
fudan university launches a satellite jointly researched by teachers and students to provide first-hand data for solar "weather forecast"


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on september 24, the first satellite jointly developed by fudan university and shanghai aerospace technology co., ltd., the fudan-1 (lancang-mekong future star), was launched successfully on the long march rocket company's jielong-3 rocket. the satellite, equipped with payloads such as a solar ultraviolet spectrometer and a millimeter-wave atmospheric humidity profiler, was launched successfully. the satellite uses the sastx-50 micro-nano satellite platform independently developed and verified in orbit by shanghai aerospace technology co., ltd. and will operate in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500 kilometers.
"fudan-1 (lancang-mekong future star)" will become a new "experimental platform" for teachers and students in space, completing a series of experimental tasks such as observing and analyzing the solar ultraviolet spectrum in outer space; predicting the impact of space weather on the earth's space in advance; and testing the "stress resistance" of electronic devices under extreme external conditions in space. at the same time, this is also an exploration by the lancang-mekong youth exchange and cooperation center led by fudan university for the youth of the six countries to jointly carry out scientific and technological innovation activities. in the future, fudan university will work with the eighth academy of aerospace to jointly carry out the lancang-mekong youth space research plan, support the youth of the six lancang-mekong countries to carry out research on solar observation, space weather, climate and hydrology, etc. based on the fudan-1 platform, and further strengthen higher education cooperation and multilateral cultural exchanges.
providing first-hand data for solar "weather forecast"
fudan-1 (lancang-mekong future satellite) is a small satellite weighing about 50 kilograms, shaped like a cube with a length, width and height of 50 cm. the satellite carries two payloads, of which the main payload is the "nuclear science no. 1" solar detection spectrometer. this payload is directed by ma yugang, an academician of the chinese academy of sciences and a professor at fudan university, and designed and developed by the team led by yang yang, a professor at the department of nuclear science and technology of fudan university.
"the spectrometer will 'lock' the sun, observe and scan the ultraviolet spectrum of the sun's surface, hoping to obtain a detailed spectrum of solar flares in the 280nm band. this is also the first time that my country has carried out spectral observations in this band with an accuracy better than 0.1nm." yang yang introduced, "by obtaining detailed spectra of solar flares at different locations and verifying and developing theoretical models, it is the only way to simulate and predict solar eruption activities. it also lays the foundation for my country's advancement in the field of solar physics research to the field of deep ultraviolet observations."
the department of nuclear science and technology of fudan university itself has a relatively deep research foundation and technical accumulation in the study of solar activity physics based on ground laboratories. the "nuclear science no. 1 payload" carried on this satellite is a solar ultraviolet spectrometer developed by the department of nuclear science and technology of fudan university based on plasma spectrum measurement and analysis.
yang yang introduced that human space activities are increasing day by day, and the high-energy particles emitted by solar radiation have a great impact on the space environment, and even have an impact on the earth's climate and human activities. therefore, the study of solar activity is becoming more and more important. flares are one of the most important solar activities that affect space weather. only by having a deep understanding of the radiation mechanism of the flare ring can we predict solar activity through modeling. high-precision ultraviolet spectral observations of solar flares are one of the most important ways to understand solar activity. there is currently no domestic observation of spectral line types of flares in the 280nm band with a wavelength better than 0.1nm.
my country has launched xihe satellites and kuafu-1 satellites, which have carried out in-depth observations of the sun by taking photos in different wavelengths. the "heke-1" payload will carry out spectral line observations with an accuracy of better than 0.1nm in the 280nm band, and analyze the ultraviolet spectrum by detecting the ultraviolet band on the surface of the sun point by point, thereby revealing the underlying dynamic mechanism of coronal activity. its data and research results will be made public to the world, providing first-hand data for modeling and predicting the "weather" of the sun.
deep basic research prepares for further deep space research
the satellite also carries the next-generation two-dimensional chip based on new materials developed by the school of microelectronics of fudan university on the payload of the "heke no. 1" solar detection spectrometer. the chip's efficacy is verified by testing in the extreme environment of space. another payload carried by the satellite is an atmospheric observation payload, which is mainly used for various water resource monitoring in the air and on the ground, and can serve the water resource management of my country's yellow river, yangtze river, pearl river and other water systems and the "belt and road" region. these payloads and chips are derived from the profound basic research of the school's scientific research team.
