
Developing new quality productivity by looking at Shanxi state-owned enterprises: Taiyuan First Construction Group established a model worker (employee) innovation studio alliance to help create new quality productivity through employee innovation


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On the morning of July 14, 2024, Taiyuan First Construction Group Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to unveil the Alliance of Model Workers (Employees) Innovation Studios. Zhang Yalin, First-level Inspector of the Shanxi Federation of Trade Unions, Duan Jiansheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Taiyuan Federation of Trade Unions, Zhang Peng, Executive Vice Chairman of the Shanxi Federation of Construction Trade Unions, Wang Feng, Chief of the Construction Management Section of the Taiyuan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Nan Xiaolan, Director of the Economic and Technical Department of the Taiyuan Federation of Trade Unions; Wang Guicong, Li Wei, Fan Liqiang, Chen Bin, leaders of the group company, as well as all the Science and Technology Innovation Committee, leading representatives of the innovation studio, representatives of the technical innovation team, and more than 100 people attended the ceremony. Li Ruiqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Chairman of the Trade Union of the group company presided over the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Wang Guicong, Party Secretary and Chairman of the Group, first delivered a speech on behalf of the company. He pointed out that the establishment of the Model Worker (Employee) Innovation Studio Alliance has integrated the company's existing innovation forces and achieved a strong combination of corporate innovation teams, which will achieve the effect of "1+1>2". It is an important measure for the company to develop new quality productivity and gather the innovative vitality of employees. Taiyuan First Construction Group will use technological innovation as an engine and talent cultivation as a starting point to set off a wave of technological innovation within the company, influence and drive more employees to actively participate in innovation activities, empower the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and lay the foundation for the high-quality development of the company.

Zhang Yalin, a first-level inspector of the Shanxi Federation of Trade Unions, congratulated the establishment of the Model Workers (Employees) Innovation Studio Alliance on behalf of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Construction Industry Trade Union. At present, the Provincial Federation is vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity. It is hoped that the Taiyuan First Construction Group Innovation Alliance Platform will play a leading role in the province's construction industry, better stimulate the wisdom of all employees, inject more innovative vitality into the enterprise, realize the change of innovation results from quantity to quality, and help the high-quality development of the enterprise.

At the ceremony, Wang Runxiu spoke on behalf of the Model Worker (Employee) Innovation Studio Alliance, briefly introducing the studio's personnel configuration, hardware equipment and work progress. He also stated that he would give full play to the leading role of model workers in innovation, keep up with the pace of market demand and technological development, and continuously launch more innovative and practical technical support to contribute to the high-quality development of the group company.

Amidst warm applause, the leaders present at the meeting unveiled the Group’s Model Worker (Employee) Innovation Studio Alliance.

After the ceremony, the leaders present visited the model worker innovation base and the scientific and technological innovation achievements exhibition together, and congratulated the opening of the first new quality productivity training class.

The establishment of the Alliance of Model Workers (Employees) Innovation Studios will promote more standardized, normalized and long-term innovation and efficiency creation by employees; the Innovation Alliance will target common problems and key links in industrial technological innovation, carry out technical exchanges, technical collaboration, technical research, skills training, achievement transformation and other employee innovation and efficiency creation activities, and promote collaborative innovation and integrated innovation. Further enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise and lay a solid foundation for the establishment of the Craftsman Academy in the next step. Through employee technological innovation, the enterprise can achieve efficiency improvement, and make employee technological innovation an important force in promoting the high-quality development of the group company. (Photo/Text by Li Dongzhen)