
wu qili's 51st birthday was too lonely, her daughter wu zhuolin wandered around and ignored her mother, and the mother and daughter have not seen each other for 7 years


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september 23rd is wu qili’s 51st birthday. the beauty is still very beautiful and in very good personal condition.

now that you are 50 years old, i wish sister qili eternal youth.

looking at sister qili's personal status, she is doing well and living alone in a luxury house in hong kong.

of course, there are also a circle of good friends in life who celebrate his birthday.

but when it comes to her daughter, wu qili, and when it comes to little dragon girl and her relatives sending her blessings, it can be said that wu qili seems a little lonely.

at present, her daughter xiaolongnu is still wandering abroad. to be precise, the relationship between mother and daughter has not yet been broken.

the relationship between mother and daughter was out of control. they had not seen each other for seven years.

in other words, it is a pity that her daughter, little dragon girl, still did not show up on her mother’s 51st birthday, let alone return to hong kong to celebrate her mother’s birthday.

currently, xiao longnu lives with his foreign wife (same-sex) in canada. his foreign wife andi is supported by wu zhuolin, and the couple's life is a wandering state.

however, for zhuo lin, who is already 23 years old, she would rather live abroad with her foreign wife than return to her mother's home who has hundreds of millions of assets.

recently, wu qili painted a picture in front of her house. the content of the painting is very sunny and it shows flowers, which is very beautiful.

everyone's messages to sister qili were all about her daughter, praising her for being the bravest mother and hoping that she and her daughter could break the ice.

but in fact, there is an irreconcilable conflict between the daughter and the mother. this conflict not only comes from the mother's relationship with the daughter, but also from the daughter and her foreign wife.

how to say it, little dragon girl wu zhuolin lacked fatherly love since childhood. after meeting andi, she mistakenly thought that there was love between them.

in addition, xiaolongnu's illusion about homosexuality made it impossible for her to extricate herself from this wrong relationship.

in addition to the fact that her mother had a tense relationship with her in the past, and that wu zhuolin and andi completed their marriage registration in hong kong, the daughter ended up wandering in a foreign country. even on her mother's 51st birthday, she didn't want to return to her mother after not seeing her for 7 years.

in everyone's eyes, wu zhuolin is stupid. she is unwilling to live with her mother and would rather give up her mother's hundreds of millions of assets for the freedom outside.

but have you ever thought about this: the trauma a child suffers inside is really, really difficult to heal?

her mother, wu qili, raised her alone. obviously, it was not easy for wu qili. she had endured all the hardships that a woman should endure.

when ming pao interviewed wu qili, she was very much looking forward to the birth of her child. at that time, the child's father had already made it clear that he did not recognize the child.

but maternal love is great. she gave birth to wu zhuolin, and when she was interviewed by the media, she happily shared with reporters the baby shoes and paintings she prepared for her daughter zhuolin.

after her daughter was born, zhuo lin's grandmother helped her daughter raise the child, but as zhuo lin grew up, everything became wu qili's responsibility and obligation.

the child had a happy childhood, but after entering adolescence, many contradictions gradually emerged in the lives of mother and daughter, and they were on the front pages of the media many times.

later, zhuo lin grew up slowly, and everyone knew what happened next.

everyone says that all this is wu qili's fault, but in fact, the bitter consequences of this are not the fault of her alone. the ending was doomed from the beginning.

now that wu qili is 51 years old, her daughter still did not come home on her birthday. i am really looking forward to the day when wu zhuolin grows up and returns to her mother as soon as possible.