
sports enthusiasts from both sides of the taiwan strait meet friends and promote exchanges


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huaian, september 21 (xinhua) -- the 2024 jiangsu-taiwan cross-strait exchange frisbee hat competition and the first jiangsu province frisbee hat competition kicked off in huaian on september 21. six teams and more than 100 frisbee enthusiasts from both sides of the taiwan strait ran on the green field, making friends with "frisbee" and showing a tacit understanding of teamwork.
jiangsu is one of the regions with the most concentrated taiwanese investment and the most active cross-strait economic and trade exchanges. disc frisbee started early in taiwan, and a group of disc frisbee enthusiasts emerged. in jiangsu, the promotion and popularization of disc frisbee sports has also achieved remarkable results in recent times. on the day of the event, the huai'an disc frisbee sports association was unveiled.
on september 21, the 2024 jiangsu-taiwan cross-strait exchange frisbee hat competition and the first jiangsu province frisbee hat competition kicked off in huai'an. photo by xu shanshan, a reporter from china news service
chen yuhong, a taiwanese youth who has lived in mainland china for a long time and is a frisbee enthusiast, said: "in the past two years, frisbee has enriched my life and allowed me to meet a group of like-minded friends in mainland china. we learned cooperation and trust in the game and grew together. we used frisbee as a medium to build a bridge of the heart across the taiwan strait."
"i really enjoy the process of sports. i met many friends while running and learned from them." after the fierce competition, mainland youth xu yifan was sweating profusely. she said: "frisbee is easy to learn. as long as you have a hobby, everyone can participate." xu yifan plans to have a meal with the cross-strait friends she met during the competition and enjoy the food.
on september 21, the 2024 jiangsu-taiwan cross-strait exchange frisbee hat competition and the first jiangsu province frisbee hat competition kicked off in huai'an. frisbee enthusiasts from both sides of the strait ran on the green field. photo by zheng yao
as the coach of the participating team "black pineapple", taiwanese youth wang yuanjing maintained constant stability and concentration on the field, and patiently guided the players from time to time. he said: "our players are all mainland youths, but they found a taiwanese youth like me to be their coach. we often train together and go to different cities to participate in competitions. i hope that more young people from both sides of the taiwan strait will participate and learn about the sport of competitive frisbee."
in the eyes of mainland youth lin zhongzheng, frisbee is not only a physical exercise, but also a bond that connects the two sides of the taiwan strait. cross-strait youth exchanges are an important force in promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. "looking to the future, we hope that the youth on both sides of the taiwan strait can work together to carry out in-depth exchanges and cooperation in more areas."
the exchange competition lasted for two days and was co-organized by the jiangsu province frisbee sports promotion committee and the huai'an municipal committee of the revolutionary committee of the chinese kuomintang. it aims to promote cross-strait youth exchanges through frisbee sports and deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, sports and tourism. (end)