
zhejiang top 100 enterprises launch new products


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chao news client reporter zhu cheng
on september 19, the zhejiang federation of enterprises, the zhejiang entrepreneurs association, and the zhejiang federation of industrial economics (hereinafter referred to as the "three provincial associations") officially released the "2024 zhejiang top 100 enterprises list" (see the end of the article for the specific list). this is the 22nd consecutive time that the list has been publicly released to the society since 2003.
through the list, we have observed some trends in zhejiang's economy.
the momentum of the 100 billion club
reaching a revenue scale of 100 billion yuan is a threshold. such enterprises are usually leading enterprises in the industry, which can not only influence the market price and supply situation, but also lead the growth of multiple industrial chains and have a profound impact on the economy and society.
this year, zhejiang's "100 billion club" has expanded to 31 companies, 2 more than last year, including 1 company with a revenue of over 900 billion yuan, 1 company with a revenue of over 600 billion yuan, 2 companies with a revenue of over 400 billion yuan, and 7 companies with a revenue of over 200 billion yuan.
the charts in this article are from zhejiang federation of enterprises, zhejiang entrepreneurs association, zhejiang federation of industrial economics
alibaba (china), zhejiang rongsheng holding group, and zhejiang geely holding group still hold the top three spots. among them, alibaba is no longer the alibaba of last year. this time, ant technology group co., ltd. applied separately and became a member of the 100 billion club. alibaba alone retained more than 900 billion yuan in revenue, just one step away from the trillion club.
not long ago, the state administration for market regulation issued an announcement, announcing that alibaba group had completed three years of rectification and achieved good results. from this list, we can also see that both alibaba and ant have embarked on a new starting point for development. it is worth looking forward to how they will perform brilliantly in their respective fields in the future.
if compared with the "2024 top 500 chinese enterprises list" released on september 11, it will be found that wuchuang zhongda group co., ltd. and zhejiang transportation investment group co., ltd. are nowhere to be found in this "2024 top 100 zhejiang province enterprises list".
in fact, they also applied for splitting like alibaba. wuchan zhongda international trade group co., ltd. and wuchan zhongda metal group co., ltd. under wuchan zhongda have both joined the 100 billion club, and wuchan zhongda chemical group co., ltd. is also expected to join soon. zhejiang communications investment group's subsidiary zhejiang merchants zhongtuo group co., ltd. has also joined the 100 billion club. it is said that "when they gather together, they are a ball of fire, and when they disperse, they are stars in the sky." it seems that the little brothers under the state-owned enterprises in zhejiang province are also capable.
despite the size of these companies, their growth momentum is not bad. faced with the multiple difficulties and challenges of current economic development, many of the top 100 companies have an annual operating income growth of more than 20%. for example, hangzhou industrial investment group co., ltd. has achieved significant growth through mergers and reorganizations, tongkun holding group co., ltd. has tapped the potential and increased efficiency of new chemical fiber materials, chint group co., ltd. has been driven by smart appliances and green energy, and zhejiang geely holding group co., ltd. has achieved results in scale effect and technology moat strategy, etc.
"the reserve force of zhejiang's 100 billion club is also very strong." zheng yifang, executive vice president and secretary-general of the "three provincial associations", reminded that 47 companies have revenues of more than 50 billion yuan and are developing rapidly. it is just a matter of time before more than 50% of zhejiang's top 100 companies join the 100 billion club.
regional competition
according to this year's "2024 china top 500 enterprises list", zhejiang province has 51 enterprises on the list, 2 fewer than last year. the number of enterprises in zhejiang province that have entered the top 500 chinese enterprises ranks fourth among all provinces (municipalities), lower than beijing, shandong and guangdong.
the charts in this article are from zhejiang federation of enterprises, zhejiang entrepreneurs association, zhejiang federation of industrial economics
in fact, zhejiang and shandong are always on par. last year, zhejiang and shandong tied for third place with 53 companies. the competition between the strong is just a matter of millimeters. the fluctuation of two companies above and below caused the difference between the second and fourth place. zheng yifang said that the change of the place of registration and the change of the company's willingness to apply will lead to changes in the number every year, but from the overall trend, the competitiveness of zhejiang companies is still online.
looking at the province, hangzhou and ningbo are far ahead. among the top 100 zhejiang companies in 2024, 44 are from hangzhou and 22 are from ningbo.
