
hengshi town health center: going to campus to care about students' physical and mental health and protect the flowers of the motherland


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huasheng online news (correspondent: zhang yuting) from september 19th to 20th, hengshi town health center carried out new student physical examination activities and safety education and publicity activities for minors to prevent sexual assault at furong middle school and tiechong middle school.
at the event, school leaders and teachers carefully organized and arranged for students to take part in the examination in an orderly manner. medical staff from hengshi town health center took blood tests, performed lung capacity tests, vision screening, height and weight measurements, and performed internal and external and oral examinations for the students. they learned about the children's physical conditions in detail and guided the children to develop good living habits and a healthy lifestyle, stay healthy, and study hard. they carried out safety education and publicity activities on preventing sexual assault on minors, so that students could learn to identify and prevent sexual assault in different scenarios, master self-protection methods when encountering sexual assault, and effectively enhance children's understanding of sexual assault and self-prevention awareness.
after the event, medical staff will analyze and organize the examination results and promptly feedback to the school to ensure early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of students with abnormal physical development, and effectively prevent and control various diseases. in the future, the hospital will work with schools and families to pay attention to the prevention of sexual assault education for minors, continuously enhance students' safety awareness and self-protection awareness, and escort the healthy growth of children!
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