
exclusive | wuwu biotechnology's "shadow company" was fined for commercial bribery


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our reporter cao xueping reports from shanghai

on june 28, china business news exclusively reported that a partner of iwu biotechnology ( was suspected of illegally selling drugs. on september 6, the xuhui district market supervision and administration bureau of shanghai announced the "administrative penalty decision" in response to this matter.

"", a subsidiary of shanghai lianshan culture media co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "lianshan culture"), only sells two desensitization treatment drugs produced by iwu biological.

in fact, iwu biological and lianshan culture have an "inseparable and complicated" relationship. even the resume delivery email address published in lianshan culture's external recruitment information is iwu biological's corporate email address, and the phone number is the contact information that iwu biological has announced.

the shanghai xuhui district market supervision and administration bureau found that from may 2023 to may 2024, lianshan culture paid pharmaceutical service fees to registered doctors on the "" platform in the name of point rewards in order to seek competitive advantages for the "" platform and obtain more third-party service fees. the illegal income from the above commercial bribery by lianshan culture cannot be calculated.

it was determined that lianshan culture's bribery of the counterparty's staff violated article 19 of the anti-unfair competition law of the people's republic of china. based on this, the xuhui district market supervision and administration bureau of shanghai imposed an administrative penalty of 150,000 yuan on the company.

the "secret" of commercial bribery

the reporter found through multiple investigations that "" under lianshan culture has tied patients and prescribing doctors together, thus achieving the binding between drug sales and doctors' interests. according to a patient who did not want to be named, after being diagnosed with related allergic diseases in a public hospital, the doctor asked the patient to scan the code to bind the "desensitization health channel" public account and enter "" to purchase related drugs. the doctor prepares the drug order on the mobile phone, and the patient pays the drug money directly to lianshan culture through wechat. after reaching a certain purchase quantity, the company will directly ship the drugs to the patient's home.

the reporter logged into the patient's "" bundled account and found that the doctor at the public hospital had been bundled as the patient's "my doctor". the patient's subsequent renewal of prescriptions also needed to be approved by the doctor. the patient's previous drug purchase order amounted to more than 4,000 yuan.

why do doctors in public hospitals let patients buy medicine on why do patients bind themselves to doctors?

the "notice on changes to user fee plan" released by lianshan culture shows that the income earned by users from conducting business on the platform in the previous month will be settled on the first five working days of each month, and the income will be directly credited to the user's personal yi points account. if the user withdraws cash in the same month, the system will automatically calculate the tax amount and actual amount received for the withdrawal based on the current yi points, and this labor income will be reported to lianshan culture for personal tax in the next month.

obviously, these labor costs are not paid to the patients who buy the medicines. the relevant information on the internet has even more openly revealed the mystery: "the issue of account splitting related to the drug purchase process has always been a challenge faced by has realized the automatic transmission and account splitting of prescription order information, which has greatly improved the efficiency of medical transactions. doctors do not have to worry about the income not being received, and can focus more on the medical needs of patients, while pharmacies can also receive payments more quickly and improve operational efficiency."

the administrative penalty imposed by the xuhui district market supervision and administration bureau of shanghai further confirmed the facts previously reported by china business news. the bureau also found that lianshan culture, with an internet drug information service qualification certificate, was engaged in drug information services on the "" platform. the drug information provided by lianshan culture on the "" platform directly matched the online drug transactions between third-party pharmacies and patients registered on the "" platform.

or a "shadow company"

recruitment information previously released by lianshan culture shows that the company was established in 2010 and is the only strategic partner of iwu biological in the field of cultural media.

industrial and commercial registration information shows that shanghai lianshan health information consulting co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "lianshan consulting") is the only original shareholder of lianshan culture. in 2011, lianshan consulting transferred its equity to wei qi, and the supervisor was changed from sang yuechan to zhao qiuli.

in july 2019, wei qi transferred 100% of the equity of lianshan culture to wei zuchao. currently, wei zuchao is the executive director of lianshan culture, and zhao qiuli is still the supervisor of the company. zhao qiuli is also a shareholder of shanghai juntu information consulting co., ltd. sang yuechan, the former supervisor of lianshan culture, is also a shareholder of the company.

it is worth noting that there is also a person named sang yuechan among the shareholders of wowu biological. according to the information disclosed by wowu biological, lianshan consulting is a limited liability company established by wowu limited (the predecessor of wowu biological) on june 18, 2009. at the beginning of the establishment of the company, the registered capital of lianshan consulting was 1 million yuan, and wowu limited and wei qi each invested 500,000 yuan, holding 50% of the shares respectively.

on january 25, 2010, wowu co., ltd. signed the equity transfer agreement with wei yan and wei qi, respectively, transferring its 40% and 10% equity in lianshan consulting to wei yan and wei qi. in november 2011, lianshan consulting was liquidated and deregistered. the head of the liquidation team was wei qi, and the members were huang yongmei and zhang rui. there was also a person named huang yongmei among the founding shareholders of wowu biological.

hu gengxi, the actual controller of wuwu biotechnology, is the second largest shareholder of zhejiang hanmai pharmaceutical technology co., ltd., holding 19.02% of the shares. the company's supervisor is also named wei qi. in huzhou yixin culture communication co., ltd., where wei yan is the actual controller, wei zuchao is the supervisor.

after searching the industrial and commercial registration information, the reporter found that the contact number of lianshan culture is 021-64013775. this number is also the industrial and commercial registration contact number of shanghai kaiyi pharmaceutical technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "kaiyi pharmaceutical"). public information shows that kaiyi pharmaceutical is a joint venture company of wuwu biological.

what is even more strange is that the employment information websites of many universities show that in the recruitment information released by lianshan culture, the email address for sending resumes is [email protected], the corporate email address of iwu biological, and the contact number 021-64854050 is a fax number published in iwu biological's financial report. the company's address is 701, building a, science and technology building, no. 705 yishan road, xuhui district, shanghai, which is the registered address published in kaiyi pharmaceutical's annual reports from 2020 to 2022.

(editor: zhang jiazhen, reviewer: tong haihua, proofreader: yan jingning)
