
People who are really lazy no longer pretend to be minimalist


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It is difficult for a Chinese home to be "empty".

But why is it that the blogger's home has many things but is not messy, and is full of the smell of life; while your home becomes a mess if you don't clean it for three days?

Image source: ins@metahaiku, Xiaohongshu@我是糖包啊~

The essential difference between the two lies in the family's "tolerance for chaos".

These homes, which bear traces of life but still remain beautiful, do not necessarily rely on diligent cleaning. The key is to lay a good foundation from the decoration stage so that they do not appear messy even with a lot of things.

How to create a home with a high “messiness tolerance rate” is a compulsory course for everyone who doesn’t like to tidy up.

A home with a high rate of disorder,

To live long without chaos

What is the "tolerance rate"?

We all know that "fault tolerance rate" refers to the probability of allowing errors, so "messiness tolerance rate" is actually the degree of messiness your home can tolerate.

If the tolerance rate is high, even if it is not tidied up, it will not feel very messy; if the tolerance rate is low, no mess at all can be tolerated, and things must be 100% put back in their place, so you need to tidy up more frequently.

Taking the common styles as examples, minimalist style and modern style are representatives of low clutter rate.

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @巴啦啦啦

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @李宽太

Look at these spotless homes. People who love cleanliness will definitely be delighted.

But I can also imagine how out of place it would be if a box of tissues or a pair of pants appeared here.

Not to mention the children’s fancy toys, unfinished snack bags, and clothes hanging on the balcony…Living in a home like this, the only way to maintain its beauty is to clean it up from time to time.

The consequences of not cleaning up in time be like the picture comes from Xiaohongshu netizen @瑶姐小生活

On the other hand, styles like Japanese, industrial, and medieval are more tolerant of clutter, and even if there are many objects, it does not look out of place.

The homes that people often talk about, which have a sense of home and life, mostly belong to this category.

A home with a low rate of clutter is, of course, beautiful, but it requires constant maintenance and is more suitable for diligent people.

If you don’t want to clean up, have too many things, or have kids at home and simply can’t tidy up, you might as well learn how to increase the “clutter rate” of your home and solve the problem from the source.

Enrich your home’s canvas,

Hiding trees in the forest

A newly renovated home is like a canvas.

After moving in, we kept buying daily necessities, and there were more and more things in the paintings.

So, let’s do an experiment: put the same colored dots on a piece of white paper and a painting with rich layers. Which one looks more eye-catching?

The answer is obvious.

Enriching the visual level of your home is like creating a forest. No matter how many flowers, plants and leaves you put in, they can all be hidden in it.

Those so-called "clutter" can blend into the environment even if they are placed outside.

Families with children really need a home with a high rate of chaos

So, how to increase the level of your home? You can start from several aspects:

1. Different distances, heights and depths

A house is a three-dimensional space. If all the objects are the same size and height, it will look a bit monotonous.

Bloggers with a high degree of clutter often have many high and low furnishings in their homes. From every angle, there are rich layers.

To sum up,That means there should be tall and short, big and small, far and near.

You can be creative and use different items to achieve this effect.

For example, there are chandeliers, floor lamps, table lamps, and wall lamps in different sizes; green plants are also a good helper to add a sense of layering. Some are placed high, some are placed on the ground, and leaves of different shapes will also bring visual differences.

Be bold to try different combinations. These items of different shapes will create a wonderful chemical reaction and make your home look better.

2. Add color

Everyone knows that matching the same color is the safest choice.

Most of our daily necessities are also colorful, and it is difficult to make them 100% uniform.

So, if we add more basic colors to our home, will it be able to accommodate items of more colors?

When choosing decorative paintings, small ornaments and other items, you can appropriately echo the colors of the large blocks of color in the home. With a little thought, you can create the finishing touch.

However, it is very difficult for ordinary people to use vibrant colors well.

You can be more conservative and choose low-saturation colors, such as the Morandi color system, which can also be matched effectively.

3. Add materials

Even in the case of the same color, different materials can give people very different feelings.

The naturalness of logs, the simplicity of linen, the softness of wool, the coolness of metal... the changes in materials always give people a lot of surprises. Compared with those styles with large patterns, they are more durable and easier to match.

For example, in the same living room, is it necessary to buy a set of sofas?

Like this, a pair of rattan and a pair of fabric, paired with a wooden cabinet, a wool carpet, and a stainless steel side table, the sense of layering immediately emerges.

By grasping the levels of the home, you create a basic environment that can accommodate clutter.

To further increase the tolerance rate, we must also cleverly use people's illusions.

look away,

Out of sight, out of mind

We believe that "seeing is believing", but in fact, our eyes often deceive us.

When you walk into a room, you can't see everything at once.Human vision needs an anchor point.

For example, when we look straight ahead, our sight will probably fall on the height of windows and walls. If there is something eye-catching enough at this time, you will most likely ignore the other details.

For example, when I saw the picture below for the first time, I thought the view from the window was really nice, the light was beautiful, and the chair opposite was very relaxing... It was a very comfortable room.

But take a closer look.There was also a pile of blankets on the sofa on the right, but it was ignored by the eyes.

That’s the purpose of diversion.

Our clutter usually appears on the plane, so if we put some thought into the facade, we can draw people's eyes upwards and achieve the state of "out of sight, out of mind".

If there is no beautiful window view, you can also use eye-catching large decorative paintings, lights at eye level...

The key is to make sure your eyes are high.

After all, we are lazy people and don’t need to be too picky about the cleanliness of our home.

Even though it wasn’t cleaned up, at least it looked OK, so I’ll just let myself go.

Break the whole into pieces,

Keep order in chaos

There is also a lazy trick to increase the tolerance rate, which I call"Tray method".

Prepare a tray/storage basket in all places where clutter easily occurs to gather the odds and ends together.

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @Cyan大仙儿

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @草莓泡水

This is also a way to deceive the eye - the presence of the tray makes it look like a whole.

You don't need to bother to organize them, just throw them in and they will give you a sense of messy beauty.

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @旺仔超会买

For example, in a place that is often filled with clothes, you can prepare a special area for clean clothes. It is not necessary to organize all the clothes neatly, and there is nothing wrong with throwing them into a big basket.

Image source: Xiaohongshu user @JFdesign

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @雯雯's life diary

You don't have to buy trays specifically. You can use anything you can think of that can hold things - broken porcelain bowls, beautiful packaging boxes, unused bags, old cups, empty wine bottles... Storage can really make things very relaxing.

Image source: Xiaohongshu user @Abby

The spirit of the tray is to reserve an exclusive space for "messy" things.

Because if you want to have a tidy home, you don’t have to put everything in the cabinet. In real life, it is impossible to put away everything honestly.

Image source: Xiaohongshu netizen @圆仔日子在光光

When we are decorating, we often mention a"80/20 rule": Hide 80% of the things and make sure to show the remaining 20%.

This is equivalent to leaving a 20% buffer zone for life, because only a few people can achieve 100% cleanliness, the cost of maintenance is too high, and only those who are responsible for cleaning up will know how tiring it is.

So, if you always have a lot of stuff sitting out, don’t be too hard on yourself, a tray will do the trick.

If you are a little lazy, you can still create order out of chaos.

When people appreciate beauty, they always assume that beauty and clutter cannot coexist, but is this really the case?

actually,A certain degree of traces of life may actually be the process of parents coming out.

The layout of a house is always to serve life and make the residents feel comfortable.

Rather than thinking about how to tidy up and eliminate all the clutter, it is more worthwhile to think about how to create a home that appropriately accommodates the clutter and has a sense of home.

And this is exactly the meaning of tolerance.