
Tea lovers must have nine precious luxuries.


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People who drink tea regularly must have nine precious luxuries that are priceless and even harder for others to have.


Health itself is a kind of wealth. Drinking tea is investing in your own health, and it is the lowest cost investment.

After developing the good habit of drinking tea, your body will be healthier.


The youthful feeling brought by drinking tea comes from the inside out.

You are young in mentality because tea blends the taste of time into your heart, where it settles down and keeps your vitality forever; you are young in appearance because drinking tea can effectively eliminate free radicals.

Tea brings out your appearance, and people who drink tea will only become younger and younger.


Many people are chasing hot topics every day, afraid of missing out on any news and being left behind by this era.

However, tea lovers do not care about covering everything in the flood of information. Focusing on what they are interested in and focusing on a certain field is a rare quality.

When boiling water, focus on controlling the water temperature; when brewing, focus on the time it takes for the tea and water to blend; when tasting, focus on every flavor. Because of focus, tea lovers will not miss every little happiness in life.


You can’t drink good tea if you are impatient, which is why tea lovers need patience.

Wait for the water temperature to reach a certain level, pour in water gently, and strain the tea. If you are impatient, it is easy to overlook the importance of these steps to the taste of the tea.

The older the tea, the more fragrant it becomes, which fully reflects the patience of the tea lover.

In order to show the best taste quality of tea, tea lovers have no complaints and are even full of expectations as they wait for time to transform the tea.


Many people are busy making money and working hard, always thinking that they will go on vacation and enjoy themselves when they have free time in the future.

In fact, for those who don’t know how to enjoy, no matter how good the luxury goods are, they cannot satisfy their happiness.

But tea drinkers have this attitude of "enjoying the present moment". No matter how busy or tired they are, they must make time for themselves to enjoy a cup of good tea.

lay down

It is not only a posture for drinking tea, picking up and putting down is also an attitude towards life.

If there is good tea in front of you, just pick it up and drink it; if there is a good opportunity in front of you, fight for it bravely; the happiness that belongs to you must be held tightly. If you think too much, you will lose your initial courage.

A life that is too entangled cannot change what has happened, but we can change our attitude towards these things. Letting go of the past is letting go of ourselves.

When one person drinks tea, it tastes one way, but when three people drink tea, they taste three different ways.

Tea lovers know that the value of good tea is to let it enter the hearts of more people. Sharing joy with others is worse than enjoying it alone.

When a tea lover meets a destined friend, he would be eager to take out all his treasured teas and invite him to have a drink.


Clothing, perfume, jewelry, these luxury items may be valuable, but they may not necessarily make you feel confident from the bottom of your heart.

Some people say that tea people have their own aura. Among the crowd, their temperament seems to be "out of place". They are calm and determined, and their smiles are confident and warm.

Because the deeper your understanding of tea is, the clearer your pursuit will be. When dealing with people and things, you will know what you want and what kind of person you want to be. Only when you understand yourself can you believe in yourself.


Only those who are grateful can go further and better understand the value of a cup of tea.

Tea growers look at the sky, tea makers look at the land, and tea brewers look at the tea. Don’t underestimate this small cup of tea, but you can taste the wisdom of “harmony between man and nature”. A word of gratitude is not only for the taste, but also for the gift of nature.

Tea drinkers, do you have these nine luxuries?

Source: Wusheng Tea House WeChat ID: Wusheng-tea

The copyright of the pictures and texts belongs to the original author and is only for communication and learning