
wangcheng town middle school in zaoyang city held the "canteen open day" event


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporters zhao yilong, xie ruize, zhang yueqi) in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the special rectification of food safety, effectively improve the service management level of school canteens, and protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of all teachers and students in the school, on september 20, zaoyang city wangcheng town middle school invited members of the parents' committee, dietary committee and teacher representatives to go deep into the canteen to get a close look at the canteen's environmental hygiene, food distribution, catering quality and other situations.
members of the parents' association, the dietary committee and teacher representatives visited the canteen. photo provided by the correspondent
during the event, participants learned in detail about the canteen's manual face recognition system, the "open kitchen" project, the food bidding and distribution process, "daily supervision, weekly inspection, monthly scheduling" and other systems. they visited the canteen's operation rooms and witnessed the entire process of food processing and cooking. everyone spoke highly of the canteen's refined management, clean and bright environment, and well-equipped operating equipment, and put forward constructive suggestions on the safety and transparency of the canteen's management.
the canteen open day event not only enhanced the communication and cooperation between home and school, but also gave full play to the role of parents in supervising the school's work. in the future, the school will continue to uphold the "student-oriented" concept, continuously improve the canteen's service quality and management level, and provide strong guarantees for the healthy growth of children.