
wuhan launches "national defense mobilization propaganda and education" in rural areas, so that national security awareness will always be in people's hearts


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jimu news reporter sun tingting

photographer zou bin

correspondents: wang shili and hu xueqin

intern zeng yike

the third saturday of september every year is the national defense education day. in order to enhance the national defense concept and civil air defense awareness of the whole society, especially rural cadres and villagers, on september 20, villagers from many nearby villages gathered at the new era civilization practice square in baxu village, zhucheng street, xinzhou district, wuhan city to listen to lectures and participate in interactive quizzes with prizes. the lecturers combined real life and preached the knowledge related to national defense mobilization in a down-to-earth way. a national defense education propaganda corridor was also set up on the scene, attracting many villagers to stop and watch.

walking into baxu village, there is a red wall in front of the red brick square in front of the village bay, which is covered with propaganda posters with knowledge about national defense mobilization. many villagers read the content of the posters while visiting. on that day, the "rural revitalization and national defense in my heart" activity guided by the wuhan municipal national defense mobilization office and hosted by the xinzhou district national defense mobilization office came to baxu village. tao ye, a senior teacher from the xinzhou district no. 1 junior high school, was invited to give a lecture at the event. he conducted a national defense education class for the villagers with the theme of "caring about national defense and building the great wall together", explaining the basic concepts of national defense mobilization, the date and reasons for the test of the wuhan air defense alarm, and other contents.

xu jianjun, a villager of baxu village, is the manager of the rural library in the village. he told reporters that there are many books and materials related to national defense mobilization in the library. he usually learns a lot by himself. since he lives in the countryside, information is relatively closed, he benefits a lot from being able to get such close contact with national defense mobilization knowledge training.

the event site set up an interactive question-and-answer session with prizes, and there was also a civil air defense communication command vehicle for villagers to visit. villager xu changqing was very familiar with this vehicle. "the village usually organizes various lectures and training activities. when the air defense alarm sounded, it was this vehicle that was used." xu changqing said. xu guodong, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of baxu village, introduced that there are many veterans in the village, and the villagers have a strong atmosphere of concern for national defense security. they often organize various forms of activities to help villagers further understand civil air defense facilities and national defense knowledge and do a good job in protection.

a relevant person in charge of the national defense mobilization office of xinzhou district, wuhan city, introduced that in order to further enhance the national defense awareness of village cadres and villagers and form a good atmosphere in which villagers care about national defense, love national defense, and support national defense mobilization work, the district often holds various lectures and trainings to improve the comprehensive quality of village cadres, who then carry out relevant publicity to the villagers to establish national defense security awareness.

(source: jimu news)

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