
the first sports meeting of huaihai economic zone is approaching: xuzhou takes the lead and 10 cities in jiangsu, shandong, henan and anhui jointly organize


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the solicitation of designs for the emblem, mascot and medals for the first huaihai economic zone games has entered its final week. this event, which will be jointly hosted by 10 cities in four provinces of jiangsu, shandong, henan and anhui, is attracting more and more attention.
earlier this month, the xuzhou sports bureau announced through its wechat official account that in order to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between cities in the core area of ​​the huaihai economic zone and help the high-quality development of the central cities in the huaihai economic zone, 10 cities in the huaihai economic zone (xuzhou, suqian, lianyungang, linyi, zaozhuang, jining, heze, shangqiu, suzhou, and huaibei) will jointly host the huaihai economic zone games. the opening ceremony and related events of the first huaihai economic zone games will be held in xuzhou in early november. in order to make this event an influential brand event, the society is now widely soliciting designs for the games emblem, mascot, and medals.
subsequently, the wechat public accounts "zaozhuang sports" and "heze education and sports" forwarded the news one after another.
the collection of the games emblem and other items is hosted by the executive committee of the first games of the huaihai economic zone and undertaken by the xuzhou sports bureau.
public information shows that the form and genre of the entries should comply with the "design and creation requirements for entry", fully embody the sports spirit of "faster, higher, stronger, more united" and the sports characteristics of universal participation, embody the regional characteristics, cultural connotation and spiritual outlook of the huaihai economic zone, and achieve a perfect unity of subjectivity, artistry, appreciation, timeliness and dissemination.
among them, the mascot design should fully reflect the historical and cultural characteristics of xuzhou and shangqiu and the theme of the games, contain sports elements, and have distinct symbolic meanings and sports charm. the shape should be beautiful and elegant, novel and concise, with lively, cute, auspicious and joyful artistic charm, and can be expressed in an anthropomorphic form. it can be widely used in different fields such as competition franchise products, video promotion and landscape. the medal design should fully reflect the cultural characteristics of xuzhou and shangqiu and the theme of the games, contain sports elements, and have distinct symbolic meanings and sports charm. the shape should be beautiful and elegant, with the value orientation of national sports, health and joy, and can also perfectly integrate the chu-han culture with the olympic spirit, and abstract and refine it artistically.
why is xuzhou taking the lead?
the paper noted that in april last year, the jiangsu provincial sports bureau came to xuzhou to conduct a special research on the work related to the huaihai economic zone games. at the symposium, jing fei, director of the municipal sports bureau, combined with the actual situation of xuzhou, reported on the application background, event cycle, event scale, competition items, event funding, current progress, and next stage work plans of the huaihai economic zone games.
the research team pointed out that xuzhou, as the central city of the huaihai economic zone and an important city in northern jiangsu, has created a number of characteristic brand events such as the xuzhou marathon and the international wushu competition, and has a good foundation for hosting competitions. the provincial sports bureau will strongly support xuzhou in hosting comprehensive competitions and characteristic brand events. the huaihai economic zone games is not only a sports event, but also an event created to implement the coordinated development strategy of the huaihai economic zone and focus on high-quality development and high-quality life. the event should be positioned at a high point, taking sports as an important tool to promote the economic and social development of the city, and promoting the preparation of the event with high quality and efficiency, so as to empower and assist the high-quality development of the huaihai economic zone.
why do mascot designs reflect shangqiu elements?
the paper noted that in september last year, the xuzhou municipal sports bureau and the shangqiu municipal education and sports bureau held an exchange meeting to promote the coordinated development of sports in the huaihai economic zone.
according to the wechat public account "xuzhou sports", jing fei, director of the xuzhou sports bureau, introduced the overall situation of the city's sports work, focusing on promoting the coordinated development of regional sports, deepening the integration of sports and education, and strengthening the sports industry. according to the draft "preparatory plan for the first huaihai economic zone games" and "general rules for the competition of the first huaihai economic zone games", the work plan and promotion measures were further refined and improved, and a consensus was reached on the two cities jointly hosting the first huaihai economic zone games and jointly bidding for large-scale events.
from march 13 to 19 this year, jingfei led a team to huaibei, suzhou, zaozhuang, linyi, jining, heze, shangqiu and other cities in the huaihai economic zone for research and exchanges.
according to "xuzhou sports", jingfei exchanged views with various cities on the development of sports work and solicited opinions and suggestions from various cities on the "cooperation agreement on deepening sports collaborative development in huaihai economic zone" and the "preparation plan for the first huaihai economic zone games". all cities fully affirmed the "cooperation agreement on deepening sports collaborative development in huaihai economic zone" and the "preparation plan for the first huaihai economic zone games" drafted by the xuzhou sports bureau. it is unanimously agreed that the ten cities in the huaihai economic zone are geographically close and have close relationships. the joint hosting of the huaihai economic zone games is an important measure for the four provinces and ten cities to actively respond to the country's in-depth implementation of the regional coordinated development strategy, and it is also an important means to jointly promote the regional sports industry with higher quality and higher efficiency.
in the next step, the sports departments of various cities will further strengthen joint interactions based on previous cooperation and exchanges, jointly host the huaihai economic zone games, jointly host high-level events, work together to build a regional sports competition platform, improve the mass sports activities network, deepen athlete training exchanges, expand regional sports talent exchange channels, and promote the formation of a new pattern of high-quality development of regional sports that is jointly built, shared, and coordinated with the government in the lead, departments in place, and society in participation.
the paper noted that jing fei and others spent the last day of this trip in shangqiu.
according to the news released by shangqiu municipal education and sports bureau, on march 19, director wang xinsheng warmly welcomed the arrival of the xuzhou sports bureau and highly praised the remarkable achievements xuzhou has made in sports. as neighboring regions and brother cities, xuzhou and shangqiu are close in geography, people are friendly, language is similar, and customs are the same. shangqiu municipal education and sports bureau is willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with xuzhou sports bureau in the field of sports, jointly create sports brands, and enhance the overall level of sports in the two cities.
representatives of both sides had in-depth discussions on sports facilities construction, sports event organization, sports talent training, etc. they agreed that the two cities should give full play to their respective advantages, strengthen resource sharing and complementary advantages, and jointly promote the coordinated development of sports. the cooperation between the two cities in sports competition can be strengthened by sending athletes to exchange and holding joint events. shangqiu municipal education and sports bureau expressed its willingness to carry out in-depth cooperation with xuzhou city in sports scientific research to achieve a win-win effect.
the paper reporter zhong yuhao
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)