasons for the transfer of trademarks such as "Wenjie", and the controversy over active safety in a live broadcast jointly hosted by Douyin and "Walking with Brilliance". He also personally admitted that Zhijie was not selling well.

First, Yu Chengdong responded to the controversy over the transfer of the Wenjie brand.

He said:The "Wenjie" brand has now been sold to Seres at a very low price, because national regulations require that the brand owner and the manufacturer must be one, and the brand must be owned by the manufacturer, so we transferred all four "jie" to the car manufacturer.。”

Here, Yu Chengdong also revealed:The main reason is that real estate developers entered the industry and messed around, and national regulations were introduced to restrict them, which ended up restricting us from messing around.

Yu Chengdong also said,Huawei has invested a lot in the industry, and this brand is worth at least hundreds of billions of yuan."Even the name AITO has been transferred. It is very difficult to register a four-letter brand starting with AI globally. It is a very good name."

Yu Chengdong also said:Huawei spent a lot of money to make it, but sold it to car manufacturers at a very low price, and the car manufacturers made a lot of money。”

However, here, Mr. Yu also mentioned a wave of value. He said that if you want to make an industry good, you must benefit others, insist on customer orientation, be customer-centric, and create value for customers.

It is worth noting that Yu Chengdong let it slip that the fourth realm of Hongmeng Zhixing is the "Zun Realm", not the Ao Realm as previously rumored.

▲Huawei's "Four Realms"

Yu Chengdong said that the "fourth realm" will be benchmarkedMaybachparameterpicture), Rolls-Royce and other super luxury brand models are positioned as ultra-high-end and priced at millions of yuan.

It is reported that this car is a model jointly developed by Huawei and JAC. There are three large models under development, covering three major categories: sedans, SUVs and MPVs. The first car is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2024.

In addition, Yu Chengdong also admitted that the Zhijie S7 did not sell well. He said that this car is the best car for young people, but Huawei's marketing capabilities still have a very large gap and the brand has not been established.

▲ Zhijie S7

When talking about Huawei's intelligent driving, Yu Chengdong proudly said:"Many people slander us and mess with us, but we still live up to those four words."

Yu Chengdong also explained the previous debate on active safety, saying that he had missed two words at the time:Huawei was the first in the industry to propose "omnidirectional" active safety.

After Yu Chengdong's 100-minute live broadcast,The number of likes on the spot reached 130 million

Although the most direct purpose of Yu Chengdong's live broadcast this time was to promote his own products and work with Dong Yuhui to promote the products, Yu Chengdong also used this live broadcast to reveal a lot of important information, and even gave the audience in front of the camera a lesson in emotional intelligence and management.

1. Richard Yu, who has been at Huawei for 31 years, said that innovation must run faster than competitors

15 minutes before the live broadcast, Yu Chengdong and Dong Yuhui shared their thoughts through a walk and interview at Huawei's Songshan Lake.

▲Yu Chengdong and Dong Yuhui at the Songshan Lake Base

Afterwards, Richard Yu and Tony Dong sat in front of the camera and talked about their 31 years of experience at Huawei, and gave advice to today's young people. Chedongxi sorted out the interesting details.

Yu Chengdong said that he has worked at Huawei for 31 years. Except for some time on weekends, which he can arrange freely, he eats three meals a day at the company.

▲Yu Chengdong's self-narration in the live broadcast

Regarding technological change, Yu Chengdong said that technology iteration is too fast now. If it is a little slower, it will be eliminated. Technological innovation must be faster than the competition. Many theories come from the improvement of capabilities. We must strengthen the accumulation of technical research capabilities, accumulate strength in competition, solve breakthrough problems, and lead the world in innovation.

Yu Chengdong also revealed an interesting detail. He said that in the early years, Ren Zhengfei proposed that the research of Russian mathematicians was of great value, and Yu Chengdong immediately went to recruit people. In the subsequent research and development process, Yu Chengdong also found that the mathematicians made important contributions.

In this regard, Dong Yuhui used 16 words to summarize Huawei's attitude towards technology, namely Huawei's determination, Huawei's investment, multi-national R&D, and multi-national strength.

▲ Dong Yuhui summarized it in 16 words

Yu Chengdong also said that many technologies that had no use cases a few years ago have now become hot topics. From inventing a technology to large-scale commercial use, the staff must put in a lot of effort.

Yu Chengdong also said that we should pursue our original intentions and move forward with determination. In this process, the most important consideration is to make people's lives more convenient and better, and their work more efficient.

Yu Chengdong also used himself as an example, "When digital cameras first appeared in the world, I was the first to buy a digital camera, bought a lot of telephoto lenses, and started researching."

