
the 2024 guangxi veterans' meritorious honor recuperation welcome ceremony and the launching ceremony of "love our national defense and the most beautiful veterans' guang travel" were held in yangshuo


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on the morning of september 23, the 2024 guangxi veterans' meritorious honor recuperation welcome ceremony and the launch ceremony of "love our national defense, the most beautiful veterans' guang travel" hosted by the department of veterans affairs of the autonomous region and guangxi tourism development group were successfully held in yangshuo, guilin. peng shishan, deputy director of the department of veterans affairs of the autonomous region, and tao sheping, deputy secretary of the party committee of guangxi tourism group, attended and delivered speeches.

this activity organized nearly 200 retired soldiers who had received meritorious honors from the whole district to carry out recuperation activities at the guangyuehua yangshuo riverside resort hotel under the guangdong tourism group. the activity was held in four phases. the hotel carefully planned recuperation contents such as rest and recuperation, quality development, cultural and sports activities, and red education. it designed a customized health care plan of "riverside hotel + sanjiang chengyang eight villages + xing'an maoer mountain + yangshuo surrounding resources", created a series of special recuperation integration products, and actively provided all-round protection and high-quality services for the recuperation of retired soldiers.

since guangdong travel group held the first "love our national defense, the most beautiful retired soldiers guangdong travel" military support and family care event in 2023, it has actively relied on its cultural, tourism and health care resource advantages to launch a series of preferential measures such as free first-entry tickets and discounted accommodation, including providing priority, high-quality and preferential services to active and retired military personnel, other preferential treatment recipients, and military families; staying at guangdong travel group's hotels can enjoy a 28% discount on ota prices; retired military personnel, preferential treatment recipients and their families join guangdong travel group's online shopping mini program "guanglv lexiang" to enjoy platinum-level membership benefits; active military personnel, retired military personnel and "three families" can enjoy a 40% discount on the purchase of guangxi travel and vacation cards with valid certificates. multiple preferential policies, such as implementing the autonomous region's policy of supporting the military and caring for the families of soldiers with practical actions, continuously enriching the use scenarios of preferential cards, enhancing the relationship between the military and the people, and striving to create a new model of military support practice, and enhance the sense of gain, happiness and honor of active military personnel, retired military personnel and other preferential treatment recipients.

in the next step, guangdong tourism group will continue to carry out a series of social support activities for the military and their families, continuously improve the level of service and guarantee, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and demonstrate the responsibility of state-owned enterprises with practical actions.

source: guangdong tourism group

produced by guilin daily new media operation department
