
zhou yun, former inspector of the guizhou provincial public security department, was prosecuted! he once helped someone to set up an armed escort company


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on september 20, a reporter from learned from the supreme people's procuratorate thatrecently, the case of zhou yun, former inspector of the guizhou provincial public security department, suspected of bribery, was concluded by the guizhou provincial supervision commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. the people's procuratorate of tongren city filed a public prosecution with the tongren intermediate people's court in accordance with the law, with the jurisdiction designated by the people's procuratorate of guizhou province.the case is under further processing.

during the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorate informed the defendant zhou yun of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense counsel.the tongren municipal people's procuratorate filed the following charges:the defendant zhou yun used his positions as member of the anshun municipal party committee, secretary of the political and legal affairs commission, and director of the municipal public security bureau to seek benefits for others, and illegally accepted property from others alone or in collusion with others. the amount was extremely huge, and he should be held criminally responsible for the crime of accepting bribes in accordance with the law.

zhou yun profile picture

worked in the political and legal system of guizhou province for a long time

public information shows that zhou yun was born in february 1957 in zhangshu, jiangxi province. he started working in august 1974 and joined the communist party of china in april 1979. he has a university degree from the provincial party school and a master's degree in engineering.

since 1986, after retiring from the army, zhou yun has worked in the political and legal system of guizhou province for a long time. he has served as deputy director of the general affairs office of the political department of the guizhou provincial public security department, deputy director of the secretariat of the political department, and political commissar of the anti-drug work brigade.

in 2004, zhou yun served as deputy secretary of the anshun municipal committee of political and legal affairs, director and party secretary of the municipal public security bureau. in 2009, he served as secretary of the anshun municipal committee of political and legal affairs, director and party secretary of the municipal public security bureau, until november 2016, when he served as inspector of the guizhou provincial public security department. he served as director and party secretary of the anshun municipal public security bureau for 12 years and retired in 2017.

according to the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission on january 12, 2024, zhou yun, former inspector of the guizhou provincial public security department, was investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. reporters noticed that since 2023, many people in the political and legal system of guizhou province have been dismissed. according to the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission, on june 26, 2024, the former member of the party committee and deputy director of the guizhou provincial public security department, and the former chief of the criminal investigation corpsmin jianon january 22, 2024, the former party secretary and director of the traffic management bureau of the guizhou provincial public security departmentshi changzhengon august 31, 2023, the former member of the party committee of the guizhou provincial public security department and the former head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision stationed in the provincial public security department (retained the level of a full department head)chen ganghe is being investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

lack of personal morality and corrupt lifestyle

forming gangs and cliques

according to the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission on july 2, 2024, zhou yun was expelled from the party.

the notice stated that zhou yun had lost his ideals and beliefs, betrayed his original aspiration and mission, and engaged in "seven things". he was keen on forming cliques, forming gangs, and appointing people based on personal connections, and deliberately resisted organizational review; he ignored organizational principles, failed to report personal matters as required, did not truthfully explain the problems during organizational interviews and inquiries, and illegally sought personnel benefits for others and accepted property; he lost his integrity and accepted gifts and cash gifts in violation of regulations; he did not cultivate personal morals and lived a corrupt life; he had no awe for the party's disciplines and the country's laws, engaged in power-for-money transactions, used his position to seek benefits for others, and illegally accepted huge amounts of property.

zhou yun seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, discipline on integrity and discipline in life, constituted a serious duty violation and was suspected of bribery, and did not stop after the 18th cpc national congress. the nature of his behavior is serious and the impact is bad, and he should be dealt with seriously. in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "regulations on disciplinary actions of the communist party of china", "supervision law of the people's republic of china", "administrative punishment law of the people's republic of china for public officials" and other relevant regulations, after the standing committee of the guizhou provincial commission for discipline inspection discussed and reported to the guizhou provincial party committee for approval, it was decided to expel zhou yun from the party; cancel the benefits he enjoyed according to regulations; confiscate his illegal gains; and transfer his suspected criminal issues to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law, and transfer the relevant property together.

on july 25, 2024, the tongren city procuratorate of guizhou province made an arrest decision on zhou yun on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law.

helping people start armed escort companies and operate driving schools

illegally accepting huge amounts of money reporters noticed that on september 2, the guizhou provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision publicly reported eight typical cases of unhealthy practices and corruption among the people, including "the problem of zhou yun, former inspector of the guizhou provincial public security department, using his position to provide assistance to others and accepting property."

from 2004 to 2018, zhou yun used his positions as member of the anshun municipal party committee, secretary of the municipal party committee's political and legal affairs commission, and secretary and director of the anshun municipal public security bureau to help others set up vehicle inspection stations and armed escort companies, operate driving schools, and conduct fire inspections for real estate projects in anshun, illegally accepting huge amounts of money and property from others. zhou yun also committed other serious violations of discipline and law.