"hangzhou's advantages lie in technological innovation and headquarters economy, while ningbo's advantages lie in manufacturing and port trade." zheng yifang analyzed that hangzhou is a gathering place for provincial state-owned enterprises and occupies an important position in the distribution of top 100 enterprises. in addition, it has a good business environment, rich talent resources and strong scientific research and innovation capabilities, which have attracted many large enterprises and listed companies to set up their headquarters. ningbo has a superior geographical location, a developed transportation network, and a strong manufacturing base.
among the other brothers, 8 in shaoxing, 8 in wenzhou and 5 in jiaxing have their own highlights. among them, shaoxing's traditional industries such as textiles, printing and dyeing, and chemicals are relatively developed. after years of transformation, development and upgrading, a number of highly competitive enterprises have emerged; wenzhou is one of the important birthplaces of china's private economy, with active development of private enterprises, forming industrial clusters in the fields of electrical, footwear, and machinery; jiaxing has a superior geographical location, close to shanghai and hangzhou, and has a rapid economic development. it has achieved good results in the fields of manufacturing and new materials. this year, jiaxing has two companies with a revenue of 100 billion yuan for the first time, tongkun holding group co., ltd. and xinfengming holding group co., ltd.
in addition, there are 3 companies in jinhua, 2 in lishui, 1 in taizhou, 1 in quzhou and 1 in zhoushan. the number is relatively small and still needs more efforts.
industry trends
the trend can be seen in the list.
the first is the trend of integrated development of manufacturing and service industries.
the top 100 zhejiang companies in 2024 are distributed in 19 industries, among which manufacturing remains an important pillar of zhejiang's economic development. there are 68 manufacturing companies with operating income of 6,626.414 billion yuan, an increase of 10.04% over the previous year's 6,021.964 billion yuan, accounting for 62.60% of the total revenue of the top 100.
changes in the proportion of turnover of the top 100 provincial enterprises by industry type from 2012 to 2024
the charts in this article are from zhejiang federation of enterprises, zhejiang entrepreneurs association, zhejiang federation of industrial economics
a considerable proportion of these enterprises have developed in a group model, and through the extension of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, they have intertwined and integrated with the service industry. although from the perspective of industry classification, these enterprises still belong to the manufacturing industry, in fact, it is difficult to encompass the richness of the business of the enterprises. for example, rongsheng integrates petrochemicals, chemical fibers, real estate, logistics, venture capital and other industries; geely's business covers automobiles and upstream and downstream industrial chains, smart travel services, green transportation, digital technology, etc.; hengyi's industrial internet platform promotes the integrated development of manufacturing and service industries by providing supply chain finance, smart storage and transportation and other services.
the second is the rapid development trend of strategic emerging industries.
in the "2024 zhejiang fastest growing top 100 enterprises list", zhejiang hongxin semiconductor co., ltd., which has strong r&d and production capabilities in the field of quartz products, ranked first with a business growth rate of 326%, and the second place was hangzhou lucent technology co., ltd., which provides integrated circuit testing comprehensive services. high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, information technology and other companies are all on the list.
the charts in this article are from zhejiang federation of enterprises, zhejiang entrepreneurs association, zhejiang federation of industrial economics
in addition, based on the operating income of the strategic emerging industries of relevant enterprises, 14 zhejiang enterprises were included in the "top 100 leading enterprises in china's strategic emerging industries in 2024" released by the china enterprise confederation and the china entrepreneur association, an increase of one enterprise from the previous year.
third, there is a trend of companies paying more and more attention to esg.
this year, for the first time, we added a survey on corporate esg information. esg is the abbreviation of environmental, social and governance. esg evaluates the sustainability of corporate operations and the impact on social values ​​from three dimensions: environment, society and corporate governance. it aims to discover companies that care about the environment and have social responsibility.
from the social responsibility esg information provided by the top 100 enterprises in zhejiang province, we can see that 50 of the top 100 enterprises in zhejiang province have issued social responsibility reports, and 39 have established esg committees in their boards of directors. among the remaining enterprises, almost all of them have disclosed esg-related information, involving education, medical care, public health, poverty alleviation, disaster relief, rural revitalization, support for small and micro enterprises, and scientific research funding (for universities/research institutions).
in addition, there are some trends worth noting: revenue is growing steadily. the total operating income of the top 100 enterprises in the province in 2024 reached 10,584.26 billion yuan, an increase of 5.81% over the previous year; r&d has increased significantly. the r&d expenses of the top 100 enterprises in zhejiang increased by 15.50%, and the number of patents was 160,369, an increase of 31.58%; assets declined for the first time. the total assets of the top 100 enterprises in the province in 2024 reached 9,812.476 billion yuan, a decrease of 17.91% over the previous year; profitability is improving. the average revenue profit margin of the top 100 enterprises in zhejiang is 4.95%, an increase of 1.06 percentage points over the previous year.
"we should not only pay attention to current indicators, but also judge long-term trends. we should encourage enterprises to make continuous progress on the road to becoming bigger, stronger, better and longer-lasting." zheng yifang said.
attached is the list of the top 100 enterprises in zhejiang province in 2024:
the charts in this article are from zhejiang federation of enterprises, zhejiang entrepreneurs association, zhejiang federation of industrial economics
"please indicate the source when reprinting"