
president of shanghai diamond exchange: natural diamonds and cultured diamonds can develop in parallel


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china news service, hong kong, september 23 (reporter dai menglan) "natural diamonds and cultured diamonds are on different tracks and have different consumer groups, so they should have different development routes." the "september hong kong jewelry fair" closed on the 22nd. during an interview with china news service reporters during the exhibition, lin qiang, president of the shanghai diamond exchange, said that natural diamonds and cultured diamonds are in a "bridge for bridges, roads for roads" relationship and can develop in parallel.
natural diamonds need to be formed in a high temperature and high pressure environment hundreds of kilometers underground for hundreds of millions of years. cultivated diamonds are made from natural diamonds or graphite powder and are produced through specific technology in an artificially simulated diamond growth environment. there is a metaphor in the diamond industry: "cultivated diamonds are equivalent to ice in the refrigerator, and natural diamonds are equivalent to ice in the river." due to their comparable quality and lower price, cultivated diamonds have gradually become popular in recent years.
talking about the discussion in the market about the impact of cultured diamonds on natural diamonds, lin qiang believes that such an impact does not exist. "the two commodities are essentially different in concept: one is a rare gem that has been formed over hundreds of millions of years, and the other is an industrial product produced artificially." he said that for people engaged in diamond industry management, what they need to do is to actively separate the two categories of commodities, so that consumers can know more clearly what kind of commodities they want to buy.
as the person in charge of the only diamond import and export trading platform in mainland china, lin qiang believes that we should use a historical perspective to analyze the current sluggish diamond market. as a commodity, it is normal for diamond prices and demand to fluctuate with the economic environment. industry insiders generally predict that there is a greater hope for market recovery next year. he said that at this time, we should calm down and make better predictions to allow the industry to develop more healthily.
after hong kong and the mainland resumed customs clearance last year, lin qiang has visited hong kong many times to participate in industry exhibitions and activities. during his stay in hong kong, he reached a strategic cooperation with the natural diamond association on behalf of the shanghai diamond exchange and exchanged views with the head of the hong kong diamond federation. he said that hong kong is the country's window to the world, and is the bridgehead and weathervane of the international diamond jewelry industry. in the future, the diamond jewelry industry in shanghai and hong kong will have a broader space for cooperation and exchange. (end)