
guojin securities gives oregan a buy rating, metal packaging has reached a turning point, and profitability continues to improve


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meijing ai news,guojin securities released a research report on september 19, giving oregan (, latest price: 4.18 yuan) a buy rating with a target price of 5.2 yuan. the main reasons for the rating include: 1) two-piece cans: the increase in canning rate supports demand, and the slowdown in competition boosts profits; 2) three-piece cans: the impact of the red bull lawsuit is weakening, and customer expansion and product expansion disperse risks; 3) other businesses: the filling business is under short-term pressure, and innovative businesses are actively deployed; 4) overseas comparison: benchmarking against leading american companies, long-term profit improvement can be expected. risk warning: intensified market competition; rising raw material prices; insufficient capacity utilization; asset restructuring; a high proportion of equity pledged by major shareholders.

ai comment: in the past month, oregan received attention from 3 brokerage research reports, 1 was bought and 1 was increased.

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(reporter wang xiaobo)

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