
shen xiaoming holds talks with peking university party committee secretary hao ping and his delegation


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huasheng online reported on september 21 (all-media reporters liu yanjuan and zhang lu) on the 20th, provincial party secretary shen xiaoming held talks with peking university party secretary hao ping and his delegation in changsha.
(on september 20, shen xiaoming held talks with peking university party committee secretary hao ping and his delegation in changsha.)
on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, shen xiaoming welcomed hao ping and his delegation and expressed his gratitude to peking university for its long-term care and support for hunan. he said that peking university is a prestigious institution of higher learning at home and abroad. in recent years, the two sides have achieved remarkable results in talent training, scientific and technological innovation, and industry-university-research cooperation. at present, hunan is deeply studying and implementing the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee and the important speeches and instructions of general secretary xi jinping during his inspection of hunan, and is promoting high-quality development with the landmark project of "three highlands" as the driving force. it is hoped that the two sides will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation and achieve more practical results.
hao ping thanked hunan for its support to peking university. he said that peking university and hunan have a deep relationship and the cooperation between the two sides has achieved positive results in recent years. peking university will give full play to its own advantages, meet the needs of hunan in advanced computing, digital economy, higher education cooperation, further strengthen the cooperation between the province and the university, and contribute more peking university strength to the economic and social development of hunan.
provincial leader qin guowen and peking university leaders qiao jie and ren yuzhong attended the talks.
photo/photo by tang jun, a reporter from huasheng online
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