
Inscriptions and Calligraphy: 50 Classic Calligraphy Pieces


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Chinese calligraphy is a traditional art unique to Chinese characters. It is known as: a poem without words, a dance without steps, a painting without pictures, and music without sound. These distinctive calligraphy works record and write the mental journey of Chinese calligraphy. The famous calligraphy works handed down from generation to generation in China have gone through vicissitudes of life for thousands of years and have been passed down in an orderly manner. They are the cultural wealth of mankind and cannot be forgotten by every calligrapher.

1. Witches’ Words and Ghosts—Chu Silk Manuscript

The Chu Silk Book is also known as the Chu Silk Book. In terms of the calligraphy art of the silk book, its arrangement is generally neat and the spacing is basically the same. It strives to be standardized and neat, but also shows a natural and unrestrained color. Its font is flat and stable, balanced and symmetrical, upright and serious, between seal and official scripts. Its brushwork is round and smooth, with twists and turns in the straight lines and protruding curves. It shows its beauty in the changes in thickness and its clear rhyme in the strokes, fully demonstrating the author's deliberate pursuit of artistic text.

2. Admiring the majestic atmosphere: Yishan Stone Carvings

The Yishan Stone Inscription is also known as the "Yishan Qin Seal Stele of the Yuan Dynasty". It was originally erected in the lobby of the county government office in Zou County. In the early years of the Republic of China, it was moved to the Zhijing Gate of the Meng Temple. In 1973, it was moved to the Qisheng Hall for preservation. It is now preserved in the Zoucheng Museum. The stone inscription is a vertical rectangle, made of water-formed rock, with inscriptions on all four sides. The stele is 1.9 meters high and 0.48 meters wide, and the same on all four sides. The front and left sides are engraved with words praising the achievements of Qin Shihuang, and the back is engraved with the edict of Qin Ershi. It is in small seal script, with 5 lines on each side, a total of 222 characters.

3. Square and straight with roundness and ingenuity - Zhang Qian Stele

The Zhang Qian Stele, also known as the Zhang Qian Stele, was unearthed in the early Ming Dynasty. The stele was carved in February of the third year of Zhongping in the reign of Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty (186 AD). It is 317 cm long and 107 cm wide. There are 15 lines, with 42 characters per line.

4. Beautiful and vivid, like a divine work - Cao Quan Stele

The Cao Quan Stele, also known as the Han Heyang Magistrate Cao Quan Stele, is an important stele from the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It was erected in the second year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (185 AD) and is 272 cm high and 95 cm wide. It was unearthed in Xinli Village, Heyang County in the early Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It was collected by the Xi'an Stele Forest Museum in 1956 and is now in the Xi'an Stele Forest.

5. The brushstrokes are like wild cranes and idle gulls - Ode to Shimen

"Shimen Song" is a famous cliff carving. Its full name is "Han Si Li Xiao Wei Yang Jun Song", also known as "Yang Mengwen Song", "Yang Mengwen Song Stele", "Yang Jue Stele". It was carved in November of the second year of Jianhe in the Eastern Han Dynasty (148 AD) and written by Wang Sheng, the prefect of Hanzhong. It is a eulogy written for Yang Mengwen, the Si Li Xiao Wei in the early years of Emperor Shun.

6. Learning Cursive Script from Zhang Zhi - Champion Post

VII. The first chapter of "Two Xis" - Recommending Ji Zhibiao

8. Like the sound of singing lingering in the air, the zither player abandons the pegs - Huang Xiang Jijiu Zhang

9. Ancient and elegant ink is as fresh as new - Ode to the departure of the army

10. Ink with green meaning - Pingfu Tie

11. The best running script in the world - Lanting Preface

12. Beginners should learn the Huangting Sutra just right - Huangting Sutra

13. Wang's family tradition is completely exposed - Aunt's letter

14. The best post of Zijing in the world - Mid-Autumn Post

15. A magnificent and stunning masterpiece - Yatouwantie

16. Liveliness in Calmness - New Moon Post

17. Revealing the charm of Jin people - Bo Yuan Tie

18. The crown of the southern stele - the Chaolongyan stele

19. Xiu Jianzhong Miao - Thousand Characters in Cursive Script

20. The Dangerous, Thin and Hard Style is Unique - Jiucheng Palace Liquan Inscription

21. The first book in Europe - Mengdiantie

22. Return to the Ordinary and Win with Implicitness - Confucius Temple Monument

23. The ever-changing methods of cursive writing - Yin Fu Jing in large characters

24. The origin of running script in stele: Hot Spring Inscription

25. The manliness is revealed between the strokes - The Monument of the Prince of Shengxian

26. The Most Wonderful Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty - Book of Calligraphy

Twenty-seven, defeat all things at the end of the pen - Wen Fu

28. The magnificent power transforms softness into hardness - Lushan Temple Stele

29. The Filial Piety of a Filial Piety Scholar

30. Dragon and Phoenix: Ode to the Magpie and the Pigeon

31. Floating like a fairy - Shangyangtai Post

32. Changes are like ghosts and gods, and it is impossible to predict them - Four Ancient Poems

33. Sharp as Ouye Sword - Self-Portrait

34. Deeply Grieved and Innocent—Sacrificial Essay for My Nephew

35. This is Lu Gong’s masterpiece - Dongfang Shuo’s painting inscription

36. The calligraphy is precious only when it is thin and hard, it can convey the spirit - Xuanmi Pagoda Stele

37. Use the pen with a straight mind and a straight pen - Monument of the Shen Ce Army

38. Writing in Seal Script - Records of the Three Tombs

39. Like a slightly drunk person wandering around at will - Chive Flower Post

40. Like horizontal wind and slanting rain falling on paper like clouds and smoke - The daily life of immortals

41. Fat but no meat left - Post from the same year

42. The Spirit is Clear and the Bones are Cold, Not Worldly--Self-Written Poems

43. The writing is elegant and vigorous, both beautiful and admonishing - Praise of Taoist robes

44. Elegant, ancient, graceful and virtuous - Chengxintang Paper

45. Innocence is my teacher - Huangzhou Cold Food Post

Forty-six, Writings that Shock the Storm - Letters from the Elders

47. Listen to the rhythm of pine waves and create masterpieces - Songfeng Pavilion Poetry Post

48. Writing like a sharp sword - Hongxian Poetry

Forty-nine, the spirited and high-spirited Mi-style ink emperor - Shanhu Tie

Fifty. The Thin Gold Script that Bends Iron and Breaks Gold - Leap Year Mid-Autumn Moon Post

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