
the first and fourth district cultural and artistic carnival of the party building cooperation in laiguangying district


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to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china and to sing praises to the great achievements made in the construction of the motherland under the leadership of the party central committee with general secretary xi jinping as the core, the first and fourth districts of party building cooperation in laiyuanying district recently jointly carried out a cultural and artistic carnival activity to achieve joint party building, joint event organization, scene linkage, and team governance among districts, and enhance the endogenous driving force of regional party building cooperation.
event start
zhang hongxia, the organizing committee member of the regional working committee, delivered a speech at the event. cai ying, the head of the regional women's federation, cong feifei, the deputy section chief of the party and mass affairs office, wang lijun, the president of the regional chamber of commerce, sun liwen, the deputy general manager of landi fashion manor, gong qingqiang, the marketing director of easyhome north fourth ring road store, and the secretaries and deputy secretaries of the member units of the first and fourth districts of the party building cooperation attended the event.
program show
the member units of the first and fourth districts of the party building cooperation used various art forms such as recitation, dance, song, and wind music to show the sincere feelings of the district party members, cadres, and the masses who love the party and sing praises to the motherland, as well as their spirit of forging ahead in the new era and embarking on a new journey. the whole performance was full of climaxes, and the passionate melody echoed in the air for a long time, which was very lively.
1. opening dance "red sun" performer: wutongshu kindergarten
2. dance "human fireworks" performer: huangjinyuan community
3. reciting "songs flying out of my heart" performer: new neighborhood community no. 2
4. dance "jiangshan" performer: zhuhuanian community
5. girls’ chorus “wish” performer: moliyuan community
6. dance "ink painting huizhou" performer: zishouyuan community
7. recitation of "wandering in tang poetry" performer: youth city community
8. chorus "i love you china" performer: xuhui community
9. dance "zhuoma" performer: liqing road second community
10. recitation of "i am a ship" performer: qingyouyuan community
11. dance "roga in my heart" performer: lichengyuan community
12. song and dance "when that day comes" performers: lianpayuan community, wangchunyuan community
13. dance "my motherland" performer: xinjiefang community
14. orchestral performance of "my motherland and i" performer: xiujuyuan community
lily award
orchid award
plum blossom award
peony award
through the cooperation of the first and fourth areas of the party building cooperation, this literary and artistic carnival fully stimulated the determination and enthusiasm of the majority of party members and the masses to implement the requirements of high-quality development, demonstrated the beautiful life in the new era, and enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization. the regional party building cooperation area will take this event as an opportunity to further strengthen joint construction, improve the level of party building work, continuously improve the happiness and sense of gain of the people in the area, and write a new model for regional party building cooperation.