
IDC authoritatively released that domestic Xiaomi ranked first, while vivo and OPPO were almost on par


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On July 15, the well-known data research company IDC officially released the global smartphone market report for the second quarter of 2024. The report shows that in the past second quarter, the overall global smartphone shipments reached 285 million units, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%.

Samsung is still the top brand, with a total shipment of 53.9 million units and a market share of 18.9%, a year-on-year increase of 0.7%;

Apple was still the second-ranked brand, with a total shipment of 45.2 million units and a market share of 15.8%, a year-on-year increase of 1.5%;

Xiaomi ranked third again, with a total shipment of 42.3 million units and a market share of 14.8%, a year-on-year increase of 27.4%;

The fourth-ranked brand became vivo, with a total shipment of 25.9 million units and a market share of 9.1%, a year-on-year increase of 21.95%;

The fifth-ranked brand became OPPO, with total shipments of 25.8 million units and a market share of 9.0%, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%.

From the ranking, the top five brands are all growing year-on-year, with Xiaomi growing the fastest and Samsung growing the slowest. Compared with the previous quarter, vivo has returned to the top five and surpassed OPPO, pushing Transsion to other positions.

From the perspective of overall shipments, Samsung is in a unique position, because it is the only one with quarterly shipments exceeding 50 million units, and it is more than 8 million units ahead of Apple. Apple and Xiaomi belong to the second echelon, and the gap between the two brands is less than 3 million units, which shows that Xiaomi had the opportunity to surpass Apple, but the iPhone 15 series dropped too much in price in the second quarter and the volume increased too quickly. vivo and OPPO belong to the same level, and the gap between the two brands can be ignored, because there is only a gap of 100,000 units. But special praise needs to be given to vivo, because in Q1 vivo had fallen out of the top five in the world, but fortunately in Q2 it reacted and caught up, while OPPO is standing still.

Putting aside Apple and Samsung, the most powerful brand in this industry is of course Xiaomi. Not only is it ranked third in the world, with the gap between it and Apple getting smaller and smaller, but it is also the number one domestic brand. The key issue is that Xiaomi's lead over other domestic brands is gradually expanding. You can see that vivo and OPPO are already nearly 20 million units away from Xiaomi.