
is this still the honest li erniu? medical beauty destroyed my youth, give me back the tough special forces soldier


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he is a professional "rural soldier" and used eight stand-ins during the filming, but no one accused him of being a big shot.

he successfully became popular by relying on the honest and simple "li erniu".

however, when they met again after a long time, erniu changed his name to "erniu".

the label "honest man" is the biggest misunderstanding of him.

debut at the peak

when good luck comes, it cannot be stopped. the sudden popularity of military themes allowed zhao xun to seize the opportunity.

for him, who has a dream of being a soldier, it is no problem for him to play this kind of role.

the director chose him at first sight because of his unique temperament. his honest appearance makes him look like an "honest man".

it fits the character of "li erniu" in "i am a special forces soldier" very well, and his natural performance has won a lot of praise.

"i am a special forces soldier" has a strong cast, and many people come for wu jing.

but after watching it, i fell in love with zhao xun's "li erniu" and xu jia's "wang yanbing".

the drama ranked first in ratings as soon as it was broadcast, and zhao xun stood out.

after that, he received many film offers, and most of the directors who approached him were directors who wrote films about military themes.

he also lived up to expectations with his meticulous acting skills.

just when everyone thought he was on the rise, he revealed that he was using a stand-in.

this is the first time i have seen such self-destructive remarks.

the fate of the double storm

he is the only actor who admitted that he used a body double, and the number of body doubles was as high as eight.

although stand-ins are a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry, many celebrities refuse to admit it.

he was the only one who revealed on the show that he used a body double. after hearing his experience, everyone was more admiring of him.

having a stand-in is something that celebrities are most shy about, so why would he make it public?

it takes a long time to find a substitute. after all, it is difficult to find someone with a similar body shape, body shape and appearance to yourself.

not to mention the high cost, it is also a waste of energy.

many directors would choose to replace stars when they see them using body doubles, but he was lenient with them.

not only did they find eight stand-ins for him, but the entire crew waited for him for eight months.

how could he deserve such high treatment?

when filming "in the line of fire", there were many explosion scenes, and some actors chose to use body doubles.

but in order to make it more realistic, he chose to do it himself.

in addition to high-energy exercise every day, i strengthen physical training in order to present myself in better condition.

but when filming started, fate played a huge joke on him.

it is inevitable to get injured when shooting military or martial arts themes, and he is no exception.

during a shoot, he needed to be suspended by a wire, but because the scene was not set up properly, he fell directly from the air.

when he fell, he couldn't move at all and was bleeding a lot.

this scene frightened the staff, and they quickly called an ambulance for him.

however, the situation in the hospital is not optimistic.

the hospital issued him critical illness notices several times, and his pelvis was broken, making him unable to move.

the doctor said that i might develop a chronic disease and never be able to live like a normal person again.

such words struck his parents' hearts.

the child i raised with great effort has now ended up like this.

fate was on his side and he was finally out of danger during the treatment.

at that time, he had difficulty taking care of himself in eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, and these simple daily necessities could only be completed with the help of others.

because his pelvis was broken, he had to have three steel nails to support him.

the small steel nails supported his body, but they ruined his acting career.

because he couldn't do big movements, he missed out on a lot of roles, and these memories are something he can't bear to look back on.

the accident left him unable to take care of himself.

he often needed his parents' support, and he felt very guilty when he saw their gray hair.

he thought about giving up his life many times, but the encouragement from his parents was his motivation to move forward.

seeing his parents taking turns to take care of him around the clock, he secretly vowed to work hard to cheer up.

he began to adjust his mentality, worked hard to cooperate with rehabilitation training, and finally he stood up.

he wanted to return to his acting career, but found that he had no more roles to play.

the entertainment industry has always been changing very quickly, so it is naturally difficult to fit in after not filming for a long time.

the military themes that were popular before have "changed".

it became popular at first simply because of its novel subject matter and authentic acting.

gradually, military themes have become a gathering place for “fresh meat”, and many people with pointed faces have appeared in the dramas.

seeing such unprofessional casting method, many people chose to abandon the show.

at this time, short videos suddenly became popular. zhao xun saw the opportunity and planned to get a piece of the internet pie.

but the way of breaking out of the circle is a bit novel.

when we first met, he was "li erniu", and when we met again, he became "li erniu".

regroup and love life

when he reappeared in everyone's sight, he was a completely different person.

the most obvious one is his weight.

when he is anxious, he relieves stress by running.

and the most surprising thing is that the originally rough old man has transformed into a "sweet girl".

he chose the path of plastic surgery, and once he embarked on this path, it was difficult to turn back.

with long hair and cosmetic surgery, he looks more like ren jialun than ren jialun himself.

netizens lamented that once a manly man embarks on the path of plastic surgery, he will become "feminine".

in response to netizens' jokes, he just replied jokingly, saying that it was because the old house was renovated.

facing the doubts from netizens, he now faces them calmly and is not affected at all.

some people asked him why he adopted this style, whether it was because he had no roles to play or because he wanted to make money, and he said it was both.

due to the sudden change, he had no films to shoot and no source of income.

in order to let his family live a good life, he could only find a way to break through the bottleneck period.

this is also part of his transformation. he started to lose weight and become more beautiful just to create a contrast.

this is the only way to be remembered by the audience.

although many people don't understand why he played such a good hand so badly,

but only he himself knows how difficult this journey is.

even when faced with setbacks, he faced them bravely, and this alone was enough to defeat some people.

looking back on his life, it is like a dramatic life.

my childhood dream of becoming a soldier came true in the play.

for the sake of the career i like, i know it is dangerous but still choose to try it myself.

this kind of dedication to the profession is worth learning from.

when others were using stand-ins, he was the only one who stuck to his principles.

it was this love for his work that made the director make an exception for him.

while he was lying on the hospital bed, the entire crew was willing to wait for him for six months and even found eight stand-ins for him.

he deserves special treatment because he devotes his whole heart to his work.