
the rapid growth of a foreign trade toy company | tongren city actively optimizes the business environment and achieves good results


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recently, in the production workshop of guizhou lejia cultural and creative technology co., ltd. in songtao economic development zone of tongren city, exquisite toys have been continuously rolling off the assembly line, waiting to be packaged and sent to the target market.
"we invested in songtao because of the policy support, human resources, and corporate services here." standing in the busy and orderly workshop, the company's director liu meng is full of confidence. the company's orders for next year are already full, and this year's output value is expected to be between 260 million and 300 million yuan.
in april 2021, through investment promotion, dongguan lejia plastic products co., ltd. registered and established guizhou lejia cultural and creative technology co., ltd. in songtao, and settled in songtao economic development zone.
during the construction of lejia cultural and creative, songtao autonomous county actively set up a special working group and implemented a "full-process agency" service for the company's various procedures. a county-level leader is specifically responsible for the project construction, and a professional team is arranged to implement and promote it.
"it took only 43 days from signing the contract to putting into production, creating the songtao speed of fast investment promotion, fast production, fast development, fast investment, and fast supporting facilities." liu meng said that in order to ensure the company's rapid operation, the working group cleared out other idle and inefficient factory buildings and used them as lejia cultural and creative production workshops; at the same time, more than 7.9 million yuan was invested to build infrastructure such as covered bridges and canteens; and a total of more than 280 public rental housing units were provided to solve the problem of employee accommodation to the greatest extent possible.
with local support, in just a few years, lejia cultural and creative has built production lines for design, r&d, injection molding, painting, pad printing, assembly and packaging, printing, and quality control inspection. its products are exported to overseas markets such as japan and the united states, making it the first foreign trade toy manufacturer in songtao.
the cooperation between the government and enterprises has enabled lejia cultural and creative products to grow from scratch to be sold overseas, reflecting the good results achieved by tongren city in actively optimizing the business environment.
in recent years, tongren city has focused on building a business brand of "noble service, one-stop tongren". it has provided specialized services to key enterprises through key industry departments and local contact and service models for other enterprises. it has contacted and provided full coverage of services to 57,000 business entities in the city, established a "one enterprise, one form, and one ledger" working mechanism, collected enterprise problems by visiting and contacting enterprises, and promptly resolved enterprise-related difficulties, providing solid guarantees for promoting high-quality economic and social development.
"the rich industrial policies and superior business environment have provided strong support for innovation and entrepreneurship, and provided companies with solid backing and broad development space." liu meng said that they have acquired 95.6 acres of land at the exit of the songtao autonomous county expressway south station and on the north side of the resettlement site for relocated migrants, and are planning to build a standard factory building with a total construction area of ​​120,000 square meters. after all of them are completed and put into production, the scale of employment will reach more than 10,000 people, and the annual output value is expected to exceed 1.8 billion yuan.
creating a good business environment is a powerful magnetic field for promoting development, which determines the attractiveness, influence and competitiveness of a region. tongren city has issued the "tongren city enterprise quiet day system" and other systems to strictly regulate the order of entering enterprises, further improve service quality and enhance enterprise satisfaction.
the business environment can only be better, not the best. tian fang, director of the tongren investment promotion bureau, said that optimizing the business environment is an inevitable choice for comprehensively deepening reforms and achieving high-quality development, and is also an important task for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. in the next step, tongren city will conscientiously implement the "tongren city business environment problem complaint handling system (trial)", focusing on serving the settled enterprises, and further enhancing the sense of gain and satisfaction of enterprises in tongren.
guizhou daily tianyan news reporter ge yongzhi
edited by bai chunxia and yang yu
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