
not as good as the third-tier cities in mainland china! fu kun-chi said hualien has become an isolated island eight times after the earthquake and complained that the taiwan authorities are slow in reconstruction efficiency


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the new session of the taiwan public opinion agency opened on the 20th. the kmt caucus convener fu kun-chi was the first to take the stage for questioning. fu kun-chi criticized the dpp authorities for their slow reconstruction after the earthquake. in addition, during the 2016 earthquake, each household in tainan received a subsidy of nt$4 million (new taiwan dollars, the same below), but now hualien only received nt$3.6 million. the current construction cost is twice as much as in the past, but the subsidy is less than in the past, which is completely unreasonable. he also lamented that hualien has become an isolated island 8 times since the earthquake, and is not even as good as a third-tier city in mainland china.

fu kun-chi focused on the "0403 earthquake" during the questioning. he pointed out that five and a half months have passed since the earthquake, and hualien is facing difficulties in reconstruction. many residents have not been able to return to their homes. he emphasized that as many as 1,949 households were affected by the earthquake, far more than the 195 households affected by the "0206 hualien earthquake" in 2018, and more than 5,000 residents were affected. compared with the "0206 earthquake", fu kun-chi, then the mayor of hualien county, planned, contracted, and started construction of the hualien hope project safe housing in less than two months, and resettled all the victims one year later.

fu kun-chi asked premier toh jung-tai directly, "when will the reconstruction of hualien be completed? are you satisfied with the efficiency?" he called on the taiwan authorities to speed up the approval of subsidies for the red-listed victims so that the victims can receive assistance as soon as possible. he also mentioned that in the past, during the 2016 earthquake, each household in tainan received a subsidy of nt$4 million, but now hualien only received nt$3.6 million. the current construction cost is twice as much as in the past, but the subsidy is less than in the past, which is completely unreasonable.

this year, earthquakes and typhoons are frequent, and hualien has become an isolated island. fu kun-chi also pointed out that after the hualien earthquake, the railway and highway were interrupted 8 times this year, and hualien has become an isolated island 8 times, which is not even as good as the third-tier cities in mainland china. people in hualien and taitung (hualien and taitung) are still walking on the suhua ancient road that was built a hundred years ago. it will be paralyzed when it rains, and even the railway will stop.

fu kun-chi gave an example. when he was taking a train on september 8, he was notified after getting on the train that the route was blocked again. all passengers got off the train to refund their tickets. the hualien railway station was like a refugee camp. no one knew how to leave hualien. at the same time, they also gave the tickets for that day to zhuo rongtai.

fu kun-chi stressed that taiwan is known for its developed tourism industry, but last year the number of inbound tourists from countries such as thailand, malaysia, and vietnam was much higher than that of taiwan; club med, which has more than 70 locations worldwide, has one in ishigaki island, which has a population of 40,000, but not a single location in taiwan. the world's high-end consumer groups cannot find decent international resorts when they come to taiwan. there are nearly a thousand b&bs for sale in hualien now, and everyone is watching closely to see when the taiwan authorities can revive hualien's tourism.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald