
This sci-fi masterpiece from 38 years ago was so bold!


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Recently, Tong Dawei + Ma Yili's new suspense drama "Misplacement" has been a hit.

Junjun accidentally discovered a sci-fi masterpiece with the same name.


Douban: 8.1

Recommended reasons:A surreal Chinese sci-fi masterpiece




It is no exaggeration to say that this 1986 film may be one of the best science fiction films in China.

The Douban score is 8.1, which is rare among domestic science fiction films.

The story now seems relatively simple:

Engineer Zhao Shuxin is devoted to scientific research, and his artificial intelligence patent has even attracted the envy of Americans.

But after being promoted to director, he had to deal with various meetings tirelessly. In order to concentrate on scientific research, he built a robot to attend meetings on his behalf.

But over time, the robot began to enjoy the meeting days and even wanted to become a real person.

In order to gain more autonomy, robots have learned to lie and have also learned human emotions.

He even dated the original's girlfriend without telling her and interfered with her love life!

After Zhao Shuxin discovered this anomaly, the robots actually launched a rebellion...

Even now, this movie is still considered very trendy, not to mention its content.

The film gives a brief list of the meetings that Director Zhao Shuxin needs to hold.

A routine office meeting is held at 10 o'clock, a financial meeting is held at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a supply and marketing meeting is held at 3 o'clock, the minutes of the publicity work meeting are conveyed at 4 o'clock, and a meeting with directors is held before leaving get off work...

This does not include the meetings that must be held during the work research process.

What’s even more ironic is that a director who is an engineer has to attend meetings every day such as “Health Issues Implementation Meeting”, “Insurance Company Meeting” and “Women’s Federation Meeting”.

Because if the meeting is only held for one day, the venue fee will not be reimbursed, and the meal expenses will not be reimbursed.

Therefore, the one-day meeting "necessarily" needs to be extended to three days!

This was 32 years ago, what about now?

Morning meetings, evening meetings, monthly meetings, annual meetings, and get-togethers...

Were you infected?

This is only the shallowest layer of irony in the film. The deeper layer is the human nature.

As the robot attended more and more meetings, it began to like meetings and showed more proficient social skills than the original body.

He is good at smoking, drinking, and partying. He also learns about love by watching romantic movies and reading romance novels. He even invites the male protagonist's girlfriend, who has been neglected for a long time, out for dinner and drinks!

He even openly told the protagonist: I like attending meetings. When I speak on the stage, the people below must applaud even if they are unhappy. I just enjoy this feeling!

One is a straight scientific man who is obsessed with scientific research, dull and uninteresting; the other is a social prince with high emotional intelligence and good at chatting. Which one is more like a real ordinary person?

It’s terrifying when you think about it.


Of course, there is also the film’s reflections on artificial intelligence.

The protagonist Zhao Shuxin's original purpose in creating the robot was simple: he didn't want to attend meetings.

He knew very well that even though he held a high position as director, he could not do whatever he wanted, because only after he had done the things he did not want to do would he have the opportunity to do the things he wanted to do.

This is the sadness of being human.

So he confidently made a request to the robot: I did not create you to let you express your opinions, but to make you obey my will, otherwise, I would rather destroy you.

But what about from a robot’s perspective?

It likes meetings, likes humans, and likes love. Except for the difference in its body structure, it has almost the same emotions as humans.

When artificial intelligence possesses human emotions, will it replace humans?

This was the director's thoughts on artificial intelligence 32 years ago.

At the end of the film, the male protagonist wakes up in the middle of the night. In his dream, there is a big desert. At the end of the desert is a paradise. There is sunshine, books and TV, which are very pleasant. And the person standing in front of the TV is me!

He said to the male protagonist:Misfortune is the root of fortune, and fortune is the root of misfortune. The right turns into strangeness, and the good turns into evil. People are confused for a long time.

The director combines the most "traditional" Confucius with the "sci-fi" artificial intelligence, pointing out the two sides of artificial intelligence.

This is the most "Chinese" science fiction film.

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