
the revelation of the off-season hot sale of down jackets


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zhou jiahe
severe homogeneous competition, changing consumer fashion concepts... in recent years, voices have been heard from time to time that down jackets are not selling well and are being ignored. however, this summer, in jiaxing, zhejiang, the down jacket business at pinghu china garment city, the country's largest professional down jacket market, is extremely hot. one merchant sold out 300,000 down jackets in one summer. merchants actively explored the market and created a peak sales season against the trend, which also provided a reference for other local clothing operators.
there are many inspirations behind the hot sales of down jackets in the off-season. for example, it provides a deep insight into consumer psychology. down jackets are produced in the summer, and the raw material purchase cost and processing fee are low, which can really benefit consumers. for some young people or low-income people, or even some middle-income people who like big-name or high-end down jackets, choosing to "restock" in the summer is a very rational choice. another example is the flexibility of the supply chain. according to media reports, when the sales of off-season down jackets reached a peak in june this year, many manufacturers all or most of them started normal production in the off-season, which fully demonstrated the importance of a relatively stable team of high-quality technical workers. from the mindset of dealing with "inventory" to actively treating off-season consumption, this contains a deep insight and understanding of the dynamics of the consumer market.
there are no sunset industries in the market economy, only "sunset" enterprises and concepts. at any time, the potential of the consumer market can be activated and cultivated through innovations in marketing, technology and other aspects. at present, perhaps some companies are facing difficulties in production and operation, so why not learn from the strategies of jiaxing down jacket producers and operators. we expect that not only the clothing industry, but also other industries related to people's lives can continue to innovate and show new vitality in the tide of consumption upgrading, so as to open up their own vast market space and better meet the diverse needs of consumers. in this changing market environment, those businesses that can foresee consumer needs and flexibly adjust marketing strategies will surely achieve greater success.
(author's unit: guizhou writers association)
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