the basis for yang yang's team to carry out ultraviolet spectrum research on the solar surface is their long-term research accumulation and innovative discoveries. just a few years ago, they proposed a brand-new theory, that is, they can observe a special wavelength of light from the sun through the principle of magnetic field-induced transition of iron nine, and thus obtain the magnetic field value of the corona. the relevant paper was published in the journal astrophysics.
in the past few years, the department of nuclear science and technical physics of fudan university has carried out research in solar observation, space weather and other related fields, and conducted basic and innovative scientific research in the fields of atomic physics and plasma physics under extreme conditions. through experimental demonstration in ground laboratories, it has completed research on the extreme ultraviolet band. to carry out ultraviolet detection, it must be carried out in the deep space field. "once this path is taken, we can do more in the future."
yang yang introduced that deep space exploration is a cutting-edge research field with fierce international competition. deep space exploration research on the sun is often divided into three stages. the first is observation based on visible light multi-band imaging. the second stage is to expand imaging observations in other bands on the one hand, and gradually improve spectral resolution on the other hand, obtain linear information and thus obtain richer physical information. the third stage is to carry out the detection of linear information of extremely high-precision spectra of short-wave photons, such as euv and x-rays, so as to fully study the most popular coronal physics. he said: "my country is currently in the second stage. the development of the ultraviolet spectrometer this time is also because we hope to go deeper as soon as possible and become a supplier of stellar data in the future." yang yang said that when conditions are ripe in the future, he also hopes to expand the research on other stars.
the interdisciplinary, cross-industry and cross-national collaboration behind a satellite
"if it weren't for the development of this satellite, it would be difficult for us to imagine breaking down professional and industry barriers. there are so many things we can do," yang yang told reporters.
the payloads on the satellite were all completed by teachers and students from different majors of the school. for example, the ultraviolet spectrometer of the department of nuclear science and technology could have been a "big item" weighing tons, but it was "compressed" into a payload the size of a laptop computer. it also had to meet the high-precision requirements of spectrometer observations and the harsh space and launch environments. many new technologies and solutions needed to be introduced, and were ultimately completed by teachers and students.
at the same time, "fudan-1 (lancang-mekong future star)" is also a cross-border scientific and technological cooperation project.
as a direct reflection of the impact of solar activity on the earth's space environment, space weather has an increasingly significant impact on high-tech fields such as communication systems, navigation and positioning, power grids, aviation and satellite operations on earth. especially in the rapidly developing lancang-mekong region (lancang-mekong region), many areas are particularly sensitive to changes in natural conditions. severe space weather events not only threaten the booming economic activities, but may also seriously affect agricultural productivity, water resources management and public safety. according to the international space environment service center, an effective space weather warning system can reduce the risk of power system failures by up to 70%, significantly reducing economic losses, and it is of greater significance for the future development of space stations.
in view of this, the lancang-mekong member countries' joint space weather scientific research project has been given a vital role. the project will rely on the "fudan-1 (lancang-mekong future satellite)" cooperation project to carry out scientific research and establish a comprehensive space weather monitoring, prediction and response system through cross-border collaborative efforts.
it is reported that the satellite development and application situation was demonstrated to the youth of the six countries at the youth innovation design competition for lancang-mekong regional governance (yicmg) held by fudan university in phuket, thailand in july this year, and the recruitment of a multinational scientific research team was initiated.
since 2015, fudan university has actively connected with national strategies and devoted itself to intellectual cooperation with universities in the lancang-mekong river basin. in 2019, it jointly established the lancang-mekong youth exchange and cooperation center with representative universities in the six lancang-mekong countries, including the royal university of phnom penh in cambodia, qinghai university, guangxi university of finance and economics, national university of laos, university of yangon in myanmar, prince of songkla university in thailand, and hanoi national university of humanities and social sciences in vietnam, hoping to promote exchanges, cooperation and common development among the youth of the six lancang-mekong river basin countries. after the satellite is launched and deployed, it will also provide support for scientific research activities for young students in universities in the lancang-mekong region.
author: jiang peng
text: jiang peng photos: provided by the interviewee editor: wu jinjiao responsible editor: fan liping
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