Yu Chengdong further introduced that after Huawei launched the P9, it became the world's first company to make dual-camera mobile phones. The P10 realized portrait photography, and from the P20 onwards, it became the world's king of low-light photography. The P30 realized the industry's first periscope telephoto lens and was the first to achieve 5x optical zoom.

When it comes to technology, Yu Chengdong's eloquent speech also aroused Dong Yuhui's curiosity.

In response to this, Yu Chengdong said that he is a science and engineering man who has been involved in many decision-making processes for a long time. He will listen to the reports of the design team, choose the best solution, and achieve the best balance.

Yu Chengdong said, "It is sometimes quite challenging. Whether you are a technical expert or a manager, you need to have a deep insight. Making products is like fighting a war. You are afraid that the plan will go wrong. It is a test of your understanding and judgment of the industry."

Yu Chengdong also introduced his views on the development of Huawei's terminal business. He said that each industry has its own characteristics and each track has its own requirements. We should learn according to the rules of the industry and think about the experience from the user's perspective.

Yu Chengdong said: "For To C brands, brand culture recognition is very important. It must be good from the user's perspective. When I first took over the smart terminal business, the failure rate was an order of magnitude higher than that of the best companies in the United States. Now it is an order of magnitude lower than theirs."

In terms of the automotive business, Yu Chengdong also introduced that at presentQJM7It has achieved the top sales volume in the Chinese market for models with a price of over 300,000 yuan.QJM9It achieved the first place in sales of models with a price of over 500,000 yuan, surpassing BBA.

▲Wenjie M7

2. Yu Chengdong said that if you study three majors in college, you will become stronger the more you learn.

In addition to introducing information about products and companies, during the longer live broadcast, Yu Chengdong shared his views on work and gave some advice to confused young people.

▲Yu Chengdong and Dong Yuhui talked during the live broadcast

Yu Chengdong said that everyone is confused at the beginning, but if you put in your passion, you can do it well, maintain a positive attitude, and keep investing. If you combine your hobbies with your work, you will get better and better.

Yu Chengdong also mentioned that we should attach importance to self-criticism. Yu Chengdong said: "The CEO of Chinasoft usually sends me a lot of messages, but I don't reply. If I find any problem with the product, I will deal with it as soon as possible, even if it is one o'clock in the night. I will solve a class of problems when I find a problem. Only by seeing problems can we make progress. Never think that you are awesome.

Yu Chengdong also said that although the outside world thinks that his style is awesome, he must regard himself as an ordinary person, listen to the opinions of society, and keep a low center of gravity in order to do things.

Yu Chengdong also said that young people around 20 years old should maintain an optimistic attitude, work hard in any field, not be discouraged, create value for society, and realize their own life value.

He said: "I have also experienced many lows and difficulties in my life. I hope you can get a good night's sleep and go out for a run. Everyone will encounter very bad times in life, and after experiencing some setbacks, you will be resilient. The biggest difference between an excellent person and an ordinary person is self-control and discipline."

Yu Chengdong also shared the secret of leading a team. The degree of effort you pursue determines the strength of the team. To exceed this goal, you need passion and drive to perform above your level.

Yu Chengdong said: "Huawei's terminal team is the most difficult team in the five years since the US sanctions. As the global 5G leader, our team has had a very difficult time in the past three or four years, but this can make our team more tenacious. What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger. Difficulties are the whetstone of strong will."

Yu Chengdong also said that life is a long-distance race of several decades, and the height of ambition and the degree of effort determine the success of life. "I studied three majors in college, and people's abilities become stronger the more they learn."

Yu Chengdong also advised young people to be able to endure loneliness, and no matter how big the setbacks are, they should work hard to stand out in the end, and never be discouraged.

We must dare to break through, have the spirit of pioneering and innovation, and dare to be the first in the world.

Yu Chengdong also further summarized his 31 years at Huawei. He said that he has been on the road, constantly moving forward and developing, and there will always be greater challenges and greater difficulties. You must always have a sense of crisis and keep moving forward to avoid being eliminated by the times. Many giants have disappeared. In the technology industry, you must keep up with the pace to avoid being eliminated by the times. Only by surpassing yourself and your peers can you bring greater value to yourself and the industry.

At the end, Yu Chengdong thanked Dong Yuhui and said that everyone buying Huawei phones has driven the rise of China's battery industry. Huawei's mobile phone components come from Chinese industrial manufacturers, and using Huawei's products is also contributing to the rise of the electronics industry. Huawei has led many Chinese industries to achieve independent control.