
zixing no.2 primary school: compose a song of unity and draw a picture of family together


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huasheng online news, september 22 (reporters li xiaolan, huang shujiao, zhou lirong) in order to gather strength to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of ethnic work, and focusing on "forge a strong sense of community for the chinese nation", zixing no. 2 complete primary school organized and carried out ethnic unity publicity and education activities in september with diverse forms and rich connotations, creating a good campus atmosphere.
at the flag-raising ceremony, the school's party general branch secretary huang xianghua delivered a speech under the national flag with the theme of "national unity as one family, working together to build the chinese dream", guiding students to effectively build a strong sense of community for the chinese nation and deeply bury the seeds of love for china in their hearts. the school uses campus cultural activities as a carrier, school bulletin boards and electronic display screens to create an atmosphere, and the brigade uses theme class meetings to guide students to write chinese characters, sing red songs and learn traditional etiquette, so that the sense of community can continuously nourish the children's young hearts.
it is reported that in july, the school organized a team of outstanding teachers to use their rest time to travel thousands of miles to guangrong primary school in guolebuyi township, toksun county, xinjiang to carry out a meaningful inter-school exchange activity. teachers from both sides shared teaching experiences and discussed educational methods. students from guangrong primary school in guolebuyi township performed music and dance with xinjiang characteristics, adding bright colors to the national unity and family spirit.
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