
the movie "guardian 1314" starts shooting!


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recently, the film "guardian 1314" jointly created by xi'an public security traffic police and a professional film and television team officially started shooting at the foot of qinling mountains. li yu, deputy commander of the xi'an public security traffic police detachment, shaanxi radio and television group, the publicity and law department of the traffic police corps of the shaanxi provincial public security department, the publicity department of the xi'an public security bureau, the special police detachment, the anti-drug detachment, the police training detachment and representatives of the relevant departments and brigades of the detachment, as well as the film's creative team, attended the opening ceremony of the film "guardian 1314".

in the exciting and forging ahead historical journey of xi'an public security traffic police, the names of qiao mingyou and chen jianzhong, police officers of qinling squadron of chang'an traffic police brigade, are engraved in our hearts. the towering qinling mountains have engraved their majestic figures; the white snow has witnessed their innocent hearts. the heroic spirit of heaven and earth is still awe-inspiring for thousands of years. to learn from heroes and models, we must walk into heroes and models.

the movie "guarding 1314" is based on the story of the qinling squadron of the chang'an traffic police brigade. it tells the story of how the xi'an public security traffic police, together with the criminal police, special police, and anti-drug police, cracked a gambling and drug-related drag racing case that occurred at 1314 kilometers of the 210 national highway in the qinling mountains. this film not only promotes the heroic spirit of the qinling traffic police squadron and presents the heroic deeds of the public security police, but also focuses on reflecting the strong measures and remarkable results of the various police types in close cooperation and heavy-handed crackdown on illegal crimes and safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property under the background of the comprehensive implementation of the "three-down" project to gather people's hearts by the xi'an public security bureau.

the film took two years to prepare. the script was officially approved by the state film administration on december 19, 2023. it was directed by xin zhao, with han xueyu and mao cheng as the chief producers. it was produced by shaanxi xueyu cultural media co., ltd. and jointly produced by the political department of xi'an public security bureau, traffic police detachment of xi'an public security bureau, special police detachment of xi'an public security bureau, narcotics control detachment of xi'an public security bureau, police training detachment of xi'an public security bureau, yanta branch of xi'an public security bureau, chang'an branch of xi'an public security bureau, ningshan county public security bureau of ankang city, and shaanxi provincial radio and television media group. wang shiyao, wang jianjun, mao cheng, mao yashao, jia kangxi, wang shuangbao, baduo, miao fu, wang jianxin, shao laowu, wei yinan, zhu yi, sun yifei, yan jiexin, wang xiaohu and others performed the story of traffic police in the depths of qinling mountains, continuing the glory of heroes, following the footsteps of heroes, and contributing traffic police forces to a safe china.

at the opening ceremony, deputy captain li yu, former editor-in-chief of shaanxi radio and television media group hu jintao, former deputy director of the public security bureau of xi'an public security bureau zheng chaogang and other leaders delivered speeches respectively. political commissar zhang feipu of the chang'an traffic police brigade made a speech on behalf of the prototype unit of the film, and producer representative han xueyu and director xin zhao shared and exchanged ideas respectively.

along with the countdown to the start of filming, deputy captain li yu invited the main leaders and guests present to start filming the movie "guarding 1314" together.


the qinling squadron of chang'an traffic police brigade was established in 2000. it was successively affiliated to the traffic police brigade of chang'an county public security bureau and the traffic police brigade of chang'an branch of xi'an public security bureau. it was responsible for the traffic management of the qinling chang'an section of national highway 210, totaling 40.46 kilometers. in december 2014, the entire system was transferred to the management of the traffic police detachment of xi'an public security bureau.

as the guardian of the southern gate of xi'an, the squadron has taken root in the qinling mountains and marched forward courageously. in just six years since its establishment, two second-class public security heroes, chen jianzhong and qiao mingyou, have emerged. on november 24, 2000, comrade chen jianzhong was on his way to perform his duties when he was in a traffic accident and died after rescue efforts failed. on july 16, 2006, comrade qiao mingyou led patrol police and villagers to extinguish a mountain fire on the north slope of beishicao village along national highway 210 in the qinling mountains. on the way down the mountain to report to the brigade, he suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and unfortunately died on the job.

they are not only good traffic police who perform their duties conscientiously, but also caring people who care about the people. whether they are turning the "tiger's mouth" in the mountains into a "passage" in the work of troubleshooting and managing hidden dangers, or reminding the people of safety matters in the bad weather of rain, fog, wind and snow, every bit of ordinary deeds contains the most sincere and profound feelings for the country and is rooted in the fertile soil of the spirit, and is passed on from generation to generation...

using movies to present the work of the public security traffic police is a beneficial attempt by the xi'an public security traffic police. the xi'an public security traffic police hopes to use the unique charm of movies to show the shaanxi public security team, especially the traffic police team, who have long been down-to-earth and have taken on the mission of protecting the safety of the people, and to show the strong determination and powerful measures of the people's police to forge an iron army, gather the hearts of the people, and ensure safety.

xi'an public security traffic police also look forward to using more, newer and better forms to tell stories about public security traffic police, spread the heroic spirit of traffic police, promote the image of xi'an city, promote positive social energy, use art to unite the hearts of the people and the police, and promote traffic management and safety governance to achieve greater success!