
panda killer rumor (september 23, 2024)


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rumor: 1,000 yuan coin to be launched next year?
the truth: the information circulated online is false.
recently, some online forums have posted messages such as "the 6th set of rmb will be launched" and "1,000 rmb will be launched next year", and even pictures of the so-called "new version of rmb", including the 1,000 rmb with a "dragon" pattern. if you have some knowledge of rmb and commemorative coins, you can tell at a glance that this is fake news.
this so-called 1,000-yuan banknote sample is highly similar to the 100-yuan "millennium dragon banknote" issued by the people's bank of china in 2000, with only slight differences in the face value and details. this is obviously the product of photo editing.
according to article 18 of the law of the people's republic of china on the people's bank of china, when the people's bank of china issues a new version of rmb, it shall announce the time of issuance, denomination, pattern, style and specifications. however, the official channels of the people's bank of china have not issued any announcement on the issuance of a new version of rmb.
the issuance of rmb is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. the central bank, authoritative media and other official channels will announce and inform in advance. the public can obtain information from them. do not believe in online rumors, and do not buy so-called "collections" at will. (source: shanghai internet rumor refutation)
how to determine whether you have "hidden fatigue"?
details: have you ever had this experience: you feel tired as soon as you use your brain, and fall asleep as soon as you lie down? you are clearly urging yourself to grit your teeth and work hard, but you just can't move. this situation of feeling tired no matter what you do may not be because you are weak-willed or lazy by nature, but because your energy bar has already reached the bottom and "hidden fatigue" is quietly accumulating.
1. frequent brain fog and difficulty concentrating. when we feel that our brain is slow to react, our thinking is stuck, our memory is offline, and it seems that our brain is shrouded in a hazy fog, we may be in a state of "brain fog". brain fog and latent fatigue may be manifestations of each other, that is, brain fog may be an external manifestation of latent fatigue; they may also induce each other, that is, the state of latent fatigue may aggravate the symptoms of brain fog.
2. feeling irritable and easily bored. when the body is in a state of fatigue, people may feel upset and their mood swings become larger. in addition, because the brain function is affected by fatigue, people tend to lose patience and interest in things, and even things that they usually like may become boring and boring. it should be noted that these two emotional states may further aggravate fatigue, forming a vicious cycle.
3. falling asleep in the middle of the night and waking up in the middle of the night. when you find yourself falling asleep unconsciously while doing some daily activities, such as watching tv or taking the subway, it is likely that your body is overtired. this phenomenon of "falling asleep in the middle of the night" is a forced rest measure taken by the brain for self-protection when the brain fatigue reaches a certain level.
another situation is that you can't fall asleep when you are extremely tired. extreme fatigue often makes you sleep poorly. if you find yourself waking up frequently in the middle of the night, and not because you need to drink water or go to the bathroom, this may be a disruption to your sleep cycle caused by accumulated fatigue.
4. bad breath, body odor, herpes and acne. when the body falls into a state of hidden fatigue, the metabolic level may be significantly reduced, which will bring about a series of chain reactions. for example, the amount of saliva secretion decreases, bacteria multiply rapidly in the mouth, and then decompose food residues in the mouth, causing bad breath. nutrients are not completely metabolized and discharged through the skin in the form of sweat, interacting with bacteria on the skin to produce unpleasant body odor.
as the body's condition continues to decline, the immune system will also be significantly reduced, leading to inflammation. this is often accompanied by the appearance of skin problems such as acne and blackheads, and in severe cases, skin diseases such as blisters may occur. (source: science popularization china)
ministry of civil affairs: never released or approved the release of the "china pension insurance" app
details: in response to questions about the "china pension insurance" app that have been circulating online recently, the ministry of civil affairs' elderly care services department recently responded to netizens' concerns through official channels, clearly stating that the ministry of civil affairs has never released or authorized any organization to release a mobile phone application called "china pension insurance."
according to the reporter, the official response of the ministry of civil affairs originated from a message from a netizen on the official website of the ministry of civil affairs on september 8. the netizen mentioned that there was an app called "china pension insurance" on the market, claiming that it was composed of "eight major ministries". it claimed that users could get a reward of 20,000 yuan after accumulating 75 days of daily check-in, participation in meetings and other activities, and encouraged users to buy financial products to obtain more benefits. at the same time, the app also requires each user to apply for a "one-card pass" and pre-deposit 10,000 yuan as a condition to receive the reward funds in the app. this news quickly spread among the elderly group, attracting a lot of attention and participation.
faced with this situation that may involve fraud, the ministry of civil affairs' department of elderly services recently responded, emphasizing that the ministry of civil affairs has never been associated with any such apps, and called on the public to be vigilant and not trust software information from unknown sources to avoid being deceived and causing personal property loss.
the ministry of civil affairs also reminds users who have participated in or may suffer losses to immediately stop related operations and report to the local public security organs as soon as possible so that timely measures can be taken to recover losses. the ministry of civil affairs will continue to pay attention to such incidents and strengthen cooperation with relevant departments to jointly combat pension fraud and other illegal activities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. (source: cctv news)
source: sichuan internet reporting and rumor refutation platform