
li yunze from the financial supervision bureau: establish a coordination mechanism to support financing of small and micro enterprises and optimize the policy of loan renewal without repayment of principal.


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image source: visual china

blue whale news, september 24 (reporter shi yu)today, the state council information office held a press conference on financial support for high-quality economic development. at the meeting, li yunze, director of the financial regulatory administration, introduced the measures to be taken to serve small and micro enterprises and clear the bottlenecks and obstacles in their financing.

recently, the state has introduced a lot of support policies for the financing of small and micro enterprises, and financial institutions have also increased their service efforts. the financing of small and micro enterprises has shown a trend of "increased volume, expanded coverage and stable prices". as of the end of august this year, the balance of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans nationwide reached 31.9 trillion yuan, quadrupling that of the end of 2017, and the average interest rate has also dropped by 3.5 percentage points cumulatively.

however, some small and micro enterprises also reported that there are still bottlenecks and bottlenecks. in response to this, li yunze introduced that the general administration will focus on taking measures from two aspects.

first, we will work with the national development and reform commission to establish a working mechanism to support the coordination of financing for small and micro enterprises. li yunze said that this mechanism draws on the experience of the previous real estate financing coordination mechanism, and establishes a special working group at the district and county level. the special group must "hold two hands": one hand holds the enterprise, and conducts a large-scale visit to thousands of enterprises and households to deeply understand the operating conditions and actual difficulties of small and micro enterprises, especially to comprehensively survey the financing needs of small and micro enterprises; the other hand holds the bank, and recommends small and micro enterprises that operate in accordance with the law, have real financing needs, and have a good credit status to banking institutions. banking institutions should connect in a timely manner, and in principle complete the credit approval within one month to ensure that credit funds reach small and micro enterprises directly, and truly open up the "last mile" of benefiting enterprises and the people.