
financial morning express丨shanghai's three leading industry mother funds launched the first batch of sub-funds open selection


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list of important financial news
shanghai's three leading industry mother funds launched the first batch of sub-funds open selection
on the 23rd, shanghai guotou pioneer private equity fund management co., ltd. officially released the "notice on the selection of the first batch of fund management institutions for shanghai's three leading industry funds", launching the public selection of sub-funds to attract outstanding fund management institutions and more social capital to participate, and strive to improve the overall level and development level of shanghai's three leading industries. it is reported that shanghai's three leading industry funds will play a strategic guiding role in the innovative development of shanghai's three leading industries: integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence. the integrated circuit industry fund will focus on related fields such as integrated circuit design, manufacturing and packaging, equipment materials and components; the biomedicine industry fund will focus on innovative drugs and high-end preparations, high-end medical devices, biotechnology, high-end pharmaceutical equipment and other related fields; the artificial intelligence industry fund will focus on smart chips, smart software, autonomous driving, smart robots and other related fields.
china securities association: the cash dividend level of shanghai and shenzhen listed companies in the mid-term of 2024 will increase significantly
according to the china association of public companies on september 23, this year, the dividend awareness and dividend ability of listed companies have significantly improved, and the dividend ecology of the capital market has undergone positive new changes. statistics from the china association of public companies (hereinafter referred to as "china association") show that the number of shanghai and shenzhen listed companies that implemented mid-term dividends in 2024 and the total amount of dividends have increased significantly, reflecting the listed companies' increasing attention to and improvement in shareholder returns.
in terms of the number of dividend-paying companies, as of august 31, a total of 651 listed companies in shanghai and shenzhen stock markets announced cash dividend plans for the 2024 semi-annual reports, an increase of 302% from the same period in 2023; 192 listed companies had a dividend payout ratio of more than 50%, an increase of 121% from the same period in 2023.
in terms of dividend amount, the cash dividend plan for the semi-annual report of 2024 is expected to pay 532.2 billion yuan, an increase of 162% over the same period in 2023. there are 11 companies with a total cash dividend of more than 10 billion yuan, an increase of 83% over the same period in 2023; 46 companies with a cash dividend of more than 1 billion yuan, an increase of 229% over the same period in 2023; 73 companies with a cash dividend of more than 500 million yuan, an increase of 181% over the same period in 2023.
ministry of finance: "two new" funds shall not be used to balance the budget, repay government debts, etc.
according to on september 23, zhao changsheng, deputy director of the economic construction department of the ministry of finance, said at a special press conference on the "two new" policies that financial funding guarantee and supervision are key links in promoting the "two new" work, and are crucial to the orderly promotion of the "two new" work. the ministry of finance actively implemented the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee and the state council, and promptly issued ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and equipment renewal loan interest subsidy funds, and effectively carried out fund guarantee and supervision work.
first, 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds will be directly allocated to local governments in batches. the national development and reform commission took the lead and comprehensively considered factors such as the permanent population, gdp, and the number of cars and home appliances in each region to determine the scale of funds for each region. the ministry of finance immediately allocated 90 billion yuan of funds to local governments at a ratio of 60%, and required all provinces to promptly allocate budget funds to relevant departments at the same level or lower-level financial departments to effectively ensure that all localities start relevant work in a timely manner. at the same time, the ministry of finance closely followed the progress of work in various places, grasped the progress of fund use in real time, and promptly issued the remaining 60 billion yuan of funds based on the actual progress of work in local areas, effectively ensuring the demand for subsidies for the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones during the mid-autumn festival and national day.
second, special funds for large-scale equipment renewal were allocated in a timely manner. after receiving the list of equipment renewal projects supported by ultra-long-term special treasury bonds from the national development and reform commission, the ministry of finance immediately initiated the budget allocation procedure, allocated relevant funds, and required local financial departments at all levels to allocate funds in a timely manner according to the progress of project implementation to ensure the orderly implementation of relevant projects.
third, the first batch of interest subsidy funds for equipment renewal loans was allocated. the central finance optimized the fund application process and allocated interest subsidy funds to provincial finances in advance. provincial finances allocated interest subsidy funds to banks on a quarterly basis. banks directly deducted the funds when collecting interest, and business entities enjoyed preferential interest rates without applying. the ministry of finance arranged 20 billion yuan in interest subsidy funds for equipment renewal loans, and has currently allocated the first batch of 8 billion yuan in interest subsidy funds to boost the enthusiasm of business entities for equipment renewal and accelerate equipment renewal and technological transformation.
in addition, the support for the "two new" work requires large financial investment and involves many fields, and it is necessary to continuously strengthen fund supervision and ensure fund security. in this regard, the ministry of finance has cooperated with the national development and reform commission and other departments to establish a regular scheduling mechanism to closely track the progress of policy implementation and consolidate the main responsibilities of local projects and fund management. at the same time, it has clarified the "negative list" for the use of funds, requiring that relevant funds should not be used to balance the budget, repay government debts, or clear overdue corporate accounts, "three guarantees" expenditures, etc., and through specific measures such as online monitoring and offline verification, prevent fund squeezing and misappropriation, so that the "real money" policy can be implemented and achieve results as soon as possible.
national development and reform commission: 300 billion yuan of national debt funds to support the "two new" work have been fully issued
the national development and reform commission held a special press conference on the overall progress and effectiveness of the "two new" policies. zhao chenxin, member of the party leadership group and deputy director of the national development and reform commission, said at the meeting that the national debt funds have been fully allocated. in terms of equipment renewal, the national development and reform commission, together with relevant departments, has optimized the support methods and simplified the approval process in accordance with the principle of "local review and national review", and screened out more than 4,600 qualified equipment renewal projects. the 150 billion yuan of national debt funds in the field of equipment renewal have been arranged in two batches in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures. in terms of consumer goods trade-in, the national development and reform commission, together with the ministry of finance, comprehensively considered factors such as the permanent population, regional gdp, and the number of cars and home appliances in various regions to reasonably determine the scale of financial support. the 150 billion yuan of national debt funds in the field of consumer goods trade-in have been fully allocated to local governments since early august.
new stock issuance and listing
september 24
no new stocks listed
no new shares subscription
dividend transfer
873152 tianhong lithium battery dividend transfer equity registration date 10 shares 0.20 yuan (tax included, 0.18 yuan after tax deduction)
832982 jinbo biotech dividend transfer ex-rights ex-dividend date 10 shares 10.00 yuan (tax included, 9.00 yuan after tax deduction)
832982 jinbo biotech dividend bonus dividend distribution day 10.00 yuan (tax included, 9.00 yuan after tax deduction)
830779 wuhan blue power dividend transfer bonus payment day 10 dividend 5.00 yuan (tax included, 4.50 yuan after tax deduction)
830779 wuhan blue power dividend transfer ex-rights ex-dividend date 10 shares will be distributed 5.00 yuan (tax included, 4.50 yuan after tax deduction)
688531 unilink technology's dividend distribution and equity increase will be distributed on the registration date at 2.00 yuan per share (tax included, 1.80 yuan after tax deduction)
688088 hongsoft technology's dividend distribution and equity increase will be distributed on the registration date at 1.50 yuan per share (tax included, 1.35 yuan after tax deduction)
important announcements from listed companies
guotai junan: this restructuring still needs to go through the necessary internal decision-making procedures and the stock will continue to be suspended
shuangcheng pharmaceutical: there is uncertainty as to whether the major asset restructuring can be successfully implemented
haili group: the cooling system business of the holding subsidiary for lithography machines is relatively small
baobian electric: the company's stock price has risen sharply in the short term, and there may be a risk of stock price speculation
hytera: there is uncertainty in the progress of expanding new markets
nantian information: the company is planning to issue a shares to specific objects
zhuolan technology: the company has no income related to network security and huawei folding screen
guangdong rongtai: the company still has restricted intangible assets, investment properties and construction in progress with a total balance of approximately 179 million yuan
xinmin evening news reporter yang shuo