
new faces strike back! fujian wechat influence ranking for the 37th week of 2024 is here


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the fujian wechat influence index list is guided by the propaganda department of the fujian provincial party committee, hosted by the fujian daily, released by the new fujian client, and provided with data support by qingbo intelligence.
everyone is welcome to recommend their favorite or operated wechat public accounts to be included in the list. wechat public accounts that want to be included in the list can send the public account name and wechat id to [email protected] to participate in the evaluation.
the weekly ranking statistics are from september 8 to september 14, 2024. the evaluation indicator wechat communication index (wci) is calculated by qingbo index based on various wechat data indicators collected.
fujian wechat influence weekly ranking
what are the changes?
let’s take a look together——
this issuecounty influence, the top accounts continued to win, and 1 new account was shortlisted. the top seven remained unchanged, namely: "home in gulou", "jinjiang economic news", "siming express", "jinjiang tv station", "huli headlines", "shishi media", and "the most beautiful cangshan"; "tong'an release" and "yi fuqing" rose from the 11th and 14th place in the previous period to the eighth and tenth place in this period respectively, "xianyou radio and television station" ranked ninth, "anxi media" ranked twelfth, the same as the previous period, "hailianjiang", "meet minhou", and "today's jin'an" all improved compared with the previous period, and won the 13th, 15th, and 17th place respectively; "fujian weiyouxi" was newly listed, ranking 18th.
hot articles"anxi rong media"'s "there is a kind of holiday, called returning to anxi to celebrate mid-autumn festival" topped both the hot article and original hot article lists. "home in gulou"'s "tropical depression formed! expected to land tomorrow! heavy rain and rainstorms in parts of fujian" and "reversal! typhoon "bebejia" became "bald" overnight, fujian people be careful! strong winds, rainstorms and cooling are coming soon" took the second and third places respectively. "huli headlines"'s "it's settled! regarding the delay in the adjustment of the retirement age" was far ahead in the number of likes.
this issuemedia (province, city) list, the overall list fluctuated slightly, and one account returned to the list against the trend. "xiamen daily" retained the top spot, "haixia metropolis daily" advanced to second place, and "news wide angle" moved from sixth place in the previous issue to third place in this issue; "fuzhou evening news", "xiamen radio and television", "southeast morning news", "fm1007 fujian traffic radio", "987 private car radio", "fuzhou daily", "fuzhou news network", and "minnan network" all improved slightly compared with the previous issue, ranking fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, fifteenth and seventeenth respectively, and "quanzhou network" ranked the same as the previous issue, ranking twentieth; "news 110" was newly shortlisted and won the nineteenth place.
hot articles, this issue has 30 wechat articles with more than 100,000 views, including 6 articles from "news wide angle", 3 articles from "987 private car radio", "fm1007 fujian traffic radio", "haixia metropolis daily" and "xiamen radio and television", 2 articles each from "southeast morning post", "guan bamin", "haixia guide" and "xiamen daily", and 1 article each from "fm1036 fujian traffic radio", "fuzhou evening news", "mindong daily" and ""; "987 private car radio's "55-year-old takeaway "order king" died suddenly: earning 500 to 600 yuan a day and sleeping only three or four hours" topped the list of hot articles, "fm1007 fujian traffic radio's "nhk chinese announcer said "diaoyu islands are chinese territory", japan announced the results of the handling" took the second place, and the third place was "xiamen radio and television's "decision to announce! details of the delayed retirement age comparison table →", and the top original hot article came from "haixia metropolis daily's" "the incident happened in a community in fuzhou! a man fell from a building!"
this issuegovernment affairs list, the competition was fierce, and three accounts were newly listed. "fujian communist youth league", "fujian traffic police micro release", "fuzhou traffic police", and "fuzhou micro civilization" ranked the top four in the list, "xiamen federation of trade unions" climbed from the tenth in the previous period to the fifth in this period, "e longyan" moved up two places to the sixth, the dark horse "fujian police" jumped from the nineteenth in the previous period to the eighth in this period, "quanzhou traffic police micro release" ranked ninth, the same as the previous period, "putian traffic police", "fujian taxation", and "xiamen public security" made a slight improvement compared with the previous period, and won the tenth, eleventh, and fourteenth place respectively; "putian police online" made a strong list and won the seventh place, "fujian human resources and social security" and "fujian sports lottery" were shortlisted, and won the seventeenth and nineteenth place.
hot articles, this issue has a 100,000+ wechat hot article, which is "the typhoon path has changed! fujian issued an alert! is there another typhoon?" by "fujian communist youth league", and it also topped the hot article list. "typhoon warning! the landing location has changed! it will affect the mid-autumn festival travel..." by "fuzhou traffic police" ranked second, and the third hot article list came from "huang yiting, come on!" by "fujian communist youth league"; "fujian traffic police micro release" "road traffic safety travel tips for fujian province during the mid-autumn festival in 2024" has the highest number of likes.
the county, media (provincial and municipal), and government rankings are released weekly. the top 20 wechat public accounts in each category are selected, and the number of posts per week by the listed accounts is not less than 7. the monthly analysis of the county, tourism, health, education, and campus wechat communication index is released monthly. the analysis of the county wechat communication index is based on the top 20 public accounts. the analysis of the tourism, health, education, and campus wechat communication index is based on the top 10 public accounts in each category, and the number of posts per month by the relevant accounts is not less than 20.for now, only subscription accounts within the province are included, not service accounts.
among them, the county list is composed of 88 counties in the province (city, districtthe samples for the media (provincial and municipal) list are the media at the municipal level and above; the samples for the government list are the government accounts of provincial units, municipalities, and county (city, district) units, but do not include county-level government releases. if there are any omissions, please leave a message to contact us.
the "qingbo index" collects data from each wechat public account twice a day, at 0:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon every day.the data collected are all from the previous day of the account.preview post data will not be counted.
the comprehensive data is calculated using the industry-recognized wci index.qingbo index is a third-party new media big data query platform and a "two microblogs and one terminal" new media big data platform. its unique wci, bci, and tgi algorithm formulas have been cited by many central enterprises and fortune 500 companies. fujian daily is one of the most influential and credible mainstream media in fujian. the fujian wechat public account influence ranking list, published by fujian daily new fujian client and supported by qingbo intelligence, is committed to creating the most authoritative and fair wechat influence evaluation list in fujian province.
source: fujian daily·new fujian client data research room
editor: zhang qingqing
reviewed by: liu guojun, fu yu