
chongqing steel: 54-year-old wang huxiang is appointed chairman, previously serving as chairman of baowu egang


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chongqing iron & steel ( announced on the evening of september 19 that the company held the sixth meeting of the tenth board of directors that day and reviewed and approved the "proposal on the election of the chairman of the tenth board of directors", electing wang huxiang as the chairman of the tenth board of directors, with the same term of office as the tenth board of directors.
wang huxiang was born in april 1970 and is a senior engineer. according to his resume, wang huxiang is currently the party secretary of chongqing iron and steel co., ltd. he has served as the director of the technology department, director of the steelmaking plant, general manager of the wide plate division, vice president, senior vice president, safety director, president, deputy party secretary, director, vice chairman, party secretary, and chairman of baowu group echeng iron and steel co., ltd. wang huxiang graduated from wuhan iron and steel institute with a major in iron and steel metallurgy in 1992 and obtained a master's degree in metallurgical engineering from wuhan university of science and technology in 2002. (reporter he liping of the paper)
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