
yunnan internet celebrity "xiaoying's family" in the whirlpool of public opinion: owns a company, chooses to remain silent in the face of controversy


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"are you a businessman?" xiaoying's brother asked the reporter. after receiving a negative answer, he turned and walked out of the room, and the room fell into a long silence.

recently, the yunnan internet celebrity "xiaoying's family", who has over 8 million fans on the short video platform, has been caught in a whirlpool of public opinion.she was accused of "collapse of reputation", "selling misery" and "giving away a girl for adoption", and was on the hot search list on various platforms many times.

in the eyes of local villagers, the video content of "xiaoying's family" is basically consistent with her daily life, but "i don't understand why she still lives such a life after making a lot of money."

as for other situations of xiaoying's family, the villagers replied:the most common answer is “not sure”.

on september 20, the "xiaoying family" account updated a video with the caption "i want to say something but i don't know what, i'll just let it go." since then, there has been no other response.

"xiaoying's family" posted a video suspected to be a response to doubts. screenshot of social platform

on september 22, a reporter from cover news went to xiaoying's home in xundian county, yunnan province, trying to find answers, but xiaoying didn't know where she had gone, and xiaoying's brother and sister-in-law also chose to remain silent.

xiaoying's home

“ordinary villagers” in the eyes of neighbors

on september 22, various discussions about "xiaoying's family" on the internet became increasingly heated. however, in a small village more than 100 kilometers away from kunming, the capital of yunnan province, everything was calm.

the village where xiaoying lives

when seeing a stranger entering the village, the villagers only need to roughly hear that the person is looking for someone. without asking any questions or even waiting for the other party to explain their purpose, they will raise their hands and point to the row of houses against the mountain, saying, "xiaoying's house is over there."

the village where xiaoying lives is only a 20-minute drive from the county town. after passing a mountain gate and walking about 3 kilometers, you will see many white two-story buildings with local colorful paintings on the exterior walls. the words "eyang" are written on a large stone in the village.

the village where xiaoying lives

data shows that this was once a provincial poverty-stricken village, where the number of registered poor people once accounted for 96.5% of the total population. during the poverty alleviation campaign, the village built houses in a unified manner, allocated houses according to household registration, and built cement roads to the doorsteps of the villages.

"xiaoying's family used to be very poor and went through a lot of hardships." villager zhao da ge (pseudonym) lives not far from xiaoying's home. in his impression, xiaoying's life got better after she gained more fans last year."i often see her working in the fields, and i often watch her short videos. everything she shoots is real."

mr. sun is also xiaoying's neighbor and her "fan." according to him, xiaoying married into the village about 10 years ago. "i see her almost every day. she is a very nice person. she usually goes to the fields to do farm work. i often watch her videos. it's the same as in real life."

screenshot of the video social platform released by "xiaoying's family"

as "xiaoying's family" has more and more fans, outsiders often come to the village. when they can't find the specific location, they will ask mr. sun for directions. "sometimes there are four or five people a day, and they are basically doing business."

in the eyes of many local villagers, xiaoying is their real neighbor who lives an ordinary life that they can see. however, xiaoying, who is wrapped in the identity of an internet celebrity, is indeed vague in their impression. when netizens ask, "how much money does xiaoying make?", "why doesn't she move to a better place if she has money?", and questions like "giving away girls for adoption" online, they just smile and say "i don't know".

the "internet celebrity" who sells products worth 5 million yuan per month

in the village on sunday afternoon, most houses had their doors closed. only rural passenger vehicles occasionally passed by, and only a few people took the vehicles. after the vehicles drove away, the village returned to its tranquility, and the only sound was the sound of the wind blowing in the mountains.

the village where xiaoying lives

villager wang (pseudonym) was sitting in front of his house chatting and basking in the sun with his neighbors. when he saw the reporter coming, he took the initiative to greet him, "are you here to see xiaoying?" "she's a big internet celebrity in the village, i recognize her."

xiaoying really became popular in the first half of this year. even if you don’t watch short videos, you will have heard of the memes such as “moga” and “xiaoying’s cow”.

in the video of "xiaoying's family", skinny xiaoying seems to have endless work to do, including housework, harvesting corn, cutting grass to feed cows, and taking care of children, but the house is still very messy, and the cows are so thin that they are just skin and bones. netizens jokingly call her "just like me, i can never be full and i can never starve to death."

as of september 22, the number of fans of "xiaoying's family" on douyin alone exceeded 5.84 million. recently, the sales of spicy slices, which often appear in live broadcasts, exceeded 200,000, and the sales of hot and sour noodles were close to 700,000 boxes. data from third-party platforms showed that in the past 30 days, the "xiaoying's family" account launched 13 live broadcasts, with sales ranging from 2.5 million to 5 million yuan, and an average sales of 250,000 to 500,000 yuan per broadcast.

the douyin account of "xiaoying's family" has more than 5.84 million followers. screenshot of social platform

"she should be the biggest internet celebrity in xundian." brother wang said that he often watched xiaoying's videos and live broadcasts, but he never thought about learning how to be an internet celebrity himself, "i don't understand it, and i'm not cut out for it." a villager said that his mentality when watching xiaoying's videos was "just like watching tv dramas. i know it's fake, but i just like watching it."

like brother wang, most people in the village feel that the presence of a "big internet celebrity" in the village has not changed anything for them, and no one else has tried to follow the path of an internet celebrity. the young people still go out to work, while the elderly and children stay at home. they all think that "xiaoying should make a living as an internet celebrity."

some villagers also believe that the goods sold by this internet celebrity in the village are from other places, and "it would be better if he could help other people in the village get rich together."

in response to this, in july 2024, xiaoying responded to the idea of ​​starting a company in a live broadcast. she said that the harvest season for walnuts and pine nuts is coming soon, and she wants to help sell the village's agricultural products through her own efforts, "to collect a large amount of agricultural products from our village, but i don't know if it will work. so i haven't done this yet."

he has a company but chooses to remain silent

it happened to be the weekend, and the four children of tsai ing-wen and her brother and sister-in-law were playing in the open space in front of the door. the originally planned trip to zhejiang was put on hold. according to previous media reports, tsai ing-wen once said, "before this public opinion, i would definitely be willing to go out and see the world."

bicycles and sundries in front of xiaoying's house

the main points of public opinion are focused on "collapse of the house", "whether it is selling misery for attention", "the civil affairs bureau responds to giving up children for adoption", "tsai ing-wen opened 4 companies", etc. some netizens commented: "i am afraid that tsai ing-wen will have a hard life, and i am also afraid that tsai ing-wen will suddenly drive a land rover."

as for whether it is "selling misery", most local villagers disagreed, believing that the content in the video is what xiaoying is like in her daily life. however, some villagers said that their annual income is not as high as xiaoying's family's monthly income. "her family lives much better than most people, but the video makes it seem like they are having a hard time."

screenshot of the video social platform released by "xiaoying's family"

none of the villagers interviewed knew that "xiaoying opened four companies." according to tianyancha information, xiaoying had owned four companies, including xundian liushao zaoying grocery store, xundian jinsuo zaoying department store, xundian county xiaoying yijia local products store, and kunming zhenhong culture co., ltd.

among them, xiaoying's local specialty store in xundian county and kunming zhenhong culture co., ltd. are still in existence, and their business scope includes food sales on the internet.

regarding the issue of "giving up the girl for adoption", xiaoying had previously said in the live broadcast room, "i don't want to say too much detail. i can only say that this is true. it's a little girl." according to media reports, the local government has arranged for multiple departments to verify. because it involves the public security settlement, whether the civil affairs department had the adoption agreement procedures at the time, and the health department needs to confirm the birth certificate and admission certificate at the time with the hospital, xundian county will compile materials from various departments to announce the specific investigation results.

the live broadcast supplies placed in xiaoying's home

on the evening of september 15, the "xiaoying family" account started live streaming and selling goods until the early morning of the 16th, and has not started live streaming since then. on september 20, the "xiaoying family" account updated a video with the caption "i want to say something but i don't know what to say, i'll just let it go." on the 21st, the account posted a stock video recording daily life.

on september 22, a reporter from cover news came to xiaoying's home, but did not see xiaoying herself. her sister-in-law said that she had gone out, "i don't know where she went, and i can't contact her by phone." after xiaoying's brother learned that the reporter was not a businessman, he said "i will not accept any interviews" and remained silent.

items displayed in xiaoying's home