
in the past week, more than 270 funds have "distributed red envelopes"; many stock and bond fund benchmarks have increased the proportion of bank demand deposits


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tianci liangji daily issue no. 498

1. today's fund news overview

1. the issuance of overseas-themed financial products is heating up

public data shows that since the beginning of the year, there have been more than 700 new themed wealth management products with words such as "qdii", "overseas" and "us dollar", far higher than the level of the whole of last year. among them, qdii wealth management products with fixed income strategies are particularly popular among investors. (via: securities china)

2. multiple equity and bond fund benchmarks increase the proportion of bank demand deposits

recently, a new phenomenon has emerged in funds that have changed their performance benchmarks: adding or partially changing to bank current deposit rates. the funds involved include not only bond funds, but also active equity funds, of which the latter's performance benchmark bank current deposit rates can be as high as 25%. (via: securities times)

3. more than 270 funds have distributed red envelopes in the past week

since september, public funds have been distributing dividends more frequently. public data shows that as of september 22, more than 580 funds have announced dividends in september, of which bond funds account for nearly 80%. in the past week, more than 270 funds have announced plans to distribute "red envelopes". (via: beijing business daily)

4. xi que wealth's voluntary application for cancellation of fund agency qualification was approved

recently, the tibet securities regulatory bureau announced the decision to cancel the public offering securities investment fund sales business license of xi que wealth fund sales co., ltd. this is also the result of the sales agency's voluntary application for cancellation. on september 23, xi que wealth's official website could no longer be opened normally. (via: daily economic news)

2. latest developments of well-known fund managers

1. a fund managed by chen pengyang hired a new fund manager

on september 23, bosera fund announced that bosera growth leading flexible allocation mixed fund has hired fund manager guo kangbin to jointly manage the fund with chen pengyang.

3. today's etf market comments

1. etf market review

the market rose and fell throughout the day. as of the close, the shanghai composite index rose 0.44%, the shenzhen component index rose 0.1%, and the chinext index fell 0.4%. the turnover of the shanghai and shenzhen stock markets today was 551 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.7 billion yuan from the previous trading day. in terms of sectors, precious metals, banks, communication equipment and other sectors led the gains, while photovoltaics, pork and other sectors led the declines.

specifically, the brand consumption etf led the rise by 3.24%, and many hong kong-listed central enterprise dividend etfs strengthened.

on the downside, semiconductor-related etfs collectively pulled back, with the highest decline being 1.92%.

2. etf thematic opportunities

in the first half of this year, the performance of the secondary sub-sector of communication equipment was better than that of communication services. in the secondary sub-sector of communication equipment, the tertiary sub-sectors of other communication equipment, communication network equipment and devices, and communication terminals and accessories also achieved year-on-year growth in both revenue and net profit attributable to the parent. among them, the net profit attributable to the parent of the tertiary sub-sectors of communication network equipment and devices and communication terminals and accessories increased significantly year-on-year, and was significantly higher than the year-on-year growth rate of revenue, reflecting a significant improvement in the profitability of this sub-sector, mainly benefiting from the boost in demand for the ai ​​computing power industry chain. you can pay attention to products such as communication etfs.

4. focus on newly issued funds

1. fund name: gf hang seng hong kong stock connect etf

fund type: index-stock

fund manager: luo guoqing

benchmark: hsi hong kong stock connect index return (converted using valuation exchange rate)

fund manager's past performance:

daily economic news
