
commentator cup icon is a cover and weixiao is the boss? get another 5 kills and lead the team to the finals!


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★game horseshoes original

web vs. wer

we blue led by 957 played against we red led by weixiao. wang song, who performed well in the top lane in the past few commentator cups, switched to the mid lane of the smile team this time. although both teams only have one former professional player, it is obvious that we red has a stronger carry ability in the double c position. especially weixiao got another 5 kills today, and in the third game, he relied entirely on his kaisa to start the teamfight, dragging the team to the late game and defeating we blue. in the fourth game, the mid laner wang song also stood up, and finally wer defeated web 3-1 to advance to the finals.

smile is the boss of this session?

every time there are new former professional players participating in the commentator cup, they tend to attract a lot of attention. and they can really create an exaggerated crushing gap. for example, doinb, who was a one-man army last year, could carry the team while commanding four teammates, and he could really win the championship with 1-to-4. this year, many people thought that icon played such a role, but after the game today, it seems that weixiao is the final boss. so far, he has basically never been at a disadvantage in the laning phase, and his hero pool of the old adc in the ancient times is also very deep. he certainly can't say that he can win against the current professional players, but it is more than enough for these non-professional players in the commentator cup.

smile leads the team to the finals

in the final, smile faced off against a commentator who had returned from retirement. remember, in a 2v2, one was strong in adc and the other in support. whether adc or support was more important, this commentator cup final may give us some conclusion. in other positions, the mid laners were similar, but san could play many versions of adc heroes, while wang song was a little weak in this aspect. the top and jungle were both new commentators, and the difference was not too big, so the winning point seemed to be in the bottom lane.

wang song advances to the finals

previously, wang song and some of the commentators had a little incident in the commentator cup. whether it was intentional or not, it added a different color to wer's advancement to the finals today. especially when wang song's personal performance was still very good, he was also one of the earliest champions of the commentator cup. if he can win the championship in the mid-lane position this year, it will have a bit of the flavor of the commentator cup xiaohu.