
don't be too ridiculous | drinking green tea can protect against computer radiation? it's not as magical as you think!


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"it takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it"! this week's rumor refutation collection is here. don't believe these things anymore.

myth: oyster sauce is mainly extracted from oysters?

the truth:oyster sauce is not a direct extract from oysters, but a processed condiment containing oyster juice. although the name of oyster sauce contains "oyster", oyster sauce is actually made by boiling oysters and extracting the juice, and then going through a series of complex concentration and seasoning processes. in this process, the umami flavor of oysters is extracted and concentrated in the oyster sauce, and with the addition of certain flavor enhancers, oyster sauce has a unique taste and aroma. however, the oyster juice content of oyster sauces on the market varies. when purchasing, you should try to choose products that clearly mark the proportion of oyster juice and have a higher proportion. (source: science debunks rumors)

misconception: drinking green tea can protect against computer radiation?

the truth:drinking green tea cannot protect against computer radiation. this statement lacks scientific basis and is very misleading. green tea is indeed rich in antioxidants, such as catechins, which have many benefits for human health, such as enhancing immunity, slowing down aging, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. however, antioxidants cannot block or reduce the impact of computer radiation on the human body.

computer radiation mainly refers to electromagnetic radiation, which cannot be completely avoided in daily life, but its intensity is usually low and does little harm to the human body. in order to reduce the impact of long-term computer use on health, a more practical and effective way is to take some preventive measures. for example, keep a proper distance from the screen, use an anti-radiation screen, rest your eyes and body regularly, and maintain a good working posture. (source: science refutes rumors)

rumor: the water in shanghai’s huangpu river has overflowed?

the truth:affected by typhoon prasang, shanghai has recently experienced heavy rainfall. on the morning of september 20, netizens shared a video of the "huangpu river overflowing the embankment" on the social platform. the video shows that near the lupu bridge on the huangpu river, the river water has overflowed the "embankment" and rushed to the vegetation behind. after verifying with the municipal flood control office, the shanghai rumor-refuting platform learned that the embankment in the video is actually a cofferdam for replenishing water to rihui port, with a height of 4.5 meters, which is used to replenish water to rihui port during high tide. the secondary retaining wall (main flood control wall) behind it is the one that actually bears the flood control function, with a height of 6.5 meters. at present, the water levels near the cofferdam and the main flood control wall are both below the warning level. (source: shanghai online rumor refuting)

rumor: did the hefei feidong earthquake cause cracks in high-rise residential buildings?

the truth:on september 18, a 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in feidong county, hefei city, anhui province. after the earthquake, some netizens posted a video saying that a high-rise residential building in hefei was cracked by the earthquake, and many roads had jagged cracks. after verification by the local internet information office, the information was found to be a rumor. the video circulated online was spliced ​​and edited, and no cracks in the road surface were found in many places due to the earthquake; the gaps between high-rise buildings in the video were expansion joints, not caused by the earthquake. at present, the poster chen has been detained for five days by the feidong county public security bureau in accordance with the law. (source: hefei release)

rumor: a resident in hunan received 3 million yuan in “poverty alleviation funds”?

the truth:recently, a resident in hunan received an unknown express delivery, which contained a "notice on the issuance of special poverty alleviation funds" issued in the name of the "state financial supervision and administration bureau" and the "ministry of finance of the people's republic of china". the document stated that "the central government will increase poverty alleviation funds by 1 trillion yuan in the fourth quarter of this year. all people who receive this document are eligible to enter the group chat through qq scan code, contact online customer service, or log in to the 'zhongfu online' platform to contact customer service to apply for 3 million poverty alleviation funds." after verification by relevant departments, the notice was false information and a typical fraud method. the police reminded that if you receive an express delivery of unknown origin, do not trust the content in it, let alone scan the qr code on the express delivery; if you receive such "policy" documents, you must verify with the relevant departments, do not trust unofficial reports on the internet, and do not scan unknown qr codes at will. (source: hunan internet reporting center)

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