
a love story between a grandfather and a granddaughter with a 49-year age gap: patrick tse raised coco for 12 years, how is she doing now 5 years after their breakup?


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love stories in the entertainment industry are always dazzling, but the "grandfather-granddaughter love" between patrick tse and coco can be said to be a king-bomb level!

49 years age difference? this age difference is enough to give birth to two generations!

but this "old-young pair" has been in a sweet relationship for 12 years. they are really a breath of fresh air in the love world!

however, just when everyone thought that this "age-gap love" was going to come to fruition, the plot suddenly took a turn: 86-year-old patrick tse actually rejected the proposal of 39-year-old coco.

is this a decline in morality or a distortion of human nature?

who would have thought that this enviable "fairy couple" would reach the crossroads of love in 2017?

39-year-old coco was full of longing and mustered up the courage to propose to 86-year-old patrick tse. this scene was even more bloody than an idol drama.

you have to know that patrick tse is the "fourth brother" in the hong kong entertainment industry. he is very majestic in his daily life. unexpectedly, he was forced to get married by his girlfriend. he must have been confused for a while.

old xie’s mind was racing: i’m old enough to be considered an antique. if i agree, won’t that mean coco will have to be a caregiver?

this is not a marriage at all, it's simply a disguised form of asking for death.

so after some hard thought, mr. xie decided to reject the proposal for coco's own good.

this rejection hurt coco badly.

tell me, you have been with an old man for 12 years, your youth is almost exhausted, but in the end you didn’t even get a name for yourself. who wouldn’t be sad?

but coco is also a smart person. she knows very well that the age gap between herself and patrick tse is wider than the pacific ocean, and forcing them to stay together would probably only hurt both of them.

after the breakup, patrick tse was alone in his seaside villa, thinking hard and crying all day long.

this once powerful figure in the entertainment industry now looks like a lovelorn boy, staring at the sea all day long. it is such a desolate scene.

although coco was heartbroken, she still gritted her teeth and decided to move forward.

facing xie xian's request for reconciliation, she shook her head firmly. it seems that this "grandfather-granddaughter love" is really coming to an end.

this love that spanned half a century ultimately succumbed to the ruthlessness of time.

but we have to say that their story teaches us a vivid lesson in love: love is beautiful, but reality is often more cruel.

since the love between patrick tse and coco was ultimately defeated by the passage of time, let us get on a time machine and go back to 2005 to see how this legend began.

that year, 69-year-old patrick tse met 20-year-old coco in a bar in hong kong. the scene was like a scene from an idol drama.

the young and beautiful coco danced gracefully on the dance floor like a light butterfly.

suddenly, she accidentally stepped on empty air and was about to fall flat on her face in front of everyone.

at this critical moment, our hero xie stepped forward and caught coco steadily with a handsome princess hug.

this scene is simply an old-young version of "titanic".

from then on, patrick tse and coco started their journey of "age-gap love".

to be honest, no one was optimistic about this "grandfather-granddaughter love" at that time, and thought it was a farce.

but who would have thought that this "generation gap couple" had been in a sweet relationship for 12 years, which really surprised many people.

during these 12 years, patrick tse doted on coco and treated her like a little princess.

luxury cars, luxury houses, luxury goods, as long as coco blinks, patrick tse will immediately pay for them.

this action is simply ruining the title of "wife-loving maniac".

but patrick tse not only pampered coco materially, he also gave her great spiritual support.

with the encouragement of patrick tse, coco bravely pursued her dream, successfully entered the modeling circle, and her career flourished.

it can be said that without the support of patrick tse, there would be no coco today.

this is not "keeping a sponsor" at all, it's simply the modern version of "bo le meets a thousand-mile horse".

every time the two of them attend an event together, the scene is simply too pleasing to the eyes.

xie xian always holds coco's hand, his eyes full of pampering, as if saying: "look, this is my little princess!"

coco also looked very happy, not caring about the outside world's opinions at all, as if silently declaring: "my husband is my god!"

this couple in a love affair between people of different ages turned the relationship between an old man and a young girl into a perfect match between a talented man and a beautiful woman.

their love story is a resounding slap in the face to those doubters.

who says love must be between equals? who says that a big age gap means you can’t fall in love?

patrick tse and coco have proved through their actions that age is just a number in the face of true love.

speaking of patrick tse’s love history, it is truly colorful.

this "fourth brother"'s record in the love field is even more brilliant than his acting career.

before meeting coco, patrick tse had experienced many emotional ups and downs, and could be called a "love veteran" in the entertainment industry.

let’s talk about zhen zhen first. back then, patrick tse and zhen zhen were the golden boy and girl of the entertainment industry.

the two of them are so sweet and loving that it can kill single people.

unfortunately, the good times didn't last long and zhen zhen finally chose to be with liu jiachang.

the end of this relationship made patrick tse sad for a long time, and he almost thought he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

but our hero xie is not a man who gives up easily. he quickly regrouped and continued his love journey.

next is josephine siao, who is a passionate person, independent, confident and career-oriented. she is truly the epitome of a strong woman.

xie xian was attracted by her charm, and the two quickly fell in love, performing a drama of "the domineering president falls in love with me".

but the good times didn't last long! after they got together, they found that their values ​​were too different.

one wants to travel around the world, the other wants to settle down. isn't this a real case of "talking at cross purposes"?

in the end, they chose to break up peacefully. although this relationship was short, it left a deep impression on patrick tse.

later, patrick tse met miss hong kong deborah, and this time it was serious.

the two of them got married! everyone thought that xie xian had finally found true love and could settle down.

what happened? deborah met her old lover after marriage and resolutely chose to leave patrick tse.

this wave of operations is even more outrageous than a soap opera, which makes people sigh: this is the legendary "law of true fragrance".

having experienced so many emotional ups and downs, xie xian can be said to be a seasoned love veteran.

but the end of each relationship made him more mature, as if preparing for meeting coco.

it was not until he met coco that xie xian found his true home, as if all his previous relationships existed just for the purpose of meeting her.

although this "grandfather-granddaughter love" did not end up in marriage, it has to be said that xie xian's love history is simply a wonderful "love record".

from his experience we can see that love is something that can only be encountered but not sought after.

although xie xian’s love life is wonderful, it can only become a memory in the end.

time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been 5 years since patrick tse and coco broke up.

this "grandfather-granddaughter love" that once caused a sensation has now become a legend in the entertainment industry.

but it leaves us with too much to savor and think about, just like a glass of aged wine, the more you taste it, the better it tastes.

can age gap really hinder love? judging from the story of patrick tse and coco, the answer seems to be no.

they spent 12 years together, proving that love can indeed transcend the gap of age. they are simply the real-life version of "romeo and juliet".

but at the same time, their breakup also tells us that although love is romantic, reality is often more cruel.

just like a beautiful dream, you will eventually wake up in the sunshine.

now coco has come out of the shadow of the breakup and started her new life.

she still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude and keeps making progress in her career. she is truly a representative of a strong woman.

what about xie xian? although he is old, he still maintains his love for life.

this makes people sigh: although true love is gone, life must go on.

this story of "grandfather-granddaughter love" may have become a thing of the past.

but the thoughts it leaves us with will continue forever.

what is love, and can it really conquer all?

maybe the answer lies in everyone's heart.

it's like a test question with no standard answer. everyone's answer is unique.

so the question is, if patrick tse and coco were given another chance, would they choose to start over?

i'm afraid only the person involved can answer this question.

but no matter what, their story has become a legend in the entertainment industry and will remain in our memory forever.