
strike hard! the public security department targets the "small essay" in the capital market!


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from the official microblog of securities times

a case of fabricating and disseminating false information in the capital market was severely punished by the public security organs.

the public security organs recently investigated and dealt with a case in accordance with the law in which a self-media operator maliciously fabricated online rumors to attract fans, make illegal profits, and disrupt social order.

recently, some netizens fabricated and spread false information on online platforms under the guise of foreign media, which aroused the attention of netizens and affected the financial order. according to the investigation by the cyber ​​security bureau of the ministry of public security, liu (male, 36 years old), chen (male, 46 years old), and shao (male, 26 years old) deliberately fabricated and published rumors about transfer and financing in order to gain attention, attract fans and traffic, and seek profits, misleading the public's cognition and suspected of disrupting the financial order. at present, the local public security organs have punished the relevant personnel in accordance with the law and instructed the online platforms to take disposal measures against the relevant accounts.

the reporter learned from relevant departments that the above-mentioned rumors were fabricated and released by liu and others on the internet platform under the guise of foreign media, claiming that the data of the transfer and financing was all fake, there was no upper limit on the amount of securities lending, and there were unlimited chips and bullets for short selling, etc. upon investigation, the foreign media did not publish relevant reports and the information was completely false. liu and others fabricated "small essays" out of thin air, spread "fake news", distorted facts, misled public perception, damaged market confidence, and affected the order of financial operations, all for their own illegal economic interests.

internet rumors mislead the public and disrupt social order. back to the capital market, "small essays" are "making trouble" in the market. rumor makers try to influence the rise and fall of stock prices by spreading related false information. this behavior seriously interferes with investors' decision-making judgments, distorts market price signals, infringes on investors' legitimate rights and interests, and affects the functioning of the capital market.

public security organs continue to investigate and punish cases of fabricating and spreading online rumors about the securities market. for example, in november last year, faced with false information about capital market policies, sichuan internet security department and securities regulatory department took decisive action and quickly launched an investigation. eventually, chengdu internet police arrested wang, who was investigated and punished by education, warning, detention and other punishment measures in accordance with the law.

the capital market is a market of "information + confidence". in the face of inciting "small essays" that set the pace, all parties need to work together to crack down on the fabrication and dissemination of false and misleading information in the capital market, leaving them no place to hide, and jointly maintain the order of information dissemination in the capital market and an ecological environment that is conducive to the healthy development of the capital market.

according to the cyber ​​security bureau of the ministry of public security, the ministry of public security, relying on the "net clean 2024" special operation, has organized public security organs across the country to continue to carry out special operations to combat and rectify online rumors, and resolutely rectify the behavior of self-media operators who maliciously fabricate online rumors to attract fans, make illegal profits, and disrupt social order.

a flying arrow stops at ouyou, and a rumor stops at a wise man. the public security organs call on the majority of netizens to remain calm and rational, beware of "traffic harvesting", and jointly maintain a clear cyberspace. at the same time, the public security organs hereby warn lawbreakers that the internet is not a place outside the law, and the public security organs will investigate and deal with malicious fabrication and dissemination of rumors that disrupt social order in accordance with the law.
