
hu mei's version of the movie "a dream of red mansions: a golden marriage" is being screened in chengdu's theaters before the national day


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with only six days left until the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china on october 1, 2024, the highly anticipated film "a dream of red mansions: a golden marriage" directed by hu mei has ushered in a remarkable reversal. it received high praise from some teachers in beijing on teacher's day and received unanimous praise from many film experts. at present, this film has also been actively scheduled in many theaters in chengdu.

chengdu is one of the five major "voting bases" in the chinese film market, with a profound cultural heritage and a prosperous film market. faced with the online violence and malicious slander of the movie "dream of red mansions: golden jade marriage", the audience in chengdu showed calmness and objectivity. after many audiences went to the cinema to watch the movie in person, they gave a completely opposite opinion to the negative comments on the internet, praising director hu mei's work for its high quality and extremely successful adaptation, which is an excellent inheritance and promotion of chinese traditional culture.

manager hu die of chengdu universal studios arranged screenings for the film from september 23 to 29. chengdu moviegoers have always been able to think and judge independently, and they do not follow the crowd. when malicious vilification of "a dream of red mansions" appeared on the internet, many chengdu audiences went to the cinema with a stubborn temper to find out. the film has aroused strong response and rave reviews among college students and young people in chengdu. the reasons behind it are worth deep thinking by chinese filmmakers.

since september 10, the box office of the famous director hu mei's "dream of red mansions" has risen against the trend, and it has instantly ignited the enthusiasm of chengdu audiences to watch movies. this phenomenon has attracted national attention, and senior reporter du enhu took the lead in reporting it, which has triggered widespread discussion.

according to peng, manager of sichuan emei cinema line, from september 11 to the national day in october, a total of 63 cinemas in chengdu will schedule screenings for the film and screen it for free as a public welfare film. the film ticket fee will be borne by the film department of the chengdu municipal party committee propaganda department, and the audience can register to watch the film. in just two time periods, more than 120 screenings are planned.

the movie "a dream of red mansions part two" achieved a major reversal in word-of-mouth. almost all the audiences who actually watched the movie spoke highly of director hu mei's work, calling it wonderful and interesting.

such a hot scene can't help but make people think deeply, what is the charm of this movie? as the pinnacle of chinese classical literature, "dream of red mansions" itself has a profound cultural heritage and a broad readership. this film adaptation may have achieved unique innovations and breakthroughs in plot, pictures, performances, etc., successfully attracting the audience's attention. at the same time, the love and pursuit of culture and art by chengdu audiences is also a key factor.

however, we should pay more attention to the deeper meaning behind this phenomenon. it is no accident that many cinemas in chengdu fully support this film, which fully reflects the high importance attached to the inheritance of chinese traditional culture. in today's fast-paced and information-exploding era, the inheritance of traditional culture faces many challenges. people's lives are filled with fast-food culture, and spiritual nourishment is neglected. and classics such as "a dream of red mansions" are just like good medicine to nourish the soul.

many cinemas in chengdu have actively arranged for the film, which not only meets the spiritual needs of the audience, but also sends an important signal to the whole society: the inheritance and development of traditional culture is of vital importance and requires the joint efforts of all parties. this support is not only material investment, but also value guidance, which encourages more creators to devote themselves to the exploration and innovation of traditional culture and create more excellent works.

as the national day holiday approaches, many cinemas in chengdu continue to increase the number of screenings. this is a high recognition of the film and a positive response to the needs of the audience. cinema managers look forward to more media support and coverage to spread the passion for cultural heritage more widely.

a drop of water can reflect the sun's brilliance. the successful screening of a movie shows us chengdu's firm belief and great efforts in cultural inheritance. i believe that more masterpieces like "a dream of red mansions" will emerge in the future. with the joint efforts of all parties in china, traditional culture will surely be revitalized and shine brightly in the new era. we look forward to and are willing to contribute to the inheritance and development of traditional culture.