
inheriting innovation, turning "good prescriptions" into "good medicines" (visiting enterprises and seeing high-quality development)


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walking into renhe (group) development co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "renhe group") in zhangshu city, jiangxi province, it feels like being in an exquisite chinese garden - birds singing, water gurgling, and antique buildings with flying eaves and upturned corners. if it weren't for the aroma of medicine, you might forget that this is a traditional chinese medicine industry technology park integrating r&d, production, logistics and other functions.

in recent years, renhe group has been committed to promoting the inheritance and innovative development of traditional chinese medicine, making multi-point efforts and chain layout in scientific research, production, circulation and other links to promote the high-quality development of traditional chinese medicine cause and industry.

study ancient prescriptions and extract essence to make medicine

"the data is consistent with the ancient recipe 'er dong tang'!"

a piece of inspection and testing report made li xilong, r&d director of renhe group, excited for a long time - erdong granules, the first classic prescription product that took 7 years to develop, successfully passed the sample review of jiangxi provincial drug inspection and testing institute in may this year.

classical prescriptions are the essence of clinical experience summed up by famous doctors of all ages. the research, development and application of them are important contents in inheriting and developing the culture of traditional chinese medicine. in 2018, the state administration of traditional chinese medicine issued the "catalogue of ancient classical prescriptions (first batch)", and "erdong decoction" is one of them.

from "good prescription" to "good medicine", inheritance runs through the whole process. "in the laboratory stage, the r&d team consulted the literature, analyzed the main ingredients of each medicine in the prescription, and prepared the benchmark samples in strict accordance with the requirements of the key information, and then compared the quality with the traditional 'erdong decoction' samples." li xilong said that erdong granules passed the first hurdle of approval for marketing, which added confidence to the development of other 15 classic prescriptions.

ophiopogon japonicus from santai county, sichuan, licorice from alxa left banner, inner mongolia and minqin county, gansu... looking at the purchase list, the 8 medicinal ingredients of erdong granules were all purchased from authentic production areas.

"the group has thousands of chinese medicinal materials used in production, which are spread across authentic and main production areas of chinese medicinal materials across the country. we ensure the stable, reliable and traceable quality of the medicinal materials through on-site inspections and direct purchases from the production areas," said chen jianbo, purchasing director of renhe group.

in the pharmaceutical production workshop, pharmacists are spreading the medicine powder evenly on a round dustpan. after spraying some water on it, they lift the dustpan and shake it back and forth quickly... after a while, the medicine powder turns into tiny pills.

"these are ginseng and antler black tin pills. 80 pills weigh only 0.3 grams, which is smaller than rapeseed. they are usually made using the traditional technique of water-flooding." kang zhihua, deputy director of the industrial committee of renhe group, introduced that in order to ensure the quality of the medicine, the company still insists on using traditional chinese medicine preparation techniques such as "cutting, slicing, sieving, and frying" in some key pharmaceutical processes.

scientific and technological breakthroughs to boost product innovation

picking up a dark-colored vial, wang xiaolan, the head of r&d technology at renhe group, said: "this medicine-food enzyme is our 'star product' in the field of big health."

entering the big health market is thanks to technological innovation. "we have overcome many technical difficulties such as herbal fermentation, achieving 98% pure plant extract fermentation, and no additional water is needed in the production process," said wang xiaolan.

focusing on product innovation, renhe group has increased its r&d investment in health foods, cosmetics, medical devices, etc. "currently, in the field of big health, the company has 25 dosage forms, 35 production lines, 862 varieties and 27 invention patents," said wang xiaolan.

technological innovation helps old drugs to be "renovated" and dosage forms to be improved. in the group's exhibition hall, a number of old drugs that have been "renovated", such as shenlu bupian, yangxue danggui granules, dahuoluo capsules, and oyster calcium tablets, are particularly eye-catching.

"take the ginseng and deer supplement as an example. in the past, the product could not be produced on a large scale due to limitations in the production process. later, the research and development team made improvements in research and development design, preparation process, quality control and industrial research, and realized mass production." li xilong introduced that in the past three years, the product has achieved sales revenue of 650 million yuan.

in addition to relying on local scientific research and talent resources, renhe group has also built r&d cooperation platforms in shanghai, shenyang, chengdu, zhuhai and other places, forming a r&d team with more than 60% of its employees being doctors and masters; jointly built a high-level testing laboratory with shanghai research institute of chemical industry co., ltd.; established in-depth cooperation with scientific research institutes such as the china academy of chinese medical sciences, shanghai institute of materia medica, chinese academy of sciences, shanghai university, and jinan university; actively participated in national key r&d plans, obtained approval for a number of national torch program projects, obtained 53 new drug certificates, and 11 subsidiaries were recognized as high-tech enterprises... innovation has become an important engine to help companies develop high-quality development.

digital and intelligent integration to promote transformation and upgrading

when you come to the constant temperature workshop for pill production, you can see through the glass windows that more than 10 sets of intelligent equipment, including medicine refining machines, pill making machines, and spheronization machines, are lined up in a row. the ingredients of medicines such as liuwei dihuang pills and dahuo luo pills go through dozens of processes such as machines and pellets, medicine refining, pill making, pill screening, and polishing, and are continuously sent to the next link.

renhe group has achieved the transformation and upgrading from traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing to intelligent pharmaceutical manufacturing by building a smart factory. "the production and manufacturing of traditional chinese medicine is no longer the manual boiling as we thought. except for some key processes, the production process has basically achieved automation, digitization and online control," said kang zhihua.

"in the past, most of the process required real-time adjustments by pharmacists based on their experience and actual production conditions. now, as long as we 'input' the pharmacists' experience into the equipment, it will run automatically, and the drugs produced will have uniform particles and more stable efficacy." kang zhihua was deeply touched.

at present, renhe group has built modern technology smart workshops for traditional chinese medicine such as pill preparations, solid preparations, and liquid preparations, with an annual output value of 3.8 billion yuan.

zhangshu city is a distribution center for traditional chinese medicinal materials. renhe group has built a "cloud warehousing + cloud logistics" smart logistics model to improve the digitalization and intelligence level of pharmaceutical circulation, warehousing and distribution.

on the purchasing line, scanners automatically identify drug information in boxes; in high-bay warehouses, fully automatic elevators accurately and smoothly transfer goods between 26,100 cargo spaces; when shipping, depalletizing robots automatically ship and affix logistics labels, with a daily throughput of up to 100,000 pieces... in renhe smart pharmaceutical logistics park, a complete set of intelligent warehousing, sorting and distribution systems for drugs allows companies to completely bid farewell to the "shoulder-pulling and back-carrying" model, increasing the efficiency of related process operations by 80%, reducing comprehensive logistics costs by 10%, and increasing storage capacity within the warehouse by 100%.

the digital e-commerce park, which is across the road from the logistics park, is also full of technology. "using the 'goods-to-person picking' system, the digital e-commerce park can sort up to 110,000 orders a day, with a picking accuracy of 99.99%, reducing labor input by 30%," said min xin, planning and operations manager of the warehousing and logistics management center of renhe group.

"in 2023, our group's sales revenue reached 14.329 billion yuan, and we paid 828 million yuan in taxes," said yang wenlong, chairman of renhe group.

people's daily (edition 01, september 23, 2024)
