
"you guard the motherland, i watch over you" - 365 days of life in yunnan


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in this vast and deep land
every ray of morning light carries a responsibility
every starry sky bears witness to the protection
in the mountains
on the vast blue water
under the vast blue sky
whether it is the cold wind of the snowy plateau
or the quiet night at the border post
there is always your steadfast presence
the scene of the "military ceremony" for new recruits in the second half of 2024 in honghe prefecture
before putting on the uniform
you're still a child who just grew up
in uniform
you bid farewell to your hometown and your loved ones
from now on
you have another name
people's army
your perseverance brings us peace
your contribution supports our peace
only a strong national defense
to protect our common home
only unity
only then can we build an indestructible great wall
on september 13, the "military city honghe pursues the dream of a strong army" honghe prefecture's 2024 second half recruit "military ceremony" was held in mengzi city. in autumn, various places held farewell ceremonies for new recruits, wearing military uniforms and red flowers, and embarking on a glorious journey.
on september 20, the award ceremony of the 2024 yunnan province "love our national defense, strengthen our country, and i will rejuvenate" speech contest was held.
on september 7, the final of the 2024 yunnan province "love our national defense, strengthen our country and rejuvenate with me" speech contest was successfully held in kunming. the contestants told vivid stories of loving our national defense with vivid stories and touching experiences. on the 20th, the award ceremony and report performance of the competition were held.
on september 20, the award ceremony of the 2024 yunnan province "love our national defense, strengthen our country, and i will rejuvenate" speech contest was held.
you guard the motherland, i watch over you
this is not just a passionate confession.
it is our common commitment
today, let us pay tribute to all those who have contributed to national defense!
guidance: publicity department of yunnan provincial committee of the communist party of china
produced by: cloud news cloud news public service advertising media integration studio
co-ordinator: zhang junhui
art editor: liu tao
yunnan daily-yunnan news editor: cai fei
special thanks: honghe prefecture media integration center