
shen county carries out publicity and training on the "interim provisions on anti-unfair competition on the internet"


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reporter wang xiao reports from liaocheng
in order to strengthen compliance guidance, regulate competition behavior, and maintain a good fair competition market environment, the shen county market supervision bureau held a publicity and training meeting on the "interim provisions on anti-unfair competition on the internet" on september 12. more than 100 people, including law enforcement personnel from the county bureau, directors of grassroots market supervision offices, and e-commerce operators in the county, participated in the training.
at the training session, the staff explained in detail the relevant content of the "interim provisions on anti-unfair competition on the internet" (officially implemented on september 1, 2024), focusing on the manifestations and social harms of common illegal behaviors such as false advertising, reputation speculation, and cash back for positive reviews.
the meeting required network operators to, first, strictly fulfill their principal responsibilities, effectively strengthen the awareness of "first responsible person", and establish and improve the quality assurance mechanism for goods and services; second, consciously maintain the order of e-commerce transactions, consciously resist various unfair business practices, and put an end to illegal unfair competition such as selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, driving up prices, swiping orders, and big data killing old customers; third, strengthen advertising guidance, and not publish false and illegal advertisements; fourth, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, further establish and improve the relevant system for mediation of online transaction consumer disputes, so that consumers can consume with confidence; fifth, establish the concept of honesty and trustworthiness, consciously abide by industry norms and professional ethics, operate in accordance with the law, and create a good image of honest service. at the same time, law enforcement personnel are required to strengthen the supervision of network operators, severely crack down on various illegal and irregular behaviors of unfair competition on the internet, and maintain a good fair competition market order.
this publicity and training has effectively strengthened the legal awareness and fair competition awareness of network business entities, further enhanced the co-governance awareness of all sectors of shen county society to actively participate in fair competition on the internet, and created a more profound social atmosphere of fair competition in